Mplus Textbook Examples
Applied Latent Class Analysis
Chapter 9 Directed Loglinear Modeling with Latent Variables
Causal Models for Cateogrical Data with Nonsystematic and Systematic Measurement
Errors By Jacques A. Hagenaars
The data set can be downloaded here.
Table 2 on page 238.
Model 1: (YZ, YA, YB, ZC, ZD, YE)
Data: File is d:alca ; Variable: Names are a b c d e freq; Missing are all (-9999) ; usev are a b c d e freq; weight is freq (freq); categorical are a b c d e; classes = y(3) z(3); !y represents system involvement !z represents protest tolerance Analysis: Type = mixture ; parameterization = loglinear; starts = 50 5; model: %overall% z#1 with y#1 ; z#2 with y#1 ; z#1 with y#2 ; z#2 with y#2 ; model y: %y#1% [a$1*-1 b$1*-1 e$1*-1]; [a$2*2 e$2*2]; %y#2% [a$1*4 b$1*4 e$1*4]; [a$2*8 e$2*8]; %y#3% [a$1*9 b$1*9 e$1*9]; [a$2*10 e$2*10]; model z: %z#1% [c$1*-5 d$1*-5]; [c$2*0 d$2*0]; %z#2% [c$1*5 d$1*5]; [c$2*10 d$2*10]; %z#3% [c$1*11 d$1*11]; [c$2*12 d$2*12];
TESTS OF MODEL FIT Loglikelihood H0 Value -6641.231 Information Criteria Number of Free Parameters 35 Akaike (AIC) 13352.462 Bayesian (BIC) 13536.923 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 13425.740 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) Entropy 0.560 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Binary and Ordered Categorical (Ordinal) Outcomes Pearson Chi-Square Value 135.421 Degrees of Freedom 126 P-Value 0.2673 Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square Value 146.560 Degrees of Freedom 126 P-Value 0.1017
Model 2: All relationship linear by linear