The R package(s) needed for this chapter is the survival package. We currently use R 2.0.1 patched version. You may want to make sure that packages on your local machine are up to date. You can perform updating in R using update.packages() function.
Table 5.1 on page 166 using data set uis on different covariates.
- Variable hercoc:
rm(list=ls()) library(survival) uis<-read.table("", sep=",", header = TRUE) attach(uis) <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ factor(hercoc), method="breslow") summary(
n=610 (18 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(hercoc)2 0.0773 1.080 0.144 0.535 0.59 factor(hercoc)3 -0.2544 0.775 0.135 -1.883 0.06 factor(hercoc)4 -0.1617 0.851 0.130 -1.243 0.21
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(hercoc)2 1.080 0.926 0.814 1.43 factor(hercoc)3 0.775 1.290 0.595 1.01 factor(hercoc)4 0.851 1.176 0.659 1.10
Rsquare= 0.013 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 7.76 on 3 df, p=0.0513 Wald test = 7.88 on 3 df, p=0.0486 Score (logrank) test = 7.92 on 3 df, p=0.0476
survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ hercoc, uis)
18 observations deleted due to missing n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL hercoc=1 111 92 150 107 198 hercoc=2 114 100 147 110 184 hercoc=3 178 136 185 148 231 hercoc=4 207 165 181 155 220
- Variable ivhx:
detach()<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ factor(ivhx), data=uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=610 (18 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(ivhx)2 0.195 1.22 0.129 1.52 0.13000 factor(ivhx)3 0.385 1.47 0.101 3.80 0.00014
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(ivhx)2 1.22 0.822 0.945 1.56 factor(ivhx)3 1.47 0.680 1.205 1.79
Rsquare= 0.024 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 14.6 on 2 df, p=0.000663 Wald test = 14.5 on 2 df, p=0.000705 Score (logrank) test = 14.7 on 2 df, p=0.000654
survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ ivhx, uis)
18 observations deleted due to missing n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL ivhx=1 233 173 194 175 231 ivhx=2 115 93 170 130 231 ivhx=3 262 227 148 115 168
- Variable race:<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ factor(race), uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=622 (6 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(race)1 -0.284 0.753 0.106 -2.68 0.0073
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(race)1 0.753 1.33 0.611 0.926
Rsquare= 0.012 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 7.57 on 1 df, p=0.00593 Wald test = 7.21 on 1 df, p=0.00726 Score (logrank) test = 7.26 on 1 df, p=0.00706
stci.hl(50, uis, subset=race==0) quantile time cie.lower cie.upper [1,] 50 152 124 174 stci.hl(50, uis, subset=race==1) quantile time cie.lower cie.upper [1,] 50 193 162 232
- Variable treat:<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ factor(treat), uis, method="breslow") summary(
n= 628 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(treat)1 -0.231 0.794 0.089 -2.60 0.0094
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(treat)1 0.794 1.26 0.667 0.945
Rsquare= 0.011 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 6.75 on 1 df, p=0.00937 Wald test = 6.74 on 1 df, p=0.00941 Score (logrank) test = 6.77 on 1 df, p=0.00926
survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ treat, uis) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL treat=0 320 265 132 115 156 treat=1 308 243 192 175 226
Variable site:<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ factor(site), uis, method="breslow") summary(
n= 628 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(site)1 -0.151 0.86 0.0986 -1.53 0.13
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(site)1 0.86 1.16 0.709 1.04
