How do I use a Stata data file in SPSS?
1. Using SPSS
SPSS can read Stata data files. A Stata data file can be read in SPSS either via pull-down menu or via syntax using the get stata file command.
Using the pull-down menus select File -> Open -> Data… and then for Files of Type select the appropriate data file type; then select the file from the list and click Open.
The SPSS command get stata file can be used to read in a Stata data file.
get stata file="C:\data\states.dta".
2. Saving a Stata data file as an earlier version
In some cases, you may need to save the Stata data file in the previous file format so that SPSS can read it. This can be done with saveold command. Here is an example.
use, clear (highschool and beyond (200 cases)) saveold "c:\data\hsb2old.dta" file c:\data\hsb2old.dta saved
3. Using Stat/Transfer
Stat/Transfer can transfer Stata files into SPSS format. The process is simple and straightforward.