The R program for chapter 13.
Since we will only be using the surv data set we will attach it to put it first in the search path.
We have skipped pages 336-342 for now.
Table 13.3, p. 347.
ct1 <- crosstabs( ~ staget+death) print(ct1, marginal.totals=F) ct2 <- crosstabs( ~ perfbl[perfbl != "NA"]+death[perfbl != "NA"]) print(ct2, marginal.totals=F) ct3 <- crosstabs( ~ treat+death) print(ct3, marginal.totals=F) ct4 <- crosstabs( ~ poinf[poinf != "NA"]+death[poinf != "NA"]) print(ct4, marginal.totals=F) 401 cases in table +----------+ |N | |N/RowTotal| |N/ColTotal| |N/Total | +----------+ staget |death |0 |1 | -------+-------+-------+ 0 |122 | 91 | |0.57 |0.43 | |0.62 |0.45 | |0.3 |0.23 | -------+-------+-------+ 1 | 75 |113 | |0.4 |0.6 | |0.38 |0.55 | |0.19 |0.28 | -------+-------+-------+ Test for independence of all factors Chi^2 = 12.07407 d.f.= 1 (p=0.0005112788) Yates' correction not used perfbl[perfbl != "NA"]|death[perfbl != "NA"] |0 |1 | -------+-------+-------+ 0 |174 |163 | |0.52 |0.48 | |0.89 |0.8 | |0.44 |0.41 | -------+-------+-------+ 1 | 22 | 40 | |0.35 |0.65 | |0.11 |0.2 | |0.055 |0.1 | -------+-------+-------+ Test for independence of all factors Chi^2 = 5.463732 d.f.= 1 (p=0.01941514) Yates' correction not used treat |death |0 |1 | -------+-------+-------+ 0 | 99 | 96 | |0.51 |0.49 | |0.5 |0.47 | |0.25 |0.24 | -------+-------+-------+ 1 | 98 |108 | |0.48 |0.52 | |0.5 |0.53 | |0.24 |0.27 | -------+-------+-------+ Test for independence of all factors Chi^2 = 0.409521 d.f.= 1 (p=0.5222127) Yates' correction not used poinf[poinf != "NA"]|death[poinf != "NA"] |0 |1 | -------+-------+-------+ 0 |191 |189 | |0.5 |0.5 | |0.97 |0.93 | |0.48 |0.47 | -------+-------+-------+ 1 | 5 | 15 | |0.25 |0.75 | |0.026 |0.074 | |0.012 |0.038 | -------+-------+-------+ Test for independence of all factors Chi^2 = 4.852467 d.f.= 1 (p=0.02760662) Yates' correction not used
Table 13.4, p. 348.
Log-linear model results.
surv.weibull <- censorReg( censor(days, death) ~ staget+perfbl+poinf+treat, surv, distritution="weibull", na.action=na.omit) summary(surv.weibull) Coefficients: Est. Std.Err. 95% LCL 95% UCL z-value p-value (Intercept) 8.6423 0.158 8.332 8.953 54.563 0.00000 staget -0.5874 0.157 -0.896 -0.279 -3.733 0.00019 perfbl -0.5986 0.203 -0.996 -0.201 -2.951 0.00317 poinf -0.7124 0.309 -1.318 -0.107 -2.306 0.02109 treat -0.0831 0.155 -0.386 0.220 -0.538 0.59078
Table 13.5, p. 349.
Cox’ model results.
surv.cox <- coxph( Surv(days, death) ~ staget+perfbl+poinf+treat, surv, na.action=na.omit) summary(surv.cox) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p staget 0.5367 1.71 0.142 3.777 0.00016 perfbl 0.5311 1.70 0.185 2.868 0.00410 poinf 0.6699 1.95 0.280 2.391 0.01700 treat 0.0705 1.07 0.142 0.497 0.62000
We have skipped pages 350-354 for now.
Fig. 13.9, p. 357.
#Obtaining the survival functions. fit <- survfit(surv.cox, conf.type="none") fit$surv2 <- fit$surv^exp(.54) #calculating the log(-log(S(t)) fit$log.surv <- log( -log(fit$surv)) fit$log.surv2 <- log( -log(fit$surv2)) #Plotting plot( fit$time, fit$log.surv2 , type="s", xlab="time", ylab="log(-log(S(t)))" ) points(fit$time, fit$log.surv, type="s")
Unless you plan to continue working with the surv data set it is advisable to detach it from being first in the search path.