Rsquare= 0.004 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 2.4 on 1 df, p=0.121 Wald test = 2.35 on 1 df, p=0.125 Score (logrank) test = 2.36 on 1 df, p=0.125
survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ site, uis) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL site=0 444 364 156 132 175 site=1 184 144 199 161 232
Variable age:
uis$agecat<-cut(uis$age, c(19, 27, 32,37,56))<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ agecat, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=623 (5 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p factor(agecat)(27,32] 0.0808 1.084 0.123 0.654 0.51 factor(agecat)(32,37] -0.0658 0.936 0.121 -0.542 0.59 factor(agecat)(37,56] -0.1684 0.845 0.135 -1.247 0.21
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 factor(agecat)(27,32] 1.084 0.922 0.851 1.38 factor(agecat)(32,37] 0.936 1.068 0.738 1.19 factor(agecat)(37,56] 0.845 1.183 0.649 1.10
Rsquare= 0.006 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 3.81 on 3 df, p=0.282 Wald test = 3.79 on 3 df, p=0.285 Score (logrank) test = 3.8 on 3 df, p=0.284
agecat.surv<-survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ agecat, uis) agecat.surv 5 observations deleted due to missing n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL agecat=(19,27] 158 128 162 122 203 agecat=(27,32] 158 135 148 123 182 agecat=(32,37] 184 145 163 124 216 agecat=(37,56] 123 96 189 168 243
Variable becktoa:
uis$beckt2<-cut(uis$becktota, c(-.5, 9.99,14.9,24.9,55))<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ beckt2, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=595 (33 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p beckt2(9.99,14.9] 0.0752 1.08 0.150 0.502 0.620 beckt2(14.9,24.9] 0.1821 1.20 0.123 1.485 0.140 beckt2(24.9,55] 0.2631 1.30 0.137 1.927 0.054
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 beckt2(9.99,14.9] 1.08 0.928 0.804 1.45 beckt2(14.9,24.9] 1.20 0.834 0.943 1.53 beckt2(24.9,55] 1.30 0.769 0.996 1.70
Rsquare= 0.007 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 4.41 on 3 df, p=0.221 Wald test = 4.37 on 3 df, p=0.225 Score (logrank) test = 4.38 on 3 df, p=0.223
beckcat.surv<-survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ beckt2, uis, na.action=na.exclude) beckcat.surv 33 observations deleted due to missing n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL beckt2=(-0.5,9.99] 135 104 211 170 248 beckt2=(9.99,14.9] 102 78 170 133 232 beckt2=(14.9,24.9] 226 185 168 139 200 beckt2=(24.9,55] 132 111 146 115 193
Variable ndurgtx:
uis$drugcat<-cut(uis$ndrugtx, c(-.5, 1, 3, 6, 70))<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ drugcat, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=611 (17 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p drugcat(1,3] -0.0509 0.95 0.123 -0.412 0.680 drugcat(3,6] 0.2661 1.30 0.125 2.134 0.033 drugcat(6,70] 0.3649 1.44 0.127 2.880 0.004
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 drugcat(1,3] 0.95 1.052 0.746 1.21 drugcat(3,6] 1.30 0.766 1.022 1.67 drugcat(6,70] 1.44 0.694 1.124 1.85
Rsquare= 0.023 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 14.5 on 3 df, p=0.0023 Wald test = 14.7 on 3 df, p=0.00206 Score (logrank) test = 14.9 on 3 df, p=0.00192
drugcat.surv<-survfit( Surv(time, censor) ~ drugcat, uis, na.action=na.exclude) drugcat.surv Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, censor) ~ drugcat, data = uis, na.action = na.exclude)
17 observations deleted due to missing n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL drugcat=(-0.5,1] 183 141 170 143 227 drugcat=(1,3] 165 123 177 162 211 drugcat=(3,6] 138 119 132 106 187 drugcat=(6,70] 125 113 123 110 186
Table 5.2 on page 167 using uis data set.
