- Sample setups for commonly used survey data sets
- How can I use multiply imputed data sets in SUDAAN?
- How can I suppress the printing of the date and/or time on my output?
- How do I create an interaction term in SUDAAN?
- Why am I seeing stars instead of numbers in my output?
- How can I limit the number of observations used by SUDAAN?
- How can I use categorical independent variables in regression analyses in SUDAAN?
- How can I use the recode statement in SUDAAN?
- How do I use categorical variables in SUDAAN?
- How do I use the test statement in SUDAAN?
- How can I use the subpopn statement in SUDAAN?
- Choosing the Correct Analysis for Various Survey Designs, including
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified with certainty PSUs
- One-stage cluster sampling
- Probability proportional to size sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- Systematic sampling
- Repeated systematic sampling
- Stratified random sampling with allocation to strata
- Stratification after sampling (poststratification)
- Other methods of estimation