Page 125 Regression from chapter 6.
data lung; set "c:\cama3\lung"; ffev1a = ffev1/100; run;
proc reg data = lung; model ffev1a = fheight; run; quit;
<some output omitted> Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 -4.08670 1.15198 -3.55 0.0005 FHEIGHT 1 0.11811 0.01662 7.11 <.0001
Page 127 Descriptive statistics at the bottom of the page.
proc means data = lung; var fage fheight ffev1a; run;
The MEANS Procedure Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAGE 150 40.1333333 6.8899953 26.0000000 59.0000000 FHEIGHT 150 69.2600000 2.7791892 61.0000000 76.0000000 ffev1a 150 4.0932667 0.6507523 2.5000000 5.8500000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Page 133 Covariance and correlation matrices.
proc corr data = lung cov noprob; var fage fheight fweight; run;
<some output omitted> Covariance Matrix, DF = 149 FAGE FHEIGHT FWEIGHT FAGE 47.4720358 -1.0751678 -3.6492170 FHEIGHT -1.0751678 7.7238926 34.6954362 FWEIGHT -3.6492170 34.6954362 573.7978076
Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 150 FAGE FHEIGHT FWEIGHT FAGE 1.00000 -0.05615 -0.02211 FHEIGHT -0.05615 1.00000 0.52116 FWEIGHT -0.02211 0.52116 1.00000
Page 138 Table 7.2 ANOVA example from the lung function data (fathers).
proc reg data = lung; model ffev1a = fheight fage; run; quit;
<some output omitted> Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 21.05697 10.52848 36.81 <.0001 Error 147 42.04133 0.28600 Corrected Total 149 63.09830
Page 140 The t-test at the top of the page
NOTE: This is given as part of the output for the proc reg above.
Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 -2.76075 1.13775 -2.43 0.0165 FHEIGHT 1 0.11440 0.01579 7.25 <.0001 FAGE 1 -0.02664 0.00637 -4.18 <.0001
Page 150 Table 7.5 Statistical output for the lung function data for males and females.
NOTE: To do the top part of the table, you need to reshape the data from wide to long. Please see our FAQ on reshaping data from wide to long using a data step for a further explanation of this code.
data long; set lung; mfev1a = mfev1/100; array asex(2) fsex msex; array aage(2) fage mage; array aheight(2) fheight mheight; array afev1(2) ffev1a mfev1a; do parent = 1 to 2; sex = asex(parent); age = aage(parent); height = aheight(parent); fev1 = afev1(parent); output; end; keep id sex age height fev1; run; proc means data = long mean std; var age height fev1; run;
The MEANS Procedure Variable Mean Std Dev ---------------------------------------- age 38.8466667 6.9124837 height 66.6766667 3.6856572 fev1 3.5332000 0.8025856 ----------------------------------------
proc reg data = long; model fev1 = age height / stb; run; quit;
The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: fev1 <some output omitted> Root MSE 0.52751 R-Square 0.5709 Dependent Mean 3.53320 Adj R-Sq 0.5680 Coeff Var 14.93008 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Standardized Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Estimate Intercept 1 -6.73699 0.56329 -11.96 <.0001 0 age 1 -0.01860 0.00444 -4.19 <.0001 -0.16018 height 1 0.16486 0.00833 19.79 <.0001 0.75710
The second and third panels of the table can be obtained using the by statement in the proc means and proc reg. First, we need to sort the data by sex and save the sorted data file (which we called longsort). We then used proc format to create value labels for sex for clarity in the output. We called the format for sex sex, and you can tell the variable sex from the format sex because the format always ends in a period (.).
proc sort data = long out=longsort; by sex; run; proc format; value sex 1 = "male" 2 = "female"; run; proc means data = longsort mean std; by sex; format sex sex.; var age height fev1; run;
sex=male The MEANS Procedure Variable Mean Std Dev ---------------------------------------- age 40.1333333 6.8899953 height 69.2600000 2.7791892 fev1 4.0932667 0.6507523 ---------------------------------------- sex=female Variable Mean Std Dev ---------------------------------------- age 37.5600000 6.7141841 height 64.0933333 2.4695370 fev1 2.9731333 0.4874136 ----------------------------------------
proc reg data = longsort; by sex; format sex sex.; model fev1 = age height / stb; run; quit;
sex=male The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: fev1 <some output omitted> Root MSE 0.53479 R-Square 0.3337 Dependent Mean 4.09327 Adj R-Sq 0.3247 Coeff Var 13.06500 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Standardized Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Estimate Intercept 1 -2.76075 1.13775 -2.43 0.0165 0 age 1 -0.02664 0.00637 -4.18 <.0001 -0.28205 height 1 0.11440 0.01579 7.25 <.0001 0.48856 sex=female The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: fev1 <some output omitted> Root MSE 0.41305 R-Square 0.2915 Dependent Mean 2.97313 Adj R-Sq 0.2819 Coeff Var 13.89275 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Standardized Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Estimate Intercept 1 -2.21116 0.89607 -2.47 0.0147 0 age 1 -0.01998 0.00504 -3.96 0.0001 -0.27516 height 1 0.09259 0.01370 6.76 <.0001 0.46913