uis$age5 <- uis$age/5 uis$beck10 <- uis$becktota/10 uis$drug5 <- uis$ndrugtx/5<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ age5, uis, method="breslow") summary( n=623 (5 observations deleted due to missing values) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age5 -0.0643 0.938 0.0359 -1.79 0.074 exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 age5 0.938 1.07 0.874 1.01 Rsquare= 0.005 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 3.24 on 1 df, p=0.0719 Wald test = 3.2 on 1 df, p=0.0735 Score (logrank) test = 3.2 on 1 df, p=0.0735<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ beck10, uis, method="breslow") summary( n=595 (33 observations deleted due to missing values) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p beck10 0.11 1.12 0.0472 2.32 0.02 exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 beck10 1.12 0.896 1.02 1.22 Rsquare= 0.009 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 5.32 on 1 df, p=0.0211 Wald test = 5.4 on 1 df, p=0.0201 Score (logrank) test = 5.41 on 1 df, p=0.0201<-coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ drug5, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=611 (17 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p drug5 0.147 1.16 0.0375 3.92 9e-05
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 drug5 1.16 0.863 1.08 1.25
Rsquare= 0.022 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 13.4 on 1 df, p=0.000259 Wald test = 15.4 on 1 df, p=8.95e-05 Score (logrank) test = 15.5 on 1 df, p=8.44e-05
Table 5.3 on page 168 using data set uis. <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + ndrugtx + factor(hercoc) + factor(ivhx) + race + treat + site, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.02887 0.972 0.00817 -3.533 0.00041 becktota 0.00834 1.008 0.00498 1.677 0.09400 ndrugtx 0.02837 1.029 0.00831 3.416 0.00064 factor(hercoc)2 0.06532 1.067 0.15001 0.435 0.66000 factor(hercoc)3 -0.09362 0.911 0.16547 -0.566 0.57000 factor(hercoc)4 0.02798 1.028 0.16028 0.175 0.86000 factor(ivhx)2 0.17439 1.191 0.13864 1.258 0.21000 factor(ivhx)3 0.28071 1.324 0.14693 1.911 0.05600 race -0.20289 0.816 0.11669 -1.739 0.08200 treat -0.23995 0.787 0.09437 -2.543 0.01100 site -0.10249 0.903 0.10927 -0.938 0.35000
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 age 0.972 1.029 0.956 0.987 becktota 1.008 0.992 0.999 1.018 ndrugtx 1.029 0.972 1.012 1.046 factor(hercoc)2 1.067 0.937 0.796 1.432 factor(hercoc)3 0.911 1.098 0.658 1.259 factor(hercoc)4 1.028 0.972 0.751 1.408 factor(ivhx)2 1.191 0.840 0.907 1.562 factor(ivhx)3 1.324 0.755 0.993 1.766 race 0.816 1.225 0.649 1.026 treat 0.787 1.271 0.654 0.946 site 0.903 1.108 0.729 1.118
Rsquare= 0.08 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 47.9 on 11 df, p=1.48e-06 Wald test = 48.8 on 11 df, p=1.04e-06 Score (logrank) test = 49.4 on 11 df, p=8.17e-07
Table 5.4 on page 168 using data set uis with smaller model comparing with the previous example. <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + ndrugtx + factor(ivhx) + race + treat + site, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.02822 0.972 0.00817 -3.454 0.00055 becktota 0.00794 1.008 0.00497 1.598 0.11000 ndrugtx 0.02776 1.028 0.00829 3.350 0.00081 factor(ivhx)2 0.19599 1.217 0.13721 1.428 0.15000 factor(ivhx)3 0.33280 1.395 0.11991 2.775 0.00550 race -0.20925 0.811 0.11589 -1.805 0.07100 treat -0.23177 0.793 0.09371 -2.473 0.01300 site -0.09946 0.905 0.10854 -0.916 0.36000
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 age 0.972 1.029 0.957 0.988 becktota 1.008 0.992 0.998 1.018 ndrugtx 1.028 0.973 1.012 1.045 factor(ivhx)2 1.217 0.822 0.930 1.592 factor(ivhx)3 1.395 0.717 1.103 1.764 race 0.811 1.233 0.646 1.018 treat 0.793 1.261 0.660 0.953 site 0.905 1.105 0.732 1.120
Rsquare= 0.078 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 46.5 on 8 df, p=1.90e-07 Wald test = 47.5 on 8 df, p=1.24e-07 Score (logrank) test = 48 on 8 df, p=9.92e-08
Table 5.5 using data set uis, a further reduced model based on the previous example.
