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Analysis and visualization of interactions in R
OARC Statistical Methods and Data Analytics
Workshop outline
This workshop will teach you how to analyze and visualize
interactions in regression models in R
both using the
package and with base R
Topics discussed in the workshop:
- Review of linear regression
- interpreting coefficients
- dummy variables for categorical predictors
- main effects models
- Introduction to the
- estimated marginal means
- estimating effects
- visualizing effects
- Models with interactions
- why we model interactions
- product terms
- general interpretation of coefficients in models with
- Analyzing, intepreting, and visualizing two-way interactions with
- interactions of two continuous variables
- interactions of two categorical variables
- interactions of a categorical variable and a continuous
- interactions in generalized linear models (logistic regression)
- Do-it-yourself (DIY) analysis and visualizations of interactions
- Estimating simple effects through re-centering and changing
reference groups
- Predictions
- Graphing predictions to visualize effects
Workshop packages
This workshop requires the emmeans
packages. This workshop is interactive, so if you
wish to participate, please load both packages into R
Workshop data set
The workshop data set contains data from an experiment of mice being
fed 3 different diets.
- weight: weight in grams, the dependent variable
- age: age in weeks, from 2 to 16 weeks in increments of 2
- diet: diet type, one of high-“fat”, high-“starch”, or “control”
- sex: male or female
- litter: number of pups in litter, from 2 to 10
- hyper: 0=no hypertension, 1=hypertension
Note: the data are artificial. Do not make any inferences regarding
mouse weights from these data.
# read in data
mouse <- read.csv("")
# display first few rows
## age sex diet litter weight hyper
## 1 2 male control 2 14.76288 0
## 2 2 female fat 4 24.18650 0
## 3 2 male starch 6 21.14797 0
## 4 2 female control 8 21.60721 0
## 5 2 male fat 10 20.22701 0
## 6 2 female starch 2 16.17364 0
Review of regression
Regression with a continuous predictor
First, we review the interpretation of the coefficients of a
regression model with a single continuous predictor.
In general, a regression coefficient for a predictor will be
interpreted as the expected change in the dependent variable for a
one-unit change in the predictor.
Below we model weight predicted by age:
We use the lm()
function to run a linear regression
# simple linear regression
m_age <- lm(weight ~ age, data=mouse)
# regression tabl
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ age, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -21.7664 -3.4502 -0.0978 3.3996 17.5530
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 19.86225 0.34484 57.60 <2e-16 ***
## age 0.53043 0.03414 15.54 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.42 on 1198 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.1677, Adjusted R-squared: 0.167
## F-statistic: 241.3 on 1 and 1198 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Interpretation of coefficients:
- ˆb0=19.86, the intercept
is the expected outcome when all of the predictors equal zero. Thus,
this is the expected weight for a mouse at week 0.
- ˆbage=0.53, the slope
of age. Mice are expected to gain .53 grams of weight per week.
Review of dummy variables
In regression models, categorical variables are typically represented
by one or more dummy or indicator variables:
- 0 means not belonging to the category
- 1 means belonging to the category
A variable with k categories can
be represented by k−1 dummy
For example, we can represent sex (2 categories) with a single dummy
variable that equals 0 for males and equals 1 for females.
male |
0 |
female |
1 |
female |
1 |
male |
0 |
For a 3-level categorical variable, we will need two dummies:
fat |
1 |
0 |
starch |
0 |
1 |
starch |
0 |
1 |
control |
0 |
0 |
fat |
1 |
0 |
We do not need a third dummy variable for control, because being
and starch=0
implies membership to the
control group.
The omitted category is often referred to as the reference
group in regression models.
Factors in R
Factors can be used to represent categorical variables in
Essentially, factors are integer variables with labels for each
integer value.
We use the factor()
function to convert a character
variable (or integer variable) to a factor
To see the distinct categories of the factor in the order of their
integer representation, use levels()
on the factor
# character vector
income <- c("low", "mid", "high", "high", "low", "mid")
# convert it to factor
f_income <- factor(income)
# distinct categories, in order (first value is 1, second values is 2, ...)
## [1] "high" "low" "mid"
The factor()
function will use alphabetical ordering to
order the categories by default.
If we want to specify the order, we use the levels=
argument in factor()
# specifying the order of levels
f_income <- factor(income, levels=c("low", "mid", "high"))
## [1] "low" "mid" "high"
Although we will rarely need to use them, we can see the underlying
integer values by converting the factor to a numeric
# underlying integer values for factor
## [1] 1 2 3 3 1 2
If we are starting with an integer variable that we wish to convert
to a factor
, we use labels=
to apply the text labels which will then become
the levels themselves:
# 0=low, 1=mid, 2=high
num_income <- c(0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1)
f_num_income <- factor(num_income, labels=c("low", "mid", "high"))
# labels become the levels
## [1] "low" "mid" "high"
# the variable now displays the labels/levels
## [1] low mid high high low mid
## Levels: low mid high
Important: In regression models, R
automatically create dummy variables for each level of factor except for
the first, which will thus be the reference group.
Let’s make sex and diet into factor
# convert mouse vars to factors
mouse$sex <- factor(mouse$sex, levels=c("male", "female")) # male is reference
mouse$diet <- factor(mouse$diet, levels=c("control", "fat", "starch")) # control is reference
## 'data.frame': 1200 obs. of 6 variables:
## $ age : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
## $ sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "male","female": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
## $ diet : Factor w/ 3 levels "control","fat",..: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
## $ litter: int 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 ...
## $ weight: num 14.8 24.2 21.1 21.6 20.2 ...
## $ hyper : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Categorical variables in regression models
Categorical variables with k
categories are represented in regression models by k−1 dummy variables. We cannot add all
k dummy variables to the model due
to perfect collinearity.
The dummy variable omitted from the model represents the reference
group, and the coefficients will represent differences from this
reference group.
Let’s interpret the coefficients for a model where diet is predicting
# regression with a categorical predictor
m_diet <- lm(weight ~ diet, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -17.690 -3.925 -0.164 3.715 18.681
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 22.1505 0.2836 78.099 <2e-16 ***
## dietfat 4.0095 0.4011 9.996 <2e-16 ***
## dietstarch 3.4472 0.4011 8.594 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.672 on 1197 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.08916, Adjusted R-squared: 0.08764
## F-statistic: 58.58 on 2 and 1197 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
- ˆb0=22.51 the expected
weight for a mouse on the control diet (the reference group, i.e. when
and starch=0
- ˆbfat=4.01, mice on the
high-fat diet are expected to weigh 4.01 grams more than mice on the
control diet
- ˆbsta=3.45, mice on the
high-starch diet are expected to weigh 3.45 grams more than mice on the
control diet
Main effects model with continuous and categorical
Let’s run a model where weight is the dependent variable, and diet,
sex, and age are independent variables.
A model without interactions is sometimes called a main
effects model, in which the variables’ effects do not depend on
other variables.
Reference groups for our categorical variables (first level of
- males for sex
- control for diet
# main effects model
m_me <- lm(weight ~ sex + diet + age, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ sex + diet + age, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -20.082 -3.242 -0.042 3.274 15.236
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 18.17791 0.40983 44.354 < 2e-16 ***
## sexfemale -1.60246 0.29242 -5.480 5.18e-08 ***
## dietfat 4.00950 0.35814 11.195 < 2e-16 ***
## dietstarch 3.44720 0.35814 9.625 < 2e-16 ***
## age 0.53043 0.03191 16.625 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.065 on 1195 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.275, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2726
## F-statistic: 113.3 on 4 and 1195 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Interpretation of regression coefficients:
- ˆb0=18.18, the predicted
weight for a male mouse on the control diet at age=0.
- ˆbfem=−1.60, females
are expected to weigh 1.6 grams less than males, holding diet and age
- ˆbfat=4.00, mice on the
high-fat diet are expected to weigh 4 grams more than mice on the
control diet, holding sex and age constant
- ˆbsta=3.45, mice on the
high-starch diet are expected to weigh 3.45 grams more than mice on the
control diet, holding sex and age constant
- ˆbage=0.53, mice are
expected to gain 0.53 grams per week, holding sex and diet constant
Exercise 1
Load the auction
data set from our website:
# exercise data set
auction <- read.csv("")
These data describe how much participants were willing to bid on
items in a blind auction (all bidders make a single bid simultaneously),
depending on characteristics of the item and how long the auction would
- bid: the amount of the bid in dollars
- hours: the number of hours before the auction ends
- quality: the quality of the item, as judged by the participant based
on pictures and a description of the item; ranges from 0 (lowest) to 5
- rarity: how hard to find the item is, one of “common”, “rare”,
- budget: the participants budget, categorized as “small” or
- Currently, rarity and budget are character variables. Convert them
both to factors, with the ordering of the levels for rarity and budget
as (common, rare, unique) and (small, large), respectively.
- Run a main effects linear regression modeling bid (the outcome)
predicted by hours and rarity.
- Interpret the coefficients
The emmeans
Overview of the emmeans
The emmeans
package can:
- compute estimated marginal means (EMMs), which are
predicted outcomes at specific values of predictors, possibly averaged
over values of other predictors
- compute contrasts between EMMs, which can be useful to estimate
effects among levels of a categorical variable (that may be involved in
an interaction)
- or calculate slopes (linear trends) for continuous variables
- generate graphs of model estimates and predictions, including
The procedure for estimating effects (and contrasts) will differ
depending on whether the variable whose effects we seek is categorical
or continuous.
For effects of a categorical variable:
- use
to estimate EMMs across values of
predictors (possibly involved in an interaction) and store these in an
object of class emmGrid
- use
on the emmGrid
(created by emmeans()
) to estimate effects and differences
between effects
- use
on the emmGrid
object to graph
the interaction
For effects (slopes) of a continuous variable we skip the
step and instead:
- use
on the object created by the regression
function (e.g. lm
object) to estimate slopes of the
continuous variable
- use
on the regression object to graph the
One of the strengths of the emmeans
package is that it
regression models from many packages.
The emmeans()
The emmeans()
function calculates EMMs. The required
arguments are:
- a regression model object (e.g.
object) is the first
, a vector of names of variables over whose
values we wish to calculate marginal means
- for a factor variable, EMMs are calculated at each level of the
- for a numeric (continuous) variable, EMMs are calculated at the mean
of the variable by default (we can specify values in
- model variables not specified in
are averaged
- when analyzing an interaction, we will generally specify the the
variables involved in the interaction here
For example, below we use emmeans()
to calculate EMMs
across levels of diet based on our main effects model.
# EMMs for each diet level, averaging across levels of sex and at the mean age
emm_me <- emmeans(m_me, specs=c("diet"))
emm_me # display the EMMs
## diet emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control 22.2 0.253 1195 21.7 22.6
## fat 26.2 0.253 1195 25.7 26.7
## starch 25.6 0.253 1195 25.1 26.1
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## Confidence level used: 0.95
# class of object created by emmeans
## [1] "emmGrid"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "emmeans"
We can add sex to specs=
to get EMMs at each crossing of
diet and sex (and at the mean age):
# EMMs for each crossing of diet and sex
emm_me2 <- emmeans(m_me, specs=c("diet", "sex"))
## diet sex emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control male 23.0 0.292 1195 22.4 23.5
## fat male 27.0 0.292 1195 26.4 27.5
## starch male 26.4 0.292 1195 25.8 27.0
## control female 21.3 0.292 1195 20.8 21.9
## fat female 25.4 0.292 1195 24.8 25.9
## starch female 24.8 0.292 1195 24.2 25.4
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Once we have created an emmeans
), we next specify it in
to estimate differences between the EMMs or in
to graph the interaction.
A quick note about averaging over categorical covariates
Variables not specified in specs=
are averaged over. For
categorical variables, the default is to give equal weight to each
category. This typically makes sense for experimental data where there
is counterbalancing of categorical covariates.
In observational data, we instead often want the EMMs to reflect the
proportional representation of the categories in the population. For
example, races are not equally represented in the US population, and if
we want our EMMs to reflect the proportional representation of race in
the US, we can specify weights=proportional
# when averaging over sex for these EMMs, use the frequencies of sex
# in the data to weight
emm_me <- emmeans(m_me, specs=c("diet"), weights="proportional")
# not run, because all factors are balanced in the data
Note: The method of averaging over covariates will
typically only affect the estimation of EMMs themselves and should not
affect estimation of simple effects and interaction contrasts (because
those covariate effects are differenced out).
Pairwise comparisons among factor levels with
Although we get estimates of differences between the high fat diet
and control as well as high starch diet and control, we do not get a
direct estimate of the difference between high fat and high starch.
We can easily obtain all pairwise comparisons among levels of factor
by running contrast()
on the emmGrid
Important arguments for contrast()
- the first argument to
is the
object produced by emmeans()
requests contrasts among all levels
of a variable with each other
- the default is
, which requests contrasts
of all levels with the average over all levels
requests contrasts among all levels of
# effects of diet
contrast(emm_me, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.010 0.358 1195 -11.195 <.0001
## control - starch -3.447 0.358 1195 -9.625 <.0001
## fat - starch 0.562 0.358 1195 1.570 0.2591
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Multiple comparison adjustments for emmeans
In the output of contrast()
estimating the effects of
diet, a note at the bottom of the output indicates that p-values have
been adjusted using Tukey’s method.
# notice p-val adjustment
contrast(emm_me, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.010 0.358 1195 -11.195 <.0001
## control - starch -3.447 0.358 1195 -9.625 <.0001
## fat - starch 0.562 0.358 1195 1.570 0.2591
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
The emmeans
package will by default apply adjustments
that vary by the method=
An adjust=
option can be added to many functions from
the emmeans
package to specify which method of adjustment
to use.
For example, we can request no p-value adjustment with
# no p-value adjustment
contrast(emm_me, method="pairwise", simple="diet", adjust="none")
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.010 0.358 1195 -11.195 <.0001
## control - starch -3.447 0.358 1195 -9.625 <.0001
## fat - starch 0.562 0.358 1195 1.570 0.1167
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
See ?summary.emmGrid
for a list of the many adjustments
that are possible.
A discussion of multiple hypothesis adjustments is beyond the scope
of this workshop, and henceforth we will not re-specify the
Estimating slopes with emmeans::emtrends()
To estimate slopes of continuous variables, we skip the
step and use emtrends()
- the first argument must be a fitted model object, not an
, a name of a variable (or vector of names of
variables) across whose levels the slopes will be estimated
- e.g. if a factor variable is specified, slopes will be calculated at
each level of the factor
, the variable whose slopes we want to
Below we request estimates of the slope of age for each diet
# slopes of age across diets
emtrends(m_me, specs="diet", var="age")
## diet age.trend SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control 0.53 0.0319 1195 0.468 0.593
## fat 0.53 0.0319 1195 0.468 0.593
## starch 0.53 0.0319 1195 0.468 0.593
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## Confidence level used: 0.95
The slope estimates are the same because this is a main effects
model, where the effects of variables are constrained to be the same
across levels of other variables.
Graphing model predictions with emmeans::emmip()
The emmip()
function is designed to create
interaction plots, but can be used to
plot predictions from models without interactions.
Graphs of model predictions across values of the predictors are a
common way to visualize predictor effects.
Important arguments for emmip()
(see ?emmip
for many more):
- the first argument is
- the
object if we wish to visualize the effects
of a categorical variable
- the regression model object if we wish to visualize the effects of a
continuous variable
, the second argument is a formula of the form
break.variable ~ x.variable
, resulting in
being mapped to the x-axis, and
separate lines/colors being produced across levels of
- Note: if an object created by
is used as the
first argument (i.e. an emmGrid
object), then only those
variables specified in specs=
in emmeans()
be specified in this formula
, requests confidence intervals and is
by default.
xlab=, ylab=, tlab=
, labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and
Generally, the variable whose effect we wish to visualize should be
mapped to the x-axis.
For example, let’s visualize the effects of diet for each sex (we
will need to use the emm_me2
in which both sex and diet
were specified in specs=
# graphs of diet effect for each sex
# diet is on the x-axis
# different lines/colors by sex
# 95% confidence intervals
emmip(emm_me2, sex ~ diet, CIs=TRUE)

