As a statistical programming language, R allows users to access precise statistics instead of simply printing a mass of output to the screen. The examples below highlight how to create a complex sample survey design object and then directly query specific coefficients, error terms, and other survey design-related information as needed.
This page uses the following packages. Make sure that you can load
them before trying to run the examples on this page. If you do not have
a package installed, run: install.packages("packagename")
, or
if you see the version is out of date, run: update.packages()
library(foreign) library(survey)
Version info: Code for this page was tested in R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
On: 2013-06-25
With: survey 3.29-5; foreign 0.8-54; knitr 1.2
Example 1
This example is taken from Levy and Lemeshow’s Sampling of Populations page 247 simple one-stage cluster sampling.
Import the Stata dataset directly into R using the read.dta
function from the foreign
mydata <- read.dta( "" , convert.factors = FALSE )
More detail about read.dta
or any other R function can be viewed by typing a question mark in front of the function name in the R console. For example: ?read.dta
In the R language, individual data sets are stored as data.frame
objects, allowing users to load as many tables into working memory as necessary for the analysis. After loading the mydata
table into memory, R functions can be run directly on this data table.
# the `class` of the `mydata` object class(mydata)
## [1] "data.frame"
# the first six rows of the data head(mydata)
## devlpmnt HH NGE65 NVSTNRS wt1 M N nge65dv hhneedvn prsndvn ## 1 2 1 2 1 2.5 5 20 40 1 1 ## 2 2 2 1 0 2.5 5 20 20 0 0 ## 3 2 3 2 0 2.5 5 20 40 0 0 ## 4 2 4 1 1 2.5 5 20 20 1 4 ## 5 2 5 1 0 2.5 5 20 20 0 0 ## 6 2 6 1 0 2.5 5 20 20 0 0
# the last six rows of the data tail(mydata)
## devlpmnt HH NGE65 NVSTNRS wt1 M N nge65dv hhneedvn prsndvn ## 35 5 15 2 1 2.5 5 20 40 1 15 ## 36 5 16 2 1 2.5 5 20 40 1 16 ## 37 5 17 1 0 2.5 5 20 20 0 0 ## 38 5 18 2 0 2.5 5 20 40 0 0 ## 39 5 19 2 1 2.5 5 20 40 1 19 ## 40 5 20 1 1 2.5 5 20 20 1 20
# the number of columns ncol(mydata)
## [1] 10
View a simple tabulation of your variable of interest. This table
function accesses the hhneedvn
column (variable) stored inside the mydata
data.frame object.
## ## 0 1 ## 19 21
View a simple summary of your variable of interest. This summary
function accesses the NVSTNRS
column (variable) stored inside the mydata
data.frame object.
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.575 1.000 2.000
Initiate your svydesign
object for a one-stage cluster design. This `mydesign`
object will be used for all subsequent analysis commands:
mydesign <-
ids = ~devlpmnt ,
data = mydata ,
weights = ~wt1 ,
fpc = ~M
From this point forward, the sampling specifications of the mydata
data set’s survey design have been fixed and most analysis commands will simply use the set of tools outlined on the R survey package homepage, referring to the object `mydesign`
at the design=
parameter of the specific R function or method.
View the survey design structure:
## 1 - level Cluster Sampling design ## With (2) clusters. ## svydesign(ids = ~devlpmnt, data = mydata, weights = ~wt1, fpc = ~M)
View the survey design’s object class or type:
## [1] "survey.design2" ""
View the weighted total population of this survey design, by referring to the wt1
column from the original data.frame:
## [1] 100
View the number of unique PSUs (clusters) in this survey design, by referring to the devlpmnt
column from the original data.frame:
## [1] 2
View the degrees of freedom for this survey design object:
## [1] 1
Count the number of unweighted observations where the variable NVSTNRS
is not missing:
unwtd.count(~NVSTNRS, mydesign)
## counts SE ## counts 40 0
Print the mean and standard error of three variables:
svymean(~NVSTNRS + NGE65 + hhneedvn, mydesign)
## mean SE ## NVSTNRS 0.575 0.02 ## NGE65 1.675 0.02 ## hhneedvn 0.525 0.02
Print the weighted total and standard error of the same three variables:
svytotal(~NVSTNRS + NGE65 + hhneedvn, mydesign)
## total SE ## NVSTNRS 57.5 1.94 ## NGE65 167.5 1.94 ## hhneedvn 52.5 1.94
Alternatively, the result of a function call like svymean
or svytotal
can be stored into a secondary R object.
mysvymean <- svymean(~NVSTNRS + NGE65 + hhneedvn, mydesign, deff = TRUE)
Once created, this svymean
can be queried independently from the mydesign
object. For example, the coef
and SE
functions can directly extract those attributes:
## NVSTNRS NGE65 hhneedvn ## 0.575 1.675 0.525
## NVSTNRS NGE65 hhneedvn ## 0.0194 0.0194 0.0194
The design effect extraction function deff
can only be used if the original svymean
call that created the object mysvymean
included the parameter deff = TRUE
## NVSTNRS NGE65 hhneedvn ## 0.0708 0.0394 0.0977
We can use the confint
function to obtain confidence intervals for the coefficient estimates.