uis$ivhx3<-(uis$ivhx==3) <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + ndrugtx + ivhx3 + race + treat + site, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.0262 0.974 0.00805 -3.249 0.0012 becktota 0.0084 1.008 0.00495 1.696 0.0900 ndrugtx 0.0291 1.030 0.00821 3.540 0.0004 ivhx3TRUE 0.2561 1.292 0.10630 2.409 0.0160 race -0.2245 0.799 0.11527 -1.947 0.0510 treat -0.2324 0.793 0.09373 -2.480 0.0130 site -0.0867 0.917 0.10786 -0.804 0.4200
exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95 age 0.974 1.026 0.959 0.990 becktota 1.008 0.992 0.999 1.018 ndrugtx 1.030 0.971 1.013 1.046 ivhx3TRUE 1.292 0.774 1.049 1.591 race 0.799 1.252 0.637 1.001 treat 0.793 1.262 0.660 0.952 site 0.917 1.091 0.742 1.133
Rsquare= 0.074 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 44.5 on 7 df, p=1.7e-07 Wald test = 45.5 on 7 df, p=1.07e-07 Score (logrank) test = 46 on 7 df, p=8.67e-08
Table 5.6 using data set uis based on the model created in the previous example and the categorical variables created for Table 5.1.
uis$agecat<-cut(uis$age, c(19, 27, 32,37,56)) <- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ agecat + becktota + ndrugtx + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, uis, method="breslow") summary(
n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p agecat(27,32] 0.03582 1.036 0.13126 0.273 0.78000 agecat(32,37] -0.20940 0.811 0.13003 -1.610 0.11000 agecat(37,56] -0.39059 0.677 0.14996 -2.605 0.00920 becktota 0.00881 1.009 0.00493 1.787 0.07400 ndrugtx 0.02920 1.030 0.00832 3.510 0.00045 ivhx3TRUE 0.24242 1.274 0.10634 2.280 0.02300 site -0.07911 0.924 0.10849 -0.729 0.47000 race -0.24549 0.782 0.11618 -2.113 0.03500 treat -0.22935 0.795 0.09403 -2.439 0.01500 (output omitted.)
uis$beckcat<-cut(uis$becktota, c(-.5, 9.99,14.9,24.9,55)) <- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ age + beckcat + ndrugtx + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, uis, method="breslow") summary( n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.0265 0.974 0.00804 -3.297 0.00098 beckcat(9.99,14.9] 0.0695 1.072 0.15212 0.457 0.65000 beckcat(14.9,24.9] 0.0909 1.095 0.12493 0.728 0.47000 beckcat(24.9,55] 0.2169 1.242 0.13995 1.550 0.12000 ndrugtx 0.0289 1.029 0.00825 3.509 0.00045 ivhx3TRUE 0.2616 1.299 0.10631 2.461 0.01400 site -0.0920 0.912 0.10782 -0.853 0.39000 race -0.2254 0.798 0.11549 -1.952 0.05100 treat -0.2304 0.794 0.09390 -2.453 0.01400 (output omitted)
uis$drugcat<-cut(ndrugtx, c(-.5, 1, 3, 6, 70)) <- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + drugcat + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, uis, method="breslow") summary( n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.02772 0.973 0.00815 -3.402 0.00067 becktota 0.00805 1.008 0.00495 1.626 0.10000 drugcat(1,3] -0.06951 0.933 0.12911 -0.538 0.59000 drugcat(3,6] 0.25949 1.296 0.13368 1.941 0.05200 drugcat(6,70] 0.39935 1.491 0.14030 2.846 0.00440 ivhx3TRUE 0.24908 1.283 0.10664 2.336 0.02000 site -0.08384 0.920 0.10791 -0.777 0.44000 race -0.22966 0.795 0.11542 -1.990 0.04700 treat -0.21991 0.803 0.09357 -2.350 0.01900 (output omitted)
Figure 5.1 (a), (b) and (c) based on the models from Table 5.6.