The graph above is actually a plot of the EMMs estimated for each
combination of diet and sex in the object emm_me2
, and it
allows us to visualize the differences between the expected weights for
each diet and sex.
Graphing slopes with emmeans::emmip()
We can also visualize slopes with emmip()
, using the
following procedure:
- use
directly by specifying the regression model
object as the first argument, not an emmGrid
- i.e., skip the
- specify the formula with the break variable on the left side of
and the slope variable on the right side
- use
to specify the range of values to plot for the
slope variable inside of list()
Here we visualize the slopes of age for each diet group:
# model object is first argument to visualize slopes
# age on x-axis
# separate lines by diet
# at= specifies we want estimates at ages 2, 9, and 16
# 95% CIs
emmip(m_me, diet ~ age,
For more confidence interval estimates, specify more values inside of
the range of the slope variable, such as each integer between 2 and 16
for age…
# now we estimate at each integer between 2 and 16 for age
emmip(m_me, diet ~ age,

… or each number between 2 and 16 in increments of 0.2:
# now we estimate at each integer between 2 and 16 for age
# we also change the label for the y-axis
emmip(m_me, diet ~ age,
ylab="predicted weight (g)")

Customizing emmip()
plots with
Conveniently, we can use ggplot2
functions and syntax to
customize the plot:
# using ggplot2 code to modify emmip graph
emmip(m_me, diet ~ age, at=list(age=seq(2,16,0.2)), CIs=TRUE) +
theme_classic() +
scale_color_manual(values=c("orange", "brown", "purple")) +
labs(x="diet", y="predicted weight (g)") # can also use emmip xlab=, ylab=

If you’d like to build the plot from scratch using the
estimates, you can save the data used to build the
plot by specifying plotit=FALSE
saving the result to an object:
# saving emmip plot data to data set
plotdata <- emmip(m_me, diet ~ age,
## diet age yvar SE df LCL UCL tvar xvar
## control 2.0 18.4 0.338 1195 17.8 19.1 control 2.0
## fat 2.0 22.4 0.338 1195 21.8 23.1 fat 2.0
## starch 2.0 21.9 0.338 1195 21.2 22.5 starch 2.0
## control 2.2 18.5 0.333 1195 17.9 19.2 control 2.2
## fat 2.2 22.6 0.333 1195 21.9 23.2 fat 2.2
## starch 2.2 22.0 0.333 1195 21.3 22.6 starch 2.2
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Then we can use ggplot2
functions to plot the data
ourselves. Here we change the CI style from geom_pointrange
to geom_ribbon
# plotting with CI bands
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=age, y=yvar, color=diet, group=diet)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=LCL, ymax=UCL, fill=diet), alpha=.5)

