Describe contents of a package on your local computer.
The %local_describe macro will show you the contents of a package that you have downloaded to your local computer. A package is simply a list of files available at a web site, and would typically be composed of a SAS macro (e.g., a help file for the macro (e.g. test.hlp), and possibly one or more supplemental files (e.g. hsb2.sas7bdat). The %local_describe macro shows you the contents of a package you downloaded so you can see what is in it and perhaps use the %local_help command to get more information about using the macros contained within it. If you wish to describe a package located on a web server, you can use the %net_describe macro to describe a package before downloading it.
%local_describe( package_name )
- The package_name is the name of the package that you want to describe, and this parameter is required.
To describe the files contained in the package test that you downloaded to your local computer, you can type
%local_describe( test )
Also See
Also see the help for %net_describe.