A common problem is transferring data from one statistical package to another. Converting data from SPSS to SAS is not very difficult, as the example below illustrates. Say you have a file called hsb2.sav and you want to convert it to a SAS file. You can simply click File then Save As and then for Save as type choose SAS v7+ Windows Long File Extension (*.sas7bdat). You then just type in the name of the file, and you have yourself a SAS data file from your SPSS data file.
But, there is a wrinkle. Say that your SPSS file has formats as well. Then you would check the box Save value labels into a SAS file and that would create a .sas file. For example, if you created hsb2.sas7bdat then it would create hsb2.sas which you would run in SAS to create your format file, and you would use that format file like any other format file.