Exercise 2
Using the main effects model of bid regressed on hours and rarity
(from the auction data) in Exercise 1:
- Estimate the slopes of hours for each rarity.
- Plot the slopes of hours for each rarity (from 2 to 9 hours).
Interactions and moderation models
Why model interactions?
An interaction allows the effect of a variable to depend on the value
of another variable.
Main effects models assume the effect of a variable to be the same
across values of another variable, whereas interactions relax this
If we enter the interaction of variable X and variable Z into a regression model, we can answer
the following questions:
- What are the effects of X at
different values of Z?
- The effects of X at specific
levels of Z are often called
simple effects or conditional effects
- How different are the effects of X at different values of Z?
The same questions with the roles of X and Z reversed can also be answered.
The dependency of a variable’s effect on another variable is often
called moderation or effect modification.
Product terms
An interaction between variables X and Z can be modeled with a product term
(variable), XZ=X×Z.
Although we can create these variables ourselves and add them to the
regression model, R provides a convenient syntax for interactions in
regression models that does not require the product term to be in the
data set.
We don’t usually need to create these variables ourselves because
provides a convenient syntax for regression model
formulas to model interactions using only the component variables:
enters the product term XZ into the model
enters both of the lower order terms, X and Z, as well as the product term XZ into the model
If either X
or Z
(or both) are factors,
will multiple each dummy variable representing that
variable by the other variable.
The following two model specifications are equivalent.
# equivalent interaction notation in R
m_int1 <- lm(weight ~ diet + sex + diet:sex, data=mouse)
m_int2 <- lm(weight ~ diet*sex, data=mouse)
Generally, we should include the lower order terms X and Z in a model with their interaction XZ, because omitting them constrains
certain simple effects to zero, which can be result in a poorly fitting
General interpretation of coefficients in interaction models
For a model that includes X,
Z, and their interaction XZ predicting an outcome Y:
Yi=b0+bXXi+bZZi+bX×ZXZi+ϵi the general interpretation of the
coefficients will be:
- b0, the intercept is again the
expected outcome Yi when all
predictors equal zero, or X=0,
Z=0, and XZ=0
- bX, the simple
effect of X when Z=0
- commonly misinterpreted as the main effect of X
- bZ, the simple effect of Z when X=0
- bX×Z, the change in
the effect of X per unit-increase
in Z (and vice-versa)
- interactions allow the effect of X to vary with Z, and the effect of Z to vary with X
The coefficient for the interaction is a difference between two
simple effects. For example, bX×Z equals the difference in the simple effect of X when Z=1 and the simple effect of X when Z=0.
In short:
- coefficients for lower order terms are interpreted as simple effects
when the moderator is zero
- interaction coefficients are interpreted as differences between
simple effects
- interaction coefficients will have 2 interpretations, reflecting
that each variable in the interaction moderates the effect of the
Interaction of two continuous variables
Regression model with an interaction of two continuous
Let’s interpret the coefficients of a regression model that
- age
- litter
- the interaction of age and litter
- sex
We include sex in the model to discuss how to handle other covariates
when visualizing an interaction.
# interaction of age and litter
m_agelitter <- lm(weight ~ age*litter + sex, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ age * litter + sex, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -22.5676 -3.5492 -0.0922 3.3112 16.0442
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 20.51989 0.81014 25.329 < 2e-16 ***
## age 0.67363 0.07876 8.553 < 2e-16 ***
## litter 0.02393 0.11991 0.200 0.8418
## sexfemale -1.60246 0.30778 -5.207 2.26e-07 ***
## age:litter -0.02387 0.01187 -2.010 0.0446 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.331 on 1195 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.1969, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1942
## F-statistic: 73.24 on 4 and 1195 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
- ˆb0=20.52: a mouse at 0
weeks from a litter of 0 pups is expected to weight 20.52 grams
- ˆbage=0.67: a mouse
from a litter of 0 pups is expected to gain 0.67 grams per week
- ˆblit=0.024: at 0
weeks, mice are expected to weight 0.024 grams more per additional pup
in the litter
- ˆba×l=−0.024:
for each additional pup in the litter, the expected weekly increase in
weight (the age effect) decreases by 0.024
- or, for each additional week, the expected change in weight for each
additional pup (the litter effect) decreases by 0.024
As we can see above,
- the lower order terms are interpreted as simple effects of a
variable when the interacting variable=0, (e.g. ˆbage is the simple effect
(slope) of the age when litter=0)
- interaction terms are interpreted as a difference between two simple
effects, (ˆba×l is
the difference between the simple effects of age for two litter values
that differ by 1 (e.g. litter=1 vs litter=0))
With these coefficients, we can estimate the simple slope (effect) of
age at different litter sizes (litter is the moderator here).
Simple effects not directly estimated by the regression will be
calculated by adding the lower order term to the interaction term
multiplied by the value of the moderator.
age.effectlitter=ˆbage+ˆba×llitter For example, the age effect when litter=0 is:
The age effect when litter=2 is:
The age effect when litter=10 is:
The age effect, the increase in weight per week, decreases as litter
size increases. Litter appears to moderate the effect of
We can similarly estimate the effect of litter at various ages.
litter.effectage=ˆblit+ˆba×lage The litter effect when age=8 is:
At 8 weeks, for each additional pup in the birth litter, a mouse is
expected to weigh 0.17 grams less.
Using emmeans::emtrends()
to estimate simple
Because we wish to estimate the simple effects (slopes) of a
continuous variable, we will use emtrends()
Below, we will estimate the simple slopes of age at different values
of litter. For this problem, litter is the moderator. When the
moderator is continuous, we will have to choose values at which we wish
to estimate simple effects/slopes of the other variable. Common choices
- substantively meaningful values, such as ages 18 and 21 for US
citizens, or clinical cutoffs (e.g. for blood pressure and
- minimum and maximum observed values
- mean, mean+sd, mean-sd
Let’s estimate the effects of age at litter sizes 2, 6, and 10 (min,
mean, and max).
Here, we will use the following arguments:
- the first argument is the regression model object
, the name of the moderator,
, the name of the variable whose simple effects we
wish to estimate, "age"
, a list()
containing the values of the
moderator (litter) at which to estimate the simple effects
# simples slopes of age at litter=2,6,10
age_by_litter <- emtrends(m_agelitter, # model
specs="litter", # moderator
var="age", # simple effects we want
at=list(litter=c(2, 6, 10))) # moderator values
## litter age.trend SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## 2 0.626 0.0582 1195 0.512 0.740
## 6 0.530 0.0336 1195 0.465 0.596
## 10 0.435 0.0582 1195 0.321 0.549
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
## Confidence level used: 0.95
We can see the decreasing slope of age as litter increases.
If you need p-values for the age slopes, put the result of
inside of test()
# p-values for age slopes
## litter age.trend SE df t.ratio p.value
## 2 0.626 0.0582 1195 10.761 <.0001
## 6 0.530 0.0336 1195 15.795 <.0001
## 10 0.435 0.0582 1195 7.478 <.0001
## Results are averaged over the levels of: sex
Visualizing the interaction of two continuous variables with
Now we will graph the slopes of age at specific values of litter
using emmip()
- to graph slopes, we use the regression model object as the first
- litter is the break variable, and age is the x-variable, so the
formula is
litter ~ age
- we specify values for both litter and age inside of a
as an argument for at=
# graph of age slopes by litter values
emmip(m_agelitter, litter ~ age,
at=list(age=2:16, litter=c(2,6,10)),

