Upcoming Workshops, Fall 2024
Introduction to Mediation Models with the PROCESS macro in SPSS, Monday, November 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. PT via Zoom
This workshop will introduce the PROCESS Macro in SPSS (written by Andrew Hayes). Basic models will be demonstrated. Explanations of the syntax and output will be given, as well as some tips about reporting such analyses.
The workshop notes are here: https://stats.oarc.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/seminars/spss-process/
Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYqduGtrjovGdcX96xy2GFVzqyo57ozJrOn
Introduction to SPSS, Monday, November 18 from 1 to 4 p.m. PT via Zoom
SPSS is a very easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms. This class is designed for people who are just starting to use SPSS. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using SPSS for doing statistics, graphics, and data management. The class notes are the scripts for the class. The SPSS class notes do not contain any of the computer output. The class notes are not meant to be an SPSS textbook or a reference manual. However, it is possible for individuals to use the class notes to help them learn SPSS even if they don’t enroll in the class.
The workshop notes are here: https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/seminars/notes/
Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrd-6pqTksH9JRy2whf66MRU4hwkHa-SkU
Effect size measures for linear multilevel models in R, Monday, December 2 from 1 to 4 p.m. PT via Zoom
In 2019, Rights and Sterba introduced a set of effect size measures for linear multilevel models in the article Quantifying Explained Variance in Multilevel Models: An Integrative Framework for Defining R-Squared Measures. This workshop discusses the concepts of within-cluster and between-cluster variance in multilevel models, and how these new R-squared measures quantify how the components of the model explain some proportion of these variances. We will also discuss how to use their R package, r2mlm, to estimate these R-squared effect sizes and the interpretation of the output and graphs. Some background in both multilevel models and R is assumed for this workshop.
The notes for the workshop will be posted soon.
Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtdOGoqTkvGtZBw1zKLCUZJyvH0z_5TwUZ
Past Classes and Workshops Available Online
- Introduction to Stata 16
- Introduction to Stata 18
- Stata Data Management
- Regression with Stata
- Logistic Regression with Stata
- Beyond Binary Logistic Regression with Stata
- Multiple Imputation in Stata 15
- Introduction to Survey Data Analysis
- Applied Survey Data Analysis
- Advanced Topics in Survey Data Analysis
- Survival Analysis Using Stata
- Introduction to Meta-analysis using Stata
- Introduction to Programming in Stata
- Decomposing, Probing, and Plotting Interactions in Stata
- Introduction to SAS 9.4 using SAS OnDemand (new)
- Introduction to SAS 9.4
- Programming Basics in SAS 9.4
- Analyzing and Visualizing Interactions in SAS 9.4
- Regression with SAS
- Logistic Regression in SAS
- Repeated Measures Analysis in SAS
- Applied Survey Data Analysis using SAS 9.4
- Multiple Imputation in SAS 9.4
- Survival Analysis Using SAS
- Using Arrays in SAS
- Introduction to SAS Macro Language
- Introduction to SPSS (point-and-click and syntax)
- Introduction to Regression with SPSS
- Introduction to Mediation Models with the PROCESS macro in SPSS
- Graphing Interactions Using the PROCESS Macro in SPSS
- A Practical Introduction to Factor Analysis
- Principal Components (PCA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with SPSS
- Introduction to SPSS Syntax, Part1 (using SPSS version 21)
- Introduction to SPSS Syntax, Part 2 (using SPSS version 21)
- SPSS Syntax to the Next Level
- Applied Survey Data Analysis Using SPSS 29
- Repeated Measures Analysis in SPSS
- Using the SPSS Mixed Command
- Graphics using SPSS
Mplus and Latent Variable Analysis
- Introduction to Mplus
- Building Your Mplus Skills
- A Practical Introduction to Factor Analysis
- Introduction to Mediation Analysis using Mplus
- Introduction to R
- R Data Management
- R Markdown Basics
- Introduction to ggplot2
- Introduction to Linear Regression in R
- Introduction to Regression in R
- Decomposing, Probing and Plotting Interactions in R
- Analysis and Visualization of Interactions in R
- Survey Data Analysis with R
- Introduction to Survival Analysis in R
- Repeated Measures Analysis in R
- Latent Growth Models (LGM) and Measurement Invariance with R in lavaan
- Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in R with lavaan
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis with in R with lavaan
- Missing Data in R
- Introduction to R Programming
- Introduction to Generalized Linear Regression Model in R
- Beyond Logistic regression in R
- Zero-inflated and Hurdle models for Count Data in R
- Output Tables in R
Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Longitudinal Research: Present Status and Future Prospects by Judith Singer & John Willett
- Analyzing Longitudinal Data using Multilevel Modeling
Power Analysis
- Deciphering Interactions in Logistic Regression
- Regression Models with Count Data
- Statistical Writing