Program: HLM 6 Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling Authors: Stephen Raudenbush, Tony Bryk, & Richard Congdon Publisher: Scientific Software International, Inc. (c) 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module: HLM2.EXE (6.04.2754.2) Date: 11 May 2007, Friday Time: 12:29:37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS HLM2 RUN Problem Title: no title The data source for this run = D:workhlm_testsseminar.mdm The command file for this run = whlmtemp.hlm Output file name = D:workhlm_testshlm2.txt The maximum number of level-1 units = 7185 The maximum number of level-2 units = 160 The maximum number of iterations = 100 Method of estimation: restricted maximum likelihood Weighting Specification ----------------------- Weight Variable Weighting? Name Normalized? Level 1 no Level 2 no Precision no The outcome variable is MATHACH The model specified for the fixed effects was: ---------------------------------------------------- Level-1 Level-2 Coefficients Predictors ---------------------- --------------- INTRCPT1, B0 INTRCPT2, G00 The model specified for the covariance components was: --------------------------------------------------------- Sigma squared (constant across level-2 units) Tau dimensions INTRCPT1 Summary of the model specified (in equation format) --------------------------------------------------- Level-1 Model Y = B0 + R Level-2 Model B0 = G00 + U0 Iterations stopped due to small change in likelihood function ******* ITERATION 4 ******* Sigma_squared = 39.14831 Tau INTRCPT1,B0 8.61431 Tau (as correlations) INTRCPT1,B0 1.000 ---------------------------------------------------- Random level-1 coefficient Reliability estimate ---------------------------------------------------- INTRCPT1, B0 0.901 ---------------------------------------------------- The value of the likelihood function at iteration 4 = -2.355840E+004 The outcome variable is MATHACH Final estimation of fixed effects: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Approx. Fixed Effect Coefficient Error T-ratio d.f. P-value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For INTRCPT1, B0 INTRCPT2, G00 12.636972 0.244412 51.704 159 0.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The outcome variable is MATHACH Final estimation of fixed effects (with robust standard errors) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Approx. Fixed Effect Coefficient Error T-ratio d.f. P-value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For INTRCPT1, B0 INTRCPT2, G00 12.636972 0.243628 51.870 159 0.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final estimation of variance components: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Effect Standard Variance df Chi-square P-value Deviation Component ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRCPT1, U0 2.93501 8.61431 159 1660.23259 0.000 level-1, R 6.25686 39.14831 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statistics for current covariance components model -------------------------------------------------- Deviance = 47116.793477 Number of estimated parameters = 2