We see that mice from larger litters grow slower over time.
Exercise 3
Using the auction dataset:
- Run a linear regression modeling bid predicted by hours, quality,
and their interaction.
- Estimate the simple slopes of hours at each quality from 0 to
- Graph the simple slopes of hours at each quality from 0 to 5.
Interaction of two categorical variables
Modeling the interaction of two categorical variables
Now we will model the interaction of 2 categorical variables in a
model that includes:
- diet
- sex
- interaction of diet and sex
- age
The diet variable is represented by 2 dummy variables, while the sex variable
is represented by 1 dummy variable,
so the interaction will be represented by 2×1=2 variables.
The regression model:
# interaction of diet and sex
m_dietsex <- lm(weight ~ diet*sex + age, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * sex + age, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -19.8664 -3.2698 -0.0475 3.2184 15.4413
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 17.962272 0.458595 39.168 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat 4.011671 0.505993 7.928 5.07e-15 ***
## dietstarch 4.091955 0.505993 8.087 1.49e-15 ***
## sexfemale -1.171179 0.505993 -2.315 0.0208 *
## age 0.530425 0.031875 16.641 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat:sexfemale -0.004334 0.715583 -0.006 0.9952
## dietstarch:sexfemale -1.289503 0.715583 -1.802 0.0718 .
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.06 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2777, Adjusted R-squared: 0.274
## F-statistic: 76.43 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
- ˆb0=17.96: the
intercept is the expected weight when all predictors equal 0, so a male
on the control diet at week 0 is expected to weight 17.96 grams, ^weightcon,mal,age=0=17.96
- ˆbfat=4.01: males on
the high fat diet are expected to weigh 4.01 grams more than males on
the control diet (i.e. the effect of the high fat diet when sex=0),
holding age constant, ^weightfat,mal,age−^weightcon,mal,age=4.01
- ˆbstarch=4.09: males on
the high starch diet are expected to weigh 4.09 grams more than males on
the control diet, holding age constant, ^weightsta,mal,age−^weightcon,mal,age=4.09
- ˆbfem=−1.17: females on
the control diet are expected to weigh 1.17 grams less than males on the
control diet (i.e. the sex effect when fat=0 and starch=0), holding age
constant, ^weightcon,fem,age−^weightcon,mal,age=−1.17
- ˆbage=0.53: mice are
expected to gain 0.53 grams per week, holding diet and sex constant,
- ˆbf×f=−0.004:
the difference between high fat females and control females is .004
grams less than the difference between high fat males and control males,
holding age constant, (^weightfat,fem,age−^weightcon,fem,age)−(^weightfat,mal,age−^weightcon,mal,age)=−0.004
- or, the difference between high fat females and high fat males is
.004 grams less than the difference between control females and control
males, holding age constant, (^weightfat,fem,age−^weightfat,mal,age)−(^weightcon,fem,age−^weightcon,mal,age)=−0.004
- ˆbs×f=−1.29: the
difference between high starch females and control females is 1.29 grams
less than the difference between high starch males and control males,
holding age constant
- or, the difference between high starch females and high starch males
is 1.29 grams less than the difference between control females and
control males, holding age constant
Questions not directly answered by the coefficients:
- how different are males on the high fat and high starch diets?
- what are the simple effects of diet for females?
- is (high fat - high starch) difference different between males and
These questions can be answered by functions in the
pacakge (or by re-parameterizing the model).
Simple effects analysis with emmeans::contrast()
Two of the regression coefficients from the model with diet and sex
interacted could be interpreted as the simple effects of diet for
We can estimate all of these simple effects easily with
from emmeans
The first step is creating an emmGrid
object from the
function, and we should specify both variables
involved in the interaction in specs=
# EMMs for diet*sex interaction
emm_dietsex <- emmeans(m_dietsex, specs=c("diet", "sex"))
## diet sex emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control male 22.7 0.358 1193 22.0 23.4
## fat male 26.7 0.358 1193 26.0 27.4
## starch male 26.8 0.358 1193 26.1 27.5
## control female 21.6 0.358 1193 20.9 22.3
## fat female 25.6 0.358 1193 24.9 26.3
## starch female 24.4 0.358 1193 23.7 25.1
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Then we specify the emmGrid
object as the first argument
to contrast
, as well as:
for all pairwise comparisons of
requests the simple effects of diet (for
each sex)
# simple effects of diet by sex
contrast(emm_dietsex, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## sex = male:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.0117 0.506 1193 -7.928 <.0001
## control - starch -4.0920 0.506 1193 -8.087 <.0001
## fat - starch -0.0803 0.506 1193 -0.159 0.9862
## sex = female:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.0073 0.506 1193 -7.920 <.0001
## control - starch -2.8025 0.506 1193 -5.539 <.0001
## fat - starch 1.2049 0.506 1193 2.381 0.0458
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Above we see the estimated simple effects of diet for each sex.
Although the control - fat
contrast looks similar
between the sexes, the other two contrasts do not:
- the interaction coefficient ˆbf×f=−0.004 is the difference between the two
control - fat
contrasts (−4.0117−−4.0073=−0.004)
- the interaction coefficient ˆbs×f=−1.29 is the difference between the two
control - strach
- the difference between the two
fat - starch
is not directly estimated in the model
For confidence intervals, we can put the contrast()
inside of confint()
# 95% CI for simple effects of diet by sex
confint(contrast(emm_dietsex, method="pairwise", simple="diet"))
## sex = male:
## contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control - fat -4.0117 0.506 1193 -5.1991 -2.82
## control - starch -4.0920 0.506 1193 -5.2793 -2.90
## fat - starch -0.0803 0.506 1193 -1.2677 1.11
## sex = female:
## contrast estimate SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control - fat -4.0073 0.506 1193 -5.1947 -2.82
## control - starch -2.8025 0.506 1193 -3.9898 -1.62
## fat - starch 1.2049 0.506 1193 0.0175 2.39
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## Conf-level adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
If we are instead interested in simple sex effects for each diet, we
simply specify simple="sex"
# simple effects of sex by diet
contrast(emm_dietsex, method="pairwise", simple="sex")
## diet = control:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## male - female 1.17 0.506 1193 2.315 0.0208
## diet = fat:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## male - female 1.18 0.506 1193 2.323 0.0203
## diet = starch:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## male - female 2.46 0.506 1193 4.863 <.0001
Interaction contrasts using contrast()
One of the interaction contrasts (difference between simple effects)
is not directly estimated in the regression model: the difference
between (fat - starch
) for males and
(fat - starch
) for females (or, equivalently, the
difference between (male - female
) for the fat diet vs
(male - female
) for the starch diet.)
We can easily get all interaction contrasts with
, by specifying interaction=TRUE
instead of simple=
(but keeping
# interaction contrasts
contrast(emm_dietsex, method="pairwise", interaction=TRUE)
## diet_pairwise sex_pairwise estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat male - female -0.00433 0.716 1193 -0.006 0.9952
## control - starch male - female -1.28950 0.716 1193 -1.802 0.0718
## fat - starch male - female -1.28517 0.716 1193 -1.796 0.0728
The final contrast with estimate −1.28517 is the one interaction not
directly estimated by the regression model we ran.
Visualizing interactions of two categorical variables with
To visualize the simple effects of diet across levels of sex (the
moderator here), we specify in emmip()
- the
object as the first argument
- sex is the break variable (moderators) and diet is the x.variable,
so the formula is
sex ~ diet
# diet mapped to x-axis, separate lines/colors by sex, with 95% CIs
emmip(emm_dietsex, sex ~ diet, CI=TRUE)
The lack of parallelism between the lines suggests an interaction.
Specifically, it seems the starch diet affects weight (vs control or vs
fat) differently between the sexes.
If we instead wish to visualize the simple effects of sex across
diet, we reverse the formula:
# sex mapped to x-axis, separate lines/colors by diet, with 95% CIs
emmip(emm_dietsex, diet ~ sex, CI=TRUE)

Exercise 4
Using the auction data set
- Run a linear regression modeling bid predicted by rarity, budget,
and their interaction.
- Estimate the simple effects of rarity across budgets.
- Graph the simple effects of rarity across budgets.
Interaction of a categorical and continuous variable
Regression model with an interaction of a categorical and continuous
We will discuss how to interpret and visualize the interaction of a
categorical and continuous variable by modeling weight regressed on:
- diet
- age
- the interaction of diet and age
- litter
# interaction of diet and age
m_dietage <- lm(weight ~ diet*age + litter, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * age + litter, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -18.5675 -3.3093 -0.0853 3.1501 15.1545
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 20.66186 0.63530 32.523 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat 0.23384 0.78533 0.298 0.765939
## dietstarch 0.80315 0.78533 1.023 0.306664
## age 0.29266 0.05498 5.323 1.22e-07 ***
## litter -0.19088 0.05143 -3.711 0.000216 ***
## dietfat:age 0.41952 0.07776 5.395 8.25e-08 ***
## dietstarch:age 0.29378 0.07776 3.778 0.000166 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.039 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2835, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2799
## F-statistic: 78.68 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Interpretation of coefficients:
- ˆb0=20.66: mice on the
control diet at 0 weeks from litters with 0 pups are expected to weigh
20.66 grams
- ˆbfat=0.23: high-fat
mice are expected to weight .23 grams more than control mice at 0 weeks
(age=0), holding litter constant
- ˆbfat=0.80: high-starch
mice are expected to weight .23 grams more than control mice at 0 weeks,
holding litter constant
- ˆbage=0.29: mice on the
control diet (the reference group, when fat=0 and starch=0) are expected
to gain 0.29 grams per week (i.e. the simple slope of age), holding
litter constant
- ˆblit=−0.19: mice are
expected to weigh .19 grams less per additional pup in the litter,
holding diet and age constant
- ˆbf×a=0.42: for
high-fat mice, the amount of weight gain per week is .42 grams/week more
than for control mice
- or, the difference between high-fat and control mice increases by
.42 grams/week
- ˆbs×a=0.29: for
high-starch mice, the amount of weight gain per week is .29 g/wk more
than for control mice
- or, the difference between high-starch and control mice increases by
.29 grams/week
Some quantities not directly estimated by this regression model:
- age slope for high-fat and high-starch mice
- difference between those 2 age slopes
Simple slopes analysis using emmeans::emtrends()
To estimate simple slopes, we again skip the step of estimating EMMs
with emmeans()
and use emtrends()
- the first argument is the regression model object
, the moderator(s)
, the variable whose simple slopes we want to
# simple slopes of age by diet
emtrends(m_dietage, specs=c("diet"), var="age")
## diet age.trend SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control 0.293 0.055 1193 0.185 0.401
## fat 0.712 0.055 1193 0.604 0.820
## starch 0.586 0.055 1193 0.479 0.694
## Confidence level used: 0.95
We can see that mice on the control diet grow considerably slower
than those on the other two diets.
For p-values, place the emtrends()
# p-values of slopes of age by diet
test(emtrends(m_dietage, specs=c("diet"), var="age"))
## diet age.trend SE df t.ratio p.value
## control 0.293 0.055 1193 5.323 <.0001
## fat 0.712 0.055 1193 12.952 <.0001
## starch 0.586 0.055 1193 10.666 <.0001
Simple effects analysis using emmeans::contrast()
We may also be interested in the simple effects of diets at specific
We return to our procedure for estimating simple effects by first
using emmeans()
to obtain the EMMs.
- specify both interacting variables, diet and age, in
- specify a list of ages (inside of
) at which to
estimate the diet effects using at=
# EMMs for each diet at ages 2, 9, and 16
emm_dietage <- emmeans(m_dietage, specs=c("diet", "age"), at=list(age=c(2,9,16)))
## diet age emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control 2 20.1 0.460 1193 19.2 21.0
## fat 2 21.2 0.460 1193 20.3 22.1
## starch 2 21.5 0.460 1193 20.6 22.4
## control 9 22.2 0.252 1193 21.7 22.6
## fat 9 26.2 0.252 1193 25.7 26.7
## starch 9 25.6 0.252 1193 25.1 26.1
## control 16 24.2 0.460 1193 23.3 25.1
## fat 16 31.1 0.460 1193 30.2 32.0
## starch 16 29.7 0.460 1193 28.8 30.6
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Then, to estimate the simple effects of diet, we use
just as before, with
and simple="diet"
# simple effects of diet by age
contrast(emm_dietage, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## age = 2:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -1.073 0.651 1193 -1.649 0.2256
## control - starch -1.391 0.651 1193 -2.138 0.0828
## fat - starch -0.318 0.651 1193 -0.489 0.8768
## age = 9:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.010 0.356 1193 -11.252 <.0001
## control - starch -3.447 0.356 1193 -9.674 <.0001
## fat - starch 0.562 0.356 1193 1.578 0.2556
## age = 16:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -6.946 0.651 1193 -10.677 <.0001
## control - starch -5.504 0.651 1193 -8.460 <.0001
## fat - starch 1.442 0.651 1193 2.217 0.0687
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Visualizing a categorical by continuous interaction using
To graph the simple slopes of age by diet, we again skip the
step and proceed immediately to using
- the first argument is the
model object
- for the formula, we want age on the x-axis and separate lines/colors
by diet, so we specify
diet ~ age
- we must specify a list of ages to use with the
argument, so we first specify the integers between 2 and 16
# slopes of age from 2 to 16 weeks for each diet
emmip(m_dietage, diet ~ age, at=list(age=2:16), CIs=TRUE)