Panel (a) Estimated coefficients for grouped age using the object created in the previous example.
names( [1] "coefficients" "var" "loglik" [4] "score" "iter" "linear.predictors" [7] "residuals" "means" "method" [10] "n" "terms" "assign" [13] "wald.test" "na.action" "y" [16] "formula" "call"$coefficients agecat(27,32] agecat(32,37] agecat(37,56] becktota ndrugtx 0.03582336 -0.20940371 -0.39058778 0.00881022 0.02919603 ivhx3TRUE site race treat 0.24241703 -0.07910672 -0.24548561 -0.22934666 age.coeff<-data.frame($coefficients)[1:3,] age.plot<-cbind(midpt=c(24, 30.5, 35.5, 47.5), rbind(0, data.frame(age.coeff))) age.plot midpt age.coeff 1 24.0 0.00000000 11 30.5 0.03582336 2 35.5 -0.20940371 3 47.5 -0.39058778 plot(age.plot[,1], age.plot[,2], ylab="Log Hazard", xlab="Age", type="b")
Panel (b) Estimated coefficients for grouped beck score using the object created in the previous example.$coefficients age beckcat(9.99,14.9] beckcat(14.9,24.9] beckcat(24.9,55] -0.02650867 0.06948882 0.09094400 0.21687651 ndrugtx ivhx3TRUE site race 0.02894029 0.26163192 -0.09197744 -0.22540640 treat -0.23038130 beck.coeff<-data.frame($coefficients)[2:4,] beck.plot<-cbind(midpt=c(5, 12.5, 20, 40), rbind(0, data.frame(beck.coeff))) plot(beck.plot[,1], beck.plot[,2], ylab="Log Hazard", xlab="Becktota", type="b")
Panel (c) Estimated coefficients for grouped drug treatments using the object created in the previous example.$coefficients age becktota drugcat(1,3] drugcat(3,6] drugcat(6,70] -0.027723404 0.008050683 -0.069508432 0.259486831 0.399345037 ivhx3TRUE site race treat 0.249076482 -0.083840409 -0.229664884 -0.219909556 drug.coeff<-data.frame($coefficients)[3:5,] drug.plot<-cbind(midpt=c(.5, 2.5, 5.0, 23.5), rbind(0, data.frame(drug.coeff))) drug.plot midpt drug.coeff 1 0.5 0.00000000 11 2.5 -0.06950843 2 5.0 0.25948683 3 23.5 0.39934504 plot(drug.plot[,1], drug.plot[,2], ylab="Log Hazard", xlab="NDRUGTX", type="b")
Figure 5.1 (d) on page 171 and Table 5.7 on page 172 using data set uis and fractional polynomials for ndrugtx. Currently (3/18/05), package mfp does multiple fractional polynomials in regression models, including cox models. You can download the package by “install.packages(“mfp”)” assuming that your machine is connected to the internet. Unlike Stata’s fracpoly command, function mfp in R does not automatically transform variables into desirable forms. For example, if a variable takes value zero sometimes, then negative power is not being used, thus restricting some possible better transformation. In this example, variable ndrugtx takes value zero sometimes, we will apply mfp on a transformed variable.
rm(list=ls()) library(survival) library(mfp) uis<-read.table("", sep=",", header = TRUE) uis$ivhx3<-(uis$ivhx==3) uis$nx<-10/(uis$ndrugtx+1) attach(uis) uis$ok<-complete.cases(uis$age, uis$becktota, uis$nx, uis$ivhx3, uis$site, uis$race, uis$treat) to.uis<-uis[ok,]
# Not in the mdoel<- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, to.uis, method="breslow")
2*$loglik [1] -5327.970 -5294.497 # Linear term
alin<- coxph(Surv(time, censor) ~ ndrugtx + age+ becktota + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, to.uis, method="breslow") 2*alin$loglik [1] -5327.970 -5283.459
# J = 1 (2 df)
a2<- mfp(Surv(time, censor) ~fp(nx, df=2) + age+ becktota + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, family = cox, data = to.uis) a2$dev [1] 5281.24
a2$powers power1 power2 site 1.0 NA nx -0.5 NA becktota 1.0 NA race 1.0 NA treat 1.0 NA ivhx3TRUE 1.0 NA age 1.0 NA
# J = 2 (4 df)
a4<- mfp(Surv(time, censor) ~fp(nx, df=4) + age+ becktota + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, family = cox, data = to.uis)
a4$powers power1 power2 site 1 NA nx 1 1 becktota 1 NA race 1 NA treat 1 NA ivhx3TRUE 1 NA age 1 NA
a4$dev [1] 5274.678
Now we are ready to create the plot (d) of Figure 5.1 based on object a4.
