Stata version 8.x and SE and |
SAS version 8.x |
SPSS versions 11.x, 12.x and 13 |
max width of input raw data file |
32,765 (version 7 SE, 8.x and 8.x SE) |
32,767 |
1024 (using DATA LIST) |
max size of data file |
limited by free memory of machine |
Windows NTFS: 4 trillion gigabytes |
no limit (only limited by disk space) |
max # of observations |
2,147,483,647 |
no limit (only limited by disk space) |
no limit (only limited by disk space) |
max # of variables |
2047 (Intercooled) |
32767 |
no limit (only limited by disk space) |
max length of variable name |
32 |
32 |
8 (version 11.x), |
max length of a variable label |
80 |
256 |
255 |
max length of a value label |
32 |
256 |
60 |
max length of a data set label |
80 |
32 |
60 |
max length of a string variable |
80 (Intercooled) |
32,767 |
8 for short string |
max # of missing value codes |
27 |
27 |
no limit |
max # of notes that can be attached to a data file |
9999 |
N/A |
no limit |
# of data sets that can be opened at once |
1 |
no limit |
1 |
dates calculated as | # days from 1/1/1960 | # days from 1/1/1960 |
# seconds from Oct 14, 1582 |
max # of key variables in a merge |
no limit (changed from 10 during version 7) |
no limit |
no limit |
max # of levels in encode/autorecode |
65,536 |
N/A |
no limit |
max # of conditions in an "if" statement |
100 (Intercooled) |
no limit |
no limit |
max # of rows in a one-way table |
3000 (Intercooled) |
32760 cells |
no limit |
max # of rows in a two-way table |
300 (Intercooled) |
32760 cells |
no limit |
max # of columns in a two-way table |
20 (Intercooled) |
32760 cells |
no limit |
max size of a program file name | 32 | N/A | 8 |
max size of a program file | 135,600 characters/ 3500 lines |
no limit |
no limit |
max # of nested program files | 64 | N/A |
no limit |
max # of dimensions of an array/vector |
N/A |
10 |
1 |
max matrix size |
800 by 800 (Intercooled) 11,000 by 11,000 (SE) |
N/A |
N/A |