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## NVSTNRS 0.537 0.613 ## NGE65 1.637 1.713 ## hhneedvn 0.487 0.563
Note from our unweighted table, the variable hhneedvn
was binary (composed strictly of zeroes and ones). To produce confidence intervals more accurate for proportions, users might start with the options discussed in ?svyciprop
. For example:
svyciprop(~hhneedvn, mydesign, method = "logit")
## 2.5% 97.5% ## hhneedvn 0.525 0.499 0.55
Also note that the number of decimal places shown can be adjusted by modifying the digits
parameter within the options
function at any time.
options(digits = 10) SE(mysvymean)
## NVSTNRS NGE65 hhneedvn ## 0.01936491673 0.01936491673 0.01936491673
Save the ratio of NVSTNRS
to NGE65
into a new object myratio
and at the same time print it to the screen by encapsulaing the entire statement in parentheses.
(myratio <- svyratio(~NVSTNRS, ~NGE65, mydesign))
## Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~NVSTNRS, ~NGE65, mydesign) ## Ratios= ## NGE65 ## NVSTNRS 0.3432835821 ## SEs= ## NGE65 ## NVSTNRS 0.007592393283
We can then use the confint
function to obtain confidence intervals for the ratio.
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## NVSTNRS/NGE65 0.3284027647 0.3581643995
We can specify the df=
parameter to use the survey design’s degrees of freedom (instead of the default df=Inf
) to replicate Stata’s confidence interval calculation method.
# matches stata confint(myratio, df = degf(mydesign))
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## NVSTNRS/NGE65 0.2468130786 0.4397540856
Example 2
This example is taken from Lehtonen and Pahkinen’s Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys. page 83 Table 3.6
Estimates from a one-stage CLU sample (n = 8); the Province’91 population.
Import the dataset from text directly into R using the read.table
function and the text=
parameter specifying the entire data set. The syntax n
indicates the end of one line of data.
province <-
read.table( text =
"id str clu wt ue91 lab91
1 1 2 4 666 6016
2 1 2 4 528 3818
3 1 2 4 760 5919
4 1 2 4 187 1448
5 1 8 4 129 927
6 1 8 4 128 819
7 1 8 4 331 2543
8 1 8 4 568 4011" ,
header = TRUE
View the entire province
data.frame object:
## id str clu wt ue91 lab91 ## 1 1 1 2 4 666 6016 ## 2 2 1 2 4 528 3818 ## 3 3 1 2 4 760 5919 ## 4 4 1 2 4 187 1448 ## 5 5 1 8 4 129 927 ## 6 6 1 8 4 128 819 ## 7 7 1 8 4 331 2543 ## 8 8 1 8 4 568 4011
Construct a
object called
specifying a one-stage cluster design. This ``
object will be used for all subsequent analysis commands: <-
id = ~clu ,
strata = ~str ,
data = province ,
weight = ~wt
From this point forward, the sampling specifications of the province
data set’s survey design have been fixed and most analysis commands will simply use the set of tools outlined on the R survey package homepage, referring to the object
at the design=
parameter of the specific R function or method.
View the survey design structure:
## Stratified 1 - level Cluster Sampling design (with replacement) ## With (2) clusters. ## svydesign(id = ~clu, strata = ~str, data = province, weight = ~wt)
View the weighted total population of this survey design, by referring to the wt
column from the original data.frame:
## [1] 32
Count the number of unweighted observations where the variable ue91
is not missing:
## counts SE ## counts 8 0
Print the mean and standard error of the ue91
## mean SE ## ue91 412.125 123.125
Print the weighted total and standard error of the ue91
## total SE ## ue91 13188 3940
Save the ratio of ue91
to lab91
into a new object myratio
and at the same time print it to the screen by encapsulaing the entire statement in parentheses.
(myratio <- svyratio(~ue91, ~lab91,
## Ratio estimator: svyratio.survey.design2(~ue91, ~lab91, ## Ratios= ## lab91 ## ue91 0.1292890475 ## SEs= ## lab91 ## ue91 0.006501776859
We can then use the confint
function to obtain confidence intervals for the ratio.
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## ue91/lab91 0.116545799 0.142032296
We can specify the df=
parameter to use the survey design’s degrees of freedom (instead of the default df=Inf
) to replicate Stata’s confidence interval calculation method.
# matches stata confint(myratio, df = degf(
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## ue91/lab91 0.04667613956 0.2119019554
Print the median of the ue91
variable, including the confidence interval in the output.
svyquantile(~ue91,, quantiles = 0.5, ci = TRUE)
## $quantiles ## 0.5 ## ue