names(a4) [1] "coefficients" "var" "loglik" [4] "score" "iter" "linear.predictors" [7] "residuals" "means" "method" [10] "x" "powers" "pvalues" [13] "scale" "df.initial" "" [16] "dev" "dev.lin" "dev.null" [19] "fptable" "n" "family" [22] "wald.test" "X" "y" [25] "terms" "call" head(a4$x) site.1 nx.1 nx.2 becktota.1 race.1 treat.1 ivhx3TRUE.1 age.1 1 0 5.000000 8.0471896 9.00 0 1 1 39 2 0 1.111111 0.1170672 34.00 0 1 0 33 3 0 2.500000 2.2907268 10.00 0 1 1 33 4 0 5.000000 8.0471896 20.00 0 0 1 32 5 0 1.666667 0.8513760 5.00 1 1 0 24 6 0 5.000000 8.0471896 32.55 0 1 1 30
y<-a4$x[,2]*(-0.52360) + a4$x[,3]*0.19505 f51.d<-cbind(x=to.uis$ndrugtx, y) f51.d<-f51.d[order(f51.d$x),] par(cex=.8) plot(f51.d$x, f51.d$y, type="l", xlab="NDRUGTX", ylab="Log Hazard")
Table 5.8 on page 174 based on the fractional polynomial model in previous example.
a4 Call: mfp(formula = Surv(time, censor) ~ fp(nx, df = 4) + age + becktota + ivhx3 + site + race + treat, data = to.uis, family = cox)
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p site.1 -0.10583 0.900 0.10916 -0.97 3.3e-01 nx.1 -0.52360 0.592 0.12441 -4.21 2.6e-05 nx.2 0.19505 1.215 0.04825 4.04 5.3e-05 becktota.1 0.00918 1.009 0.00499 1.84 6.6e-02 race.1 -0.24242 0.785 0.11547 -2.10 3.6e-02 treat.1 -0.21138 0.809 0.09369 -2.26 2.4e-02 ivhx3TRUE.1 0.25911 1.296 0.10802 2.40 1.6e-02 age.1 -0.02820 0.972 0.00813 -3.47 5.2e-04
Likelihood ratio test=51.6 on 8 df, p=1.99e-08 n= 575
Figure 5.2 on page 175 with Martingale residuals and Lowess smoothed residuals. Library Design includes functions for computing different types of residuals for survival models. You may want have to download the package first by install.packages(“Design”).
Panel (a) Martingale residuals and Lowess smoothed residuals.
detach(uis) attach(to.uis) <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ becktota + ndrugtx + ivhx3 + race + treat + site, to.uis, method="breslow") to.uis$resid<- residuals(, type="martingale", data=to.uis) plot(to.uis$age, to.uis$resid, xlab="Age",ylab="Martingale Residuals") lines(lowess(to.uis$age, to.uis$resid))
Panel (b) Log (Smoothed Censor/Smoothed Expected) + Beta*age.
Fig. 5.3a, p. 176. The fitted line appears to be approximately linear thus there is no transformation of becktota needed. <- coxph( Surv(time, censor) ~ age + ndrugtx + ivhx3 + race + treat + site, uis, method="breslow", na.action=na.exclude) uis$resid <- residuals(, type="martingale") plot(uis$becktota, uis$resid, xlab="Becktota",ylab="Martingale Residuals", ylim=c(-4, 1.0)) lines(lowess(uis$becktota[!$becktota) & !$resid)], uis$resid[!$becktota) & !$resid)]))
Fig. 5.4a, p. 177. The fitted line has a noticeable squiggle in the beginning which makes us very nervous and it is an indicator that we can’t just include ndrugtx in the model; we should transform it before including it in the final model.
