We have seen how difficult it is to maintain a good list of web links. Since web pages are so dynamic, they frequently move to new locations or sometimes vanish entirely, yielding the dreaded dead links. In response to this, we have created our main page of links and this additional page of links. The main page is less comprehensive, but we will actively try to keep this list free of dead links and try hard to locate where pages have moved. The additional links (this page) will be more comprehensive, but at the cost of being less frequently maintained. Nevertheless, if you find dead links on either page, please report them to the ATS Stat Consulting Group at .
Lists of links on teaching statistics
- UCLA Statistics Online Computational Resource
- WWW Resources for Teaching Statistics (Robin Lock’s talk from the 1998 conference on Technology in Statistics Education)
- Datasurfing on the World Wide Web (Robin Lock’s 1996 ASA Talk)
- Web Interface for Statistics Education from Claremont Graduate School
- Statistics for Educators from EmTech
- Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures
- Java Applets for Teaching
- David Howell Stat Page (including Data Files, Examples, Lecture and lab ideas, WWW sites)
- Statistics and Graphical Resources
- StatLib at CMU Department of Statistics
- 6 Ways You Can Use Internet to Spice up Your Statistics Course
- Journal of Statistics Education Data Archive
- Jstor for retrieving journal articles over the internet
Web resources for teaching statistical concepts
- A Let’s Make a Deal Applet
- Animated Statistics Demonstrations
- Berrie’s Statistics Page
- Graphpad Analysis Resource Center
- Multiple Imputation Online
- Interactions in Regression
- Statistics Education through Problem Solving
- Intuitive Biostatistics: Choosing a Statistical Test