As a statistical programming language, R allows users to access precise statistics instead of simply printing a mass of output to the screen. The examples below highlight how to create a complex sample survey design object and then directly query specific coefficients, error terms, and other survey design-related information as needed.
This page uses the following packages. Make sure that you can load
them before trying to run the examples on this page. If you do not have
a package installed, run: install.packages("packagename")
, or
if you see the version is out of date, run: update.packages()
library(foreign) library(survey)
Version info: Code for this page was tested in R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
On: 2013-06-25
With: survey 3.29-5; foreign 0.8-54; knitr 1.2
The following two examples rely on the svyratio
function from the R survey
package. More detailed instructions and additional usage examples can be found on the survey
package’s ratio estimation page.
Example 1
This example is taken from Levy and Lemeshow’s Sampling of Populations Page 200 ratio estimation under simple random sampling.
Import the Stata dataset directly into R using the read.dta
function from the foreign
mydata <- read.dta( "" , convert.factors = FALSE )
More detail about read.dta
or any other R function can be viewed by typing a question mark in front of the function name in the R console. For example: ?read.dta
In the R language, individual data sets are stored as data.frame
objects, allowing users to load as many tables into working memory as necessary for the analysis. After loading the mydata
table into memory, R functions can be run directly on this data table.
# the `class` of the `mydata` object class(mydata)
## [1] "data.frame"
# the first six rows of the data head(mydata)
## area pharmexp totmedex totcnt wt1 ## 1 1 100000 300000 8 1.14 ## 2 2 50000 200000 8 1.14 ## 3 3 75000 300000 8 1.14 ## 4 4 200000 600000 8 1.14 ## 5 5 150000 450000 8 1.14 ## 6 6 175000 520000 8 1.14
# the last six rows of the data tail(mydata)
## area pharmexp totmedex totcnt wt1 ## 2 2 50000 200000 8 1.14 ## 3 3 75000 300000 8 1.14 ## 4 4 200000 600000 8 1.14 ## 5 5 150000 450000 8 1.14 ## 6 6 175000 520000 8 1.14 ## 7 8 150000 450000 8 1.14
# the number of columns ncol(mydata)
## [1] 5
View simple summaries of your variables of interest. This summary
function accesses the pharmexp
and totmedex
columns (variables) stored inside the mydata
data.frame object.
summary(mydata[, c("pharmexp", "totmedex")])
## pharmexp totmedex ## Min. : 50000 Min. :200000 ## 1st Qu.: 87500 1st Qu.:300000 ## Median :150000 Median :450000 ## Mean :128571 Mean :402857 ## 3rd Qu.:162500 3rd Qu.:485000 ## Max. :200000 Max. :600000
Initiate your svydesign
object for a simple random sampling design. This `mydesign`
object will be used for all subsequent analysis commands:
mydesign <-
id = ~1 ,
data = mydata ,
weights = ~wt1 ,
fpc = ~totcnt
From this point forward, the sampling specifications of the mydata
data set’s survey design have been fixed and most analysis commands will simply use the set of tools outlined on the R survey package homepage, referring to the object `mydesign`
at the design=
parameter of the specific R function or method.
View the survey design structure:
## Independent Sampling design ## svydesign(id = ~1, data = mydata, weights = ~wt1, fpc = ~totcnt)
Count the number of unweighted observations where the variables pharmexp
and totmedex
are not missing:
unwtd.count(~pharmexp + totmedex, mydesign)
## counts SE ## counts 7 0
Print the ratio and standard error of these two variables:
svyratio(~pharmexp, ~totmedex, mydesign)
## Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~pharmexp, ~totmedex, mydesign) ## Ratios= ## totmedex ## pharmexp 0.319 ## SEs= ## totmedex ## pharmexp 0.00401
Alternatively, save the ratio of pharmexp
to totmedex
into a new object myratio
and at the same time print it to the screen by encapsulaing the entire statement in parentheses.
(myratio <- svyratio(~pharmexp, ~totmedex, mydesign))
## Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~pharmexp, ~totmedex, mydesign) ## Ratios= ## totmedex ## pharmexp 0.319 ## SEs= ## totmedex ## pharmexp 0.00401
We can then use the confint
function to obtain confidence intervals for the ratio.
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## pharmexp/totmedex 0.311 0.327
We can specify the df=
parameter to use the survey design’s degrees of freedom (instead of the default df=Inf
) to replicate Stata’s confidence interval calculation method.
# matches stata confint(myratio, df = degf(mydesign))
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## pharmexp/totmedex 0.309 0.329
Example 2
This example is taken from Lehtonen and Pahkinen’s Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys.
Page 102 Table 3.12
A simple random sample drawn without replacement from the Province’91 population prepared for ratio estimation.
Import the dataset from text directly into R using the read.table
function and the text=
parameter specifying the entire data set. The syntax n
indicates the end of one line of data.
province <-
read.table( text =
"id str clu wt ue91 hou85 gwt adjwt smplrat
1 1 1 4 4123 26881 .5562 2.2248 .25
2 1 4 4 760 4896 .5562 2.2248 .25
3 1 5 4 721 3730 .5562 2.2248 .25
4 1 15 4 142 556 .5562 2.2248 .25
5 1 18 4 187 1463 .5562 2.2248 .25
6 1 26 4 331 1946 .5562 2.2248 .25
7 1 30 4 127 834 .5562 2.2248 .25
8 1 31 4 219 932 .5562 2.2248 .25" ,
header = TRUE
Add a column to the province
data.frame object. The column (variable) fpc
contains only the number 32 for every observation.
province$fpc <- 32
View the entire province
data.frame object:
## id str clu wt ue91 hou85 gwt adjwt smplrat fpc ## 1 1 1 1 4 4123 26881 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 2 2 1 4 4 760 4896 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 3 3 1 5 4 721 3730 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 4 4 1 15 4 142 556 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 5 5 1 18 4 187 1463 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 6 6 1 26 4 331 1946 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 7 7 1 30 4 127 834 0.556 2.22 0.25 32 ## 8 8 1 31 4 219 932 0.556 2.22 0.25 32
Construct a
object called
specifying a simple random sampling design. This ``
object will be used for all subsequent analysis commands: <-
id = ~clu ,
data = province ,
weights = ~wt ,
fpc = ~fpc
From this point forward, the sampling specifications of the province
data set’s survey design have been fixed and most analysis commands will simply use the set of tools outlined on the R survey package homepage, referring to the object
at the design=
parameter of the specific R function or method.
Print the ratio of ue91
to hou85
into a new object myratio
and at the same time print it to the screen by encapsulaing the entire statement in parentheses.
(myratio <- svyratio(~ue91, ~hou85,
## Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~ue91, ~hou85, ## Ratios= ## hou85 ## ue91 0.16 ## SEs= ## hou85 ## ue91 0.00553
We can then use the confint
function to obtain confidence intervals for the ratio.
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## ue91/hou85 0.149 0.171
We can specify the df=
parameter to use the survey design’s degrees of freedom (instead of the default df=Inf
) to replicate Stata’s confidence interval calculation method.
# matches stata confint(myratio, df = degf(
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## ue91/hou85 0.147 0.173
See also
- The R survey package homepage
- Lumley, T. Complex Surveys: A Guide to Analysis Using R (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)
- Damico, A. Step-by-step instructions to analyze major public-use survey data sets with the R language