Creating ndrugfp1 and ndrugfp2, p. 174.
uis$ndrugfp1 <- 1/((uis$ndrugtx+1)/10) uis$ndrugfp2 <- (1/((uis$ndrugtx+1)/10))*log((uis$ndrugtx+1)/10)
Table 5.8, p. 174. <- coxph( Surv(time, censor)~ age + becktota + ndrugfp1 + ndrugfp2 + ivhx3 + race + treat + site, uis, method="breslow", na.action=na.exclude) summary( <output omitted> n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing values) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.02815 0.972 0.00813 -3.461 0.000540 becktota 0.00916 1.009 0.00499 1.837 0.066000 ndrugfp1 -0.52284 0.593 0.12441 -4.202 0.000026 ndrugfp2 -0.19478 0.823 0.04825 -4.037 0.000054 ivhx3 0.25858 1.295 0.10802 2.394 0.017000 race -0.24220 0.785 0.11547 -2.098 0.036000 treat -0.21084 0.810 0.09369 -2.250 0.024000 site -0.10532 0.900 0.10915 -0.965 0.330000 Rsquare= 0.086 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 51.4 on 8 df, p=2.17e-008 Wald test = 51.4 on 8 df, p=2.17e-008 Score (logrank) test = 52 on 8 df, p=1.72e-008
Creating the interaction variables, p. 178.
uis$agesite <- uis$age*uis$site uis$racesite <- uis$race*uis$site uis$agefp1 <- uis$age*uis$ndrugfp1 uis$agefp2 <- uis$age*uis$ndrugfp2
Table 5.10, p. 179. <- coxph(formula=Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + + ndrugfp1 + ndrugfp2 + ivhx3 + race + treat + site + agesite + racesite + agefp1 + agefp2, data=uis, method="breslow", na.action=na.exclude) summary( <output omitted> n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing values) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.05431 0.947 0.02803 -1.9372 0.05300 becktota 0.01005 1.010 0.00499 2.0129 0.04400 ndrugfp1 -0.67435 0.509 0.64447 -1.0464 0.30000 ndrugfp2 -0.17217 0.842 0.25234 -0.6823 0.50000 ivhx3 0.22935 1.258 0.10793 2.1250 0.03400 race -0.48774 0.614 0.13461 -3.6233 0.00029 treat -0.24205 0.785 0.09455 -2.5600 0.01000 site -1.11940 0.326 0.54607 -2.0499 0.04000 agesite 0.02644 1.027 0.01658 1.5949 0.11000 racesite 0.86274 2.370 0.24810 3.4773 0.00051 agefp1 0.00163 1.002 0.01945 0.0838 0.93000 agefp2 -0.00198 0.998 0.00766 -0.2589 0.80000 Rsquare= 0.119 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 73.1 on 12 df, p=8.3e-011 Wald test = 73 on 12 df, p=8.61e-011 Score (logrank) test = 73.9 on 12 df, p=5.99e-011
Table 5.11, p. 179. <- coxph(formula=Surv(time, censor) ~ age + becktota + + ndrugfp1 + ndrugfp2 + ivhx3 + race + treat + site + agesite + racesite, uis, method="breslow", na.action=na.exclude) summary( <output omitted> n=575 (53 observations deleted due to missing values) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p age -0.04138 0.959 0.00991 -4.17 3.0e-005 becktota 0.00874 1.009 0.00497 1.76 7.8e-002 ndrugfp1 -0.57473 0.563 0.12519 -4.59 4.4e-006 ndrugfp2 -0.21470 0.807 0.04859 -4.42 9.9e-006 ivhx3 0.22776 1.256 0.10857 2.10 3.6e-002 race -0.46661 0.627 0.13475 -3.46 5.3e-004 treat -0.24667 0.781 0.09434 -2.61 8.9e-003 site -1.31517 0.268 0.53143 -2.47 1.3e-002 agesite 0.03235 1.033 0.01608 2.01 4.4e-002 racesite 0.85014 2.340 0.24774 3.43 6.0e-004 Rsquare= 0.11 (max possible= 1 ) Likelihood ratio test= 67.1 on 10 df, p=1.58e-010 Wald test = 66.5 on 10 df, p=2.07e-010 Score (logrank) test = 67.4 on 10 df, p=1.38e-010