If instead we wish to plot simple effects of diet at specific ages we
can use either the emmGrid
object we created before (which
has the ages specified)…
# diet effects at ages 2 6 and 9 (specified in emmeans)
emmip(emm_dietage, age ~ diet)

…or use the lm
model object and specify the ages as
# not run, same as above
emmip(m_dietage, age ~ diet, at=list(age=c(2,9,16)))
Exercise 5
Using the auction dataset
- Run a linear regression modeling bid predicted by hours, rarity, and
their interaction.
- Analyze the interaction both through estimation and graphing.
Interactions in generalized linear models
Considerations for interpreting interactions in generalized linear
The methods we have used thus far will continue to work for
generalized linear models (GLMs), such as logistic and Poisson
regression models.
GLMs use a link function to transform an outcome variable
with limited range (e.g between 0 and 1) typically to a variable that
can take on any value, to allow modeling linear relationships with the
- in logistic regression, the logit link function transforms
probabilities (range [0,1]) to
log-odds (range (−∞,∞))
- in Poisson regression, the log link function transforms counts (or
rates) (range [0,∞]) to
log-counts (range (−∞,∞))
The predictors will have a linear relationship with the transformed
outcome (e.g. the log-odds of the outcome), but a non-linear
(i.e. curved) relationship with the untransformed outcome.
For example, here we show in a logistic regression that age has a
linear relationship with the log-odds of hypertension.
# logistic regression
m_logistic <- glm(hyper ~ age, data=mouse, family="binomial")
# log-odds of hypertension vs age
emmip(m_logistic, ~ age, at=list(age=2:16))

…but a curved relationship with the probability of hypertension:
# probability of hypertension vs age
emmip(m_logistic, ~ age, at=list(age=2:16), type="response")

If we extend the range of age to beyond the observed data, we see the
typical S-shape relationship between continuous predictors and
probability of the outcome in logistic regression:
# probability of hypertension vs extended ages; notice the S-shape
emmip(m_logistic, ~ age, at=list(age=0:50), type="response")

The advantage of plotting the predictor against the transformed
outcome is that the non-parallelism associated with an interaction will
be more obvious. On the other hand, most people will have a harder time
interpreting on the transformed scale (i.e. how to interpret changes in
log odds).
Additionally, effect estimates from GLMs are often expressed on two
scales. In logistic regression:
- raw coefficients are intepreted as differences in log-odds of the
- exponentiated coefficients are interpreted as odds ratios
(multiplicative effects)
Thus, we can express simple effects in multiple ways.
We will use a logistic regression model to discuss analysis and
visualization of interactions in GLMs.
Logistic regression model
Here we model the probability of hypertension (0/1) in a logistic
regression that includes as predictors:
- diet
- age
- the interaction of diet and age
- litter
# logistic regression with interaction of diet and age
m_hyper <- glm(hyper ~ diet*age + litter, data=mouse, family="binomial")
## Call:
## glm(formula = hyper ~ diet * age + litter, family = "binomial",
## data = mouse)
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -2.86236 0.64515 -4.437 9.13e-06 ***
## dietfat -0.42293 0.74247 -0.570 0.56893
## dietstarch -0.53860 0.79490 -0.678 0.49804
## age -0.03290 0.06442 -0.511 0.60954
## litter -0.05673 0.03607 -1.573 0.11578
## dietfat:age 0.23874 0.07312 3.265 0.00109 **
## dietstarch:age 0.17518 0.07697 2.276 0.02284 *
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 788.95 on 1199 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 676.02 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 690.02
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
- ˆb0=−2.86, the expected
log-odds of hypertension for control mouse at week 0 from a litter of 0
pups is -2.86
- ˆbfat=−0.42, at week 0,
high-fat mice are expected to have a decrease of 0.42 log odds of
hypertension compared to control mice, holding litter constant
- ˆbsta=−0.54, at week 0,
high-starch mice are expected to have a decrease of -0.54 log odds of
hypertension compared to control mice, holding litter constant
- ˆbage=−0.033, control
mice are expected have a decrease of -0.033 log odds of hypertension per
week, holding litter constant
- ˆblit=−0.057, for each
additional pup in the litter, the log odds of hypertension are expected
to decrease by -0.057, holding diet and age constant
- ˆbf×a=0.24, the
change in log-odds per week (age effect) is 0.24 more for high-fat mice
than control mice
- or, the difference in log-odds between high-fat and control mice
increases by 0.24 per week
- ˆbs×a=0.18, the
change in log-odds per week (age effect) is 0.24 more for high-starch
mice than control mice
- or, the difference in log-odds between high-starch and control mice
increases by 0.18 per week
Odds Ratios
Coefficients in logistic regression are often exponentiated so that
they be interpreted as odds ratios, except:
- the exponentiated intercept, which is interpreted as the expected
odds when all predictors are zero
- exponentiated interaction coefficients, which are interpreted as
ratios of odds ratios (see below)
# exponentiating coefficients for odds ratios
## (Intercept) dietfat dietstarch age litter
## 0.0571339 0.6551253 0.5835626 0.9676350 0.9448537
## dietfat:age dietstarch:age
## 1.2696526 1.1914637
- exp(ˆb0)=0.057, the
expected odds of hypertension for control mouse at week 0 from a litter
of 0 pups is 0.057
- exp(ˆbfat)=0.66, at
week 0, high-fat mice are expected to have a 34% decrease in the odds of
hypertension compared to control mice, holding litter constant
- exp(ˆbsta)=0.58, at
week 0, high-starch mice are expected to have a 42% decrease in the odds
of hypertension compared to control mice, holding litter constant
- exp(ˆbage)=0.97,
control mice are expected have a 3% decrease in the odds of hypertension
per week, holding litter constant
- exp(ˆblit)=0.94, for
each additional pup in the litter, the odds of hypertension are expected
to decrease 6%, holding diet and age constant
- exp(ˆbf×a)=1.27,
the odds ratio for age is 27% larger for high-fat mice than control mice
- or, the odds ratio comparing high-fat and control mice increases by
27% per week
- exp(ˆbs×a)=1.19,
the odds ratio for age is 19% larger for high-starch mice than control
- or, the odds ratio comparing high-starch and control mice increases
by 19% per week
Exponentiated logistic regression interaction coefficients have a
challenging interpretation – they are ratios of odds ratios. For
example, if we compare the odds ratio representing the age effect
(i.e. how much the odds of hypertension change when age increases by 1
week) between high fat and control mice, that ratio is exp(ˆbf×a)=1.27. In other
words, the increasing risk of hypertension with age is 26% larger for
high fat mice than control mice.
Estimating logistic regression simple effects with
The procedure to estimate simple effects across levels of a moderator
are the same as before.
For simple effects of a categorical variable, we begin by estimating
EMMs with emmeans()
. Here we estimate the simple effects of
diet at ages 2, 9, and 16.
By default, these will be expressed in log-odds (logits).
# EMMs for diet*age expressed as log-odds
emm_hyper_logodds <- emmeans(m_hyper, specs=c("diet", "age"),
## diet age emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## control 2 -3.269 0.504 Inf -4.256 -2.2811
## fat 2 -3.214 0.355 Inf -3.909 -2.5185
## starch 2 -3.457 0.428 Inf -4.297 -2.6170
## control 9 -3.499 0.297 Inf -4.080 -2.9174
## fat 9 -1.773 0.162 Inf -2.090 -1.4563
## starch 9 -2.461 0.200 Inf -2.854 -2.0679
## control 16 -3.729 0.573 Inf -4.853 -2.6052
## fat 16 -0.332 0.209 Inf -0.742 0.0774
## starch 16 -1.465 0.266 Inf -1.986 -0.9438
## Results are given on the logit (not the response) scale.
## Confidence level used: 0.95
If we instead want the EMMs expressed as probabilities, we can add
# EMMs for diet*age expressed as probabilities
emm_hyper_prob <- emmeans(m_hyper, specs=c("diet", "age"),
## diet age prob SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## control 2 0.0367 0.01780 Inf 0.01398 0.0927
## fat 2 0.0386 0.01318 Inf 0.01966 0.0746
## starch 2 0.0306 0.01270 Inf 0.01343 0.0681
## control 9 0.0293 0.00845 Inf 0.01662 0.0513
## fat 9 0.1452 0.02006 Inf 0.11009 0.1890
## starch 9 0.0787 0.01453 Inf 0.05449 0.1123
## control 16 0.0235 0.01313 Inf 0.00774 0.0688
## fat 16 0.4177 0.05083 Inf 0.32262 0.5193
## starch 16 0.1877 0.04054 Inf 0.12070 0.2801
## Confidence level used: 0.95
## Intervals are back-transformed from the logit scale
Then, to estimate the simple effects we use contrast()
With the emmGrid
object where EMMs are expressed in
log-odds, the simple effects will be interpreted as differences in
# using EMMs expressed as log-odds, effects will be differences in log-odds
contrast(emm_hyper_logodds, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## age = 2:
## contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
## control - fat -0.0546 0.616 Inf -0.089 0.9957
## control - starch 0.1882 0.661 Inf 0.285 0.9563
## fat - starch 0.2428 0.556 Inf 0.437 0.9002
## age = 9:
## contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
## control - fat -1.7258 0.337 Inf -5.116 <.0001
## control - starch -1.0380 0.357 Inf -2.904 0.0103
## fat - starch 0.6877 0.257 Inf 2.677 0.0203
## age = 16:
## contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
## control - fat -3.3970 0.610 Inf -5.566 <.0001
## control - starch -2.2643 0.632 Inf -3.584 0.0010
## fat - starch 1.1326 0.338 Inf 3.351 0.0023
## Results are given on the log odds ratio (not the response) scale.
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
If we instead use contrast()
on the emmGrid
object where the EMMs are expressed as probabilities, the simple effects
will be expressed as odds ratios:
# using EMMs expressed as probabilities, effects will be odds ratios
contrast(emm_hyper_prob, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## age = 2:
## contrast odds.ratio SE df null z.ratio p.value
## control / fat 0.9469 0.5831 Inf 1 -0.089 0.9957
## control / starch 1.2071 0.7979 Inf 1 0.285 0.9563
## fat / starch 1.2748 0.7085 Inf 1 0.437 0.9002
## age = 9:
## contrast odds.ratio SE df null z.ratio p.value
## control / fat 0.1780 0.0601 Inf 1 -5.116 <.0001
## control / starch 0.3541 0.1266 Inf 1 -2.904 0.0103
## fat / starch 1.9892 0.5111 Inf 1 2.677 0.0203
## age = 16:
## contrast odds.ratio SE df null z.ratio p.value
## control / fat 0.0335 0.0204 Inf 1 -5.566 <.0001
## control / starch 0.1039 0.0656 Inf 1 -3.584 0.0010
## fat / starch 3.1039 1.0492 Inf 1 3.351 0.0023
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
## Tests are performed on the log odds ratio scale
Estimating logistic regression simple slopes with
To estimate the simple slopes of age across diets, we use
, which by default will be expressed as changes
in log-odds per week:
# slopes of age by diet in log-odds
emtrends(m_hyper, specs="diet", var="age")
## diet age.trend SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
## control -0.0329 0.0644 Inf -0.1592 0.0934
## fat 0.2058 0.0346 Inf 0.1380 0.2737
## starch 0.1423 0.0421 Inf 0.0597 0.2248
## Confidence level used: 0.95
No option in emtrends()
will transform these simple
slopes to odds ratios, but we can do it manually:
# extract the table of estimates
emt <- summary(emtrends(m_hyper, specs="diet", var="age"))
# exponentiate the estimate and the confidence limits
emt$OR <- exp(emt$age.trend)
emt$OR_LCL <- exp(emt$asymp.LCL)
emt$OR_UCL <- exp(emt$asymp.UCL)
# display the results, removing the unexponentiated columns and SE
## diet age.trend SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL OR OR_LCL OR_UCL
## control -0.0329 0.0644 Inf -0.1592 0.0934 0.968 0.853 1.10
## fat 0.2058 0.0346 Inf 0.1380 0.2737 1.229 1.148 1.31
## starch 0.1423 0.0421 Inf 0.0597 0.2248 1.153 1.062 1.25
## Confidence level used: 0.95
Forest-style plots of odds ratios
Odds ratios are commonly displayed in plots that resemble Forest
plots (often used for meta-analyses), where the odds ratio estimate
is displayed with its confidence interval.
Using plot()
on a contrast()
object will
produce a Forest-style plot of the simple effects.
Below we use the emmGrid
object where the contrasts are
expressed as odds ratios to plot odds ratios.
# Forest-style plot of odds ratios
plot(contrast(emm_hyper_prob, method="pairwise", simple="diet"))

A reference line at x=1 is often added to signify “no effect”:
# Forest-style plot of odds ratios
plot(contrast(emm_hyper_prob, method="pairwise", simple="diet")) +
geom_vline(xintercept=1, linetype=2) # dashed vertical line at x=1

Interaction plots on the log-odds scale
Plotting the interaction on the log-odds scale will make the
interaction more apparent (assuming it’s large enough), but log-odds
units are hard to interpret.
Here we use emmip()
to plot simple effects of diet at
weeks 2, 9, and 16. We use the emmGrid
object where EMMs
are estimated in log odds.
# using EMMs expressed as log odds
# diet on x-axis, separate lines/colors by age
# predicted log-odds of hypertension
emmip(emm_hyper_logodds, age ~ diet, CIs=TRUE)
We can see that at age=2, the risk of hypertension appears quite similar
across diets, but they diverge more as age increases.
We can also plot the simple slopes of age by diet using
# age on x-axis, separate lines by diet
# predicted log-odds of hypertension
emmip(m_hyper, diet ~ age, at=list(age=2:16), CIs=TRUE)
We see the increasing risk of hypertension with age on the two
experimental diets.
Interaction plots on the probability scale
Plotting the interaction on the log-odds scale will generally make
the interaction less apparent because it is difficult to judge the
parallelism of curves, but probability units are much more natural to
interpret for most researchers.
To change the outcome to probabilities, we simply add
to emmip()
specifications we
used before:
# diet on x-axis, separate lines/colors by age
# predicted probabilities of hypertension
emmip(emm_hyper_logodds, age ~ diet, CIs=TRUE, type="response")

# age on x-axis, separate lines by diet
# predicted probabilities of hypertension
emmip(m_hyper, diet ~ age, at=list(age=2:16), CIs=TRUE, type="response")
With predicted probability curves like above, it can be difficult to
judge whether the curves look different because the underlying age
effect is different or simply because of consistent diet effects across
Do it yourself (DIY) analysis and visualization of interactions
Overview of DIY analysis of interactions
This section looks at methods for analyzing interactions with base
coding and visualizing interactions with the
One advantage of learning to analyze interactions without
is that these methods will work for regression
models and packages not supported by emmeans
On the other hand, doing it yourself requires that you have a solid
grasp of how to interpret regression coefficients.
DIY Estimating simple effects and slopes in R
As we have discussed throughout this workshop, the coefficient for
the lower order term of X when it
is interacted with Z represents
effect of X when Z=0. We change the interpretation of this
coefficient by changing the meaning of Z=0:
- for a continuous variable Z, we
will recenter it to change the meaning of 0
- for a categorical variable Z,
we will change the omitted, reference group
Re-centering a continuous moderator
Imagine we have a variable Z∗=Z−5. If we model:
bX is interpreted as the effect
of X when Z∗=0. However, when Z∗=0, Z=5, so we can also interpret bX as the effect of X when Z=5.
Thus, we can estimate a coefficient that represents the effect of
X at any value of Z by re-centering Z.
Let’s revisit our model with the interaction of diet and age:
# diet*age model again
m_dietage <- lm(weight ~ diet*age + litter, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * age + litter, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -18.5675 -3.3093 -0.0853 3.1501 15.1545
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 20.66186 0.63530 32.523 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat 0.23384 0.78533 0.298 0.765939
## dietstarch 0.80315 0.78533 1.023 0.306664
## age 0.29266 0.05498 5.323 1.22e-07 ***
## litter -0.19088 0.05143 -3.711 0.000216 ***
## dietfat:age 0.41952 0.07776 5.395 8.25e-08 ***
## dietstarch:age 0.29378 0.07776 3.778 0.000166 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.039 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2835, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2799
## F-statistic: 78.68 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The coefficients for diet above, bfat and bsta, are interpreted as the
differences from the control diet when age=0.
If we instead want to estimate diet effects at other ages, we can
re-center age, such as at ages 9 and 16 weeks.
Although we could add various re-centered versions a variable to a
data set and enter them into regression models to estimate these simple
# not run
mouse$age9 <- mouse$age - 9
m_dietage9 <- lm(weight ~ diet*age9 + litter, data=mouse)
provides a syntax shortcut that obviates the need for
these variables in the data.
The I()
function can be specified in regression formulas
to allow operators like +
, -
, and
to be used as arithmetic operators.
Here, we estimate the effect of diet when age is 9 by specifying
, which R
interprets as “age variable
minus 9”
# re-centering age using I()
m_dietage9 <- lm(weight ~ diet*I(age-9) + litter, data=mouse)
# simple diet effects are now at age=9
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * I(age - 9) + litter, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -18.5675 -3.3093 -0.0853 3.1501 15.1545
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 23.29578 0.39840 58.474 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat 4.00950 0.35634 11.252 < 2e-16 ***
## dietstarch 3.44720 0.35634 9.674 < 2e-16 ***
## I(age - 9) 0.29266 0.05498 5.323 1.22e-07 ***
## litter -0.19088 0.05143 -3.711 0.000216 ***
## dietfat:I(age - 9) 0.41952 0.07776 5.395 8.25e-08 ***
## dietstarch:I(age - 9) 0.29378 0.07776 3.778 0.000166 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.039 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2835, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2799
## F-statistic: 78.68 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Those lower order coefficients for diet, ˆbfat=4.01 and ˆbsta=3.45 are now interpreted as
differences from the control group when age = 9.
They are the same as the diet simple effects at age=9 we estimated
with contrast()
from the emmeans
# compare to emmeans::contrast()
contrast(emm_dietage, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## age = 2:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -1.073 0.651 1193 -1.649 0.2256
## control - starch -1.391 0.651 1193 -2.138 0.0828
## fat - starch -0.318 0.651 1193 -0.489 0.8768
## age = 9:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.010 0.356 1193 -11.252 <.0001
## control - starch -3.447 0.356 1193 -9.674 <.0001
## fat - starch 0.562 0.356 1193 1.578 0.2556
## age = 16:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -6.946 0.651 1193 -10.677 <.0001
## control - starch -5.504 0.651 1193 -8.460 <.0001
## fat - starch 1.442 0.651 1193 2.217 0.0687
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Let’s compare the coefficients from the model with uncentered age to
the model with age centered at 9:
uncentered age
age centered at 9
I(age - 9)
dietfat:I(age - 9)
dietstarch:I(age - 9)
Above we can see that only the intercept, ˆb0, and the two diet simple
effects, ˆbfat and ˆbsta have changed after
Importantly, replacing a variable with a re-centered version of it
will not change the overall fit of the model:
# log-likelihoods of 2 models
## uncentered
## -3639.956 -3639.956
Mini-exercise: Recreate the estimates of the simple effects
of diet at age=2 and age=16 shown in the output of
Re-centering a categorical moderator
Let’s revisit our model with the interaction of diet and uncentered
age one more time:
# diet*age model one more time
m_dietage <- lm(weight ~ diet*age + litter, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * age + litter, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -18.5675 -3.3093 -0.0853 3.1501 15.1545
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 20.66186 0.63530 32.523 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat 0.23384 0.78533 0.298 0.765939
## dietstarch 0.80315 0.78533 1.023 0.306664
## age 0.29266 0.05498 5.323 1.22e-07 ***
## litter -0.19088 0.05143 -3.711 0.000216 ***
## dietfat:age 0.41952 0.07776 5.395 8.25e-08 ***
## dietstarch:age 0.29378 0.07776 3.778 0.000166 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.039 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2835, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2799
## F-statistic: 78.68 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The lower order coefficient for age, ˆbage=0.29, is interpreted as the
slope of age for the control group (i.e. fat=0 and starch=0).
We might be interested in the slope of age for the high-fat and
high-starch groups. We can get those directly estimated by the model if
we change the reference groups for diet.
Although we can create a new variable with a changed reference group
using factor()
, we can instead change reference groups of
an existing factor
variable temporarily for a regression
model using relevel()
, which has a ref=
argument that specifies the reference group.
Here we change the reference group of diet to the high-fat group:
# changing reference group of diet from control to fat
m_dietfatage <- lm(weight ~ relevel(diet, ref="fat")*age + litter, data=mouse)
# age slope is now for high-fat group
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ relevel(diet, ref = "fat") * age + litter,
## data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -18.5675 -3.3093 -0.0853 3.1501 15.1545
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 20.89570 0.63530 32.891 < 2e-16 ***
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")control -0.23384 0.78533 -0.298 0.765939
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")starch 0.56931 0.78533 0.725 0.468640
## age 0.71218 0.05498 12.952 < 2e-16 ***
## litter -0.19088 0.05143 -3.711 0.000216 ***
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")control:age -0.41952 0.07776 -5.395 8.25e-08 ***
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")starch:age -0.12573 0.07776 -1.617 0.106150
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 5.039 on 1193 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.2835, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2799
## F-statistic: 78.68 on 6 and 1193 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Several estimates have changed here, because all coefficients that
involve diet are now interpreted as differences from the fat group
(rather than differences from the control group as in our original
The ˆbage=0.71
coefficient is now interpreted as the slope of age for the high-fat
The final coefficient, ˆbs×a=−0.126 is interpreted as the difference in age slopes
between the high-starch mice and high-fat mice.
This estimate matches the slope of age for the high-fat group
estimated by the emtrends()
# compare to emmeans::emtrends
emtrends(m_dietage, specs="diet", var="age")
## diet age.trend SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control 0.293 0.055 1193 0.185 0.401
## fat 0.712 0.055 1193 0.604 0.820
## starch 0.586 0.055 1193 0.479 0.694
## Confidence level used: 0.95
The fit of the model with fat as the reference group is the same as
the model with control as the reference group:
# same log-likelihoods of 2 models
c(control.ref=logLik(m_dietage), fat.ref=logLik(m_dietfatage))
## control.ref fat.ref
## -3639.956 -3639.956
For confidence intervals for our new simple effects estimates, put
the model object inside confint()
# CIs for model coefficients
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## (Intercept) 19.6492703 22.14212541
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")control -1.7746227 1.30694340
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")starch -0.9714763 2.11008980
## age 0.6042994 0.82005222
## litter -0.2917872 -0.08996900
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")control:age -0.5720784 -0.26695793
## relevel(diet, ref = "fat")starch:age -0.2782943 0.02682618
Mini-exercise: Estimate the simple slope of age for the
high-starch group by changing the reference group of diet.
DIY Prediction after regression
As we’ve seen, graphs of predictors vs predicted values are a common
way to visualize regression effects.
The predict()
function can be used on regression model
objects to produce predictions for the current data or for new data.
Typically, to visualize an effect using model predictions, we will
create a new data set of predictor values where:
- the values of the predictors whose effects we wish to visualize are
- for the variable’s whose effects we wish to visualize, specify the
range of values to appear on the x-axis
- for the moderator, specify values at which to evaluate and graph the
simple effects
- the values of predictors whose effects we do not wish to visualize
are fixed at constant values (e.g means or reference groups)
The function expand.grid()
creates data frames where the
values of the variables are fully crossed. Below, we create a dataset
that crosses each of the 3 diet groups, with two ages, 2 and 16, and the
mean of litter (litter=6), which should result in 3×2×1=6 rows of data.
# expand.grid() crosses levels of variables
smalldata <- expand.grid(diet=levels(mouse$diet),
age=c(2, 16),
## diet age litter
## 1 control 2 6
## 2 fat 2 6
## 3 starch 2 6
## 4 control 16 6
## 5 fat 16 6
## 6 starch 16 6
Confidence intervals in graphs will generally be more accurate if we
estimate more predictions, so we create a data set that includes all
observed ages from 2 to 16 weeks:
# data we will use to plot predictions with more ages
preddata <- expand.grid(diet=levels(mouse$diet),
head(preddata, n=10)
## diet age litter
## 1 control 2 6
## 2 fat 2 6
## 3 starch 2 6
## 4 control 3 6
## 5 fat 3 6
## 6 starch 3 6
## 7 control 4 6
## 8 fat 4 6
## 9 starch 4 6
## 10 control 5 6
Now, we can use predict()
on the model object and add
the predictions to the plotdata
data set for plotting.
Adding interval="confidence"
requests confidence intervals
as well.
# just predictions for each new observation in plotdata
fit <- predict(m_dietage, newdata=preddata)
## 1 2 3 4 5 6
## 20.10190 21.17478 21.49262 20.39456 21.88696 22.07906
# predictions and confidence intervals; result is 3 column matrix
fit_ci <- predict(m_dietage, newdata=preddata, interval="confidence")
## fit lwr upr
## 1 20.10190 19.19935 21.00446
## 2 21.17478 20.27222 22.07734
## 3 21.49262 20.59006 22.39518
## 4 20.39456 19.58011 21.20901
## 5 21.88696 21.07251 22.70141
## 6 22.07906 21.26461 22.89351
As we see above, with interval="confidence"
produces 3 new variables, fit
, and upr
, which are the predicted (mean)
value, lower limit of the 95% CI for the predicted mean, and upper limit
of the 95% CI, respectively.
We can use cbind()
to add all 3 columns to plotdata.
# adding predicted values and CIs to data set
plotdata <- cbind(preddata,
predict(m_dietage, newdata=preddata, interval="confidence"))
## diet age litter fit lwr upr
## 1 control 2 6 20.10190 19.19935 21.00446
## 2 fat 2 6 21.17478 20.27222 22.07734
## 3 starch 2 6 21.49262 20.59006 22.39518
## 4 control 3 6 20.39456 19.58011 21.20901
## 5 fat 3 6 21.88696 21.07251 22.70141
## 6 starch 3 6 22.07906 21.26461 22.89351
We now have a dataset to plot the interaction.
DIY Graphing of predictions to visualize regression effects
We use the ggplot2
package to visualize our
Quick explanation of ggplot()
- Use the
function to specify
- the data set used for graphing
- which variables are mapped to aesthetics (visual aspects of
the graph), inside of
- Add
functions to produce shapes on the graphs
- e.g.
for line graphs,
for scatterplots
functions inherit aesthetic mappings from the
- additional aesthetics specific to the
can be
specified in aes()
inside the geom
Below, we produce a graph of the plotdata data set with:
- age mapped to the x-axis
- fit, the predicted value mapped to the y-axis
- diet mapped to the color of the lines produced by
# ggplot age slopes by diet
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=age, y=fit, color=diet)) +

We can add the 95% confidence intervals to our plot by mapping the
and upr
columns in plotdata to
and ymax=
# ggplot age slopes by diet add error bars
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=age, y=fit, color=diet)) +
geom_line() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr), width=.2) # used width to narrow the error bars

Or in geom_pointrange()
, which the emmeans
package uses for confidence intervals…
# ggplot age slopes by diet with pointrange CIs
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=age, y=fit, color=diet)) +
geom_line() +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr))

…or using geom_ribbon()
to produce confidence bands.
colors the insides of the band by a variable
controls the border of the band).
makes the bands transparent. Use a value between
0 and 1 (0 is completely transparent).
# ggplot age slopes by diet with CI bands
ggplot(plotdata, aes(x=age, y=fit, color=diet)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr, fill=diet), alpha=.5)

To graph the simple effects of diet at different ages, we need to
subset plotdata
to only those ages at which we wish to plot
the diet effects:
# subset plot data to only ages 2, 9, 16
plotdata.age.2.9.16 <- subset(plotdata, plotdata$age==2 | plotdata$age==9 | plotdata$age==16) # only ages 2 and 16
# ggplot diet effects across ages
ggplot(plotdata.age.2.9.16, aes(x=diet, y=fit, color=age)) +
geom_point() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr), width=.2)
If we want distinctive colors for each age, put age inside of
in the ggplot()
# change color variable (age) to factor for distinct colors
ggplot(plotdata.age.2.9.16, aes(x=diet, y=fit, color=factor(age))) +
geom_point() +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lwr, ymax=upr), width=.2)

Extending to three-way interactions
The methods we have discussed so far extend in a straightforward
manner to interactions of 3 variables.
When using emmeans
to analyze the interaction, generally
we will need to specify one more variable in specs=
for an interaction of two variables.
Here we model a 3-way interaction of diet, sex, and age. Models with
3-way interactions can be difficult to interpret because of the number
of coefficients estimated:
# 3-way interaction
m_3 <- lm(weight ~ diet*sex*age, data=mouse)
## Call:
## lm(formula = weight ~ diet * sex * age, data = mouse)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -19.1980 -3.2312 -0.0967 3.2137 14.9624
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 19.96741 0.77426 25.789 < 2e-16 ***
## dietfat -0.22043 1.09497 -0.201 0.84049
## dietstarch -0.38690 1.09497 -0.353 0.72389
## sexfemale -0.90164 1.09497 -0.823 0.41043
## age 0.30763 0.07666 4.013 6.38e-05 ***
## dietfat:sexfemale 0.90854 1.54852 0.587 0.55751
## dietstarch:sexfemale 2.38010 1.54852 1.537 0.12456
## dietfat:age 0.47023 0.10842 4.337 1.57e-05 ***
## dietstarch:age 0.49765 0.10842 4.590 4.90e-06 ***
## sexfemale:age -0.02995 0.10842 -0.276 0.78241
## dietfat:sexfemale:age -0.10143 0.15333 -0.662 0.50840
## dietstarch:sexfemale:age -0.40773 0.15333 -2.659 0.00794 **
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 4.968 on 1188 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.3065, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3001
## F-statistic: 47.73 on 11 and 1188 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
We can estimate the simple effects of diet for each sex and at ages
2, 9, and 16 using the same method as before:
# EMMs for diet by sex at ages=2,9,16
emm_3 <- emmeans(m_3, specs=c("diet", "sex", "age"),
# simple effects of diet for each sex and ages=2,9,16
contrast(emm_3, method="pairwise", simple="diet")
## sex = male, age = 2:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -0.7200 0.907 1188 -0.794 0.7069
## control - starch -0.6084 0.907 1188 -0.671 0.7806
## fat - starch 0.1116 0.907 1188 0.123 0.9917
## sex = female, age = 2:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -1.4257 0.907 1188 -1.572 0.2583
## control - starch -2.1730 0.907 1188 -2.396 0.0441
## fat - starch -0.7473 0.907 1188 -0.824 0.6883
## sex = male, age = 9:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.0117 0.497 1188 -8.074 <.0001
## control - starch -4.0920 0.497 1188 -8.236 <.0001
## fat - starch -0.0803 0.497 1188 -0.162 0.9857
## sex = female, age = 9:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -4.0073 0.497 1188 -8.066 <.0001
## control - starch -2.8025 0.497 1188 -5.641 <.0001
## fat - starch 1.2049 0.497 1188 2.425 0.0409
## sex = male, age = 16:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -7.3033 0.907 1188 -8.051 <.0001
## control - starch -7.5755 0.907 1188 -8.351 <.0001
## fat - starch -0.2722 0.907 1188 -0.300 0.9516
## sex = female, age = 16:
## contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat -6.5890 0.907 1188 -7.264 <.0001
## control - starch -3.4319 0.907 1188 -3.783 0.0005
## fat - starch 3.1571 0.907 1188 3.480 0.0015
## P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
To graph a three-way interaction with emmip()
, we use a
formula involving three variables:
break.variable ~ x.variable | panel.variable
, such that
separate graph panels are created for each level of
# diet on x-axis, separate lines/colors by sex, separate panels by age
emmip(emm_3, sex ~ diet | age, CIs=TRUE)

As we see above, a three-way interaction implies that the interaction
of two variables varies with a third variable. Here, we see that the
interaction of sex and diet appears different across the 3 ages.
In the summary()
output, the coefficients for
and dietstarch:sexfemale
represent the two-way interaction of the fat diet effect (vs control)
and sex and the two-way interaction of the starch diet effect (vs
control) and sex at age = 0, respectively. The three-way interaction
coefficients allow these two-way interactions to vary by age. We can use
on the emm_3
object with arguments
interaction = "pairwise"
and by = "age"
estimate these two-way interactions at different ages.
# Conditional interaction
contrast(emm_3, interaction = "pairwise", by = "age")
## age = 2:
## diet_pairwise sex_pairwise estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat male - female 0.70568 1.283 1188 0.550 0.5824
## control - starch male - female 1.56463 1.283 1188 1.220 0.2228
## fat - starch male - female 0.85895 1.283 1188 0.670 0.5033
## age = 9:
## diet_pairwise sex_pairwise estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat male - female -0.00433 0.703 1188 -0.006 0.9951
## control - starch male - female -1.28950 0.703 1188 -1.835 0.0667
## fat - starch male - female -1.28517 0.703 1188 -1.829 0.0676
## age = 16:
## diet_pairwise sex_pairwise estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
## control - fat male - female -0.71435 1.283 1188 -0.557 0.5777
## control - starch male - female -4.14364 1.283 1188 -3.230 0.0013
## fat - starch male - female -3.42929 1.283 1188 -2.673 0.0076
We can also estimate simple slopes of age in the same way as before
with emtrends()
# simple slopes of age by diet and sex
emtrends(m_3, specs=c("diet", "sex"), var="age")
## diet sex age.trend SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## control male 0.308 0.0767 1188 0.157 0.458
## fat male 0.778 0.0767 1188 0.627 0.928
## starch male 0.805 0.0767 1188 0.655 0.956
## control female 0.278 0.0767 1188 0.127 0.428
## fat female 0.646 0.0767 1188 0.496 0.797
## starch female 0.368 0.0767 1188 0.217 0.518
## Confidence level used: 0.95
And graph the slopes with separate panels by the third variable (here
# age on x-axis, separate lines/colors by diet, panel by sex
emmip(m_3, diet ~ age | sex, at=list(age=2:16), CIs=TRUE)

Mini-exercise: try estimating and graphing the diet effects
using DIY methods.
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