data list list file = "f:ddslach3raw.dat" /y1 y2 y3 age probbeh. execute. VARSTOCASES /ID = id /MAKE alcuse FROM y1 y2 y3 /keep = age probbeh /INDEX = time(3). compute timelin = time-1. compute timequad = timelin*timelin. compute int = 1. * model expressed like a multilevel model. * Note parameter estimates from SPSS match those * of Mplus, but Mplus has extra parameters not modeled here. mixed alcuse with timelin timequad age int /fixed = int age timelin timequad timelin*age timequad*age | noint /random int timelin timequad | covtype(id) subject(id) /print=solution.
Mixed Model Analysis
Fixed Effects
Covariance Parameters