Title profileplot -- Profile plot Syntax profileplot varlist [if] [in] [weight] , by(varname) [median xlabel(x-axis_labels) xtitle(title_string) msymbol(marker_symbol) * ] options description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main median plot medians instead of means xlabel() labels for the x-axis xtitle() title for the x-axis msymbol() marker symbol, use i for invisible * other graphics options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pweights are allowed but are ignored with the median option. Description profileplot draws a profile plot of several variables for each of two or more groups. Examples . profileplot read write math science, by(group) . profileplot read write math science, by(group) median . profileplot read write math, by(group) xlabel(1 "R" 2 "W" 3 "M") Author Phil Ender Statistical Consulting Group UCLA Academic Technology Services ender@ucla.edu Acknowlegdements Xiao Chen of UCLA ATS for numerous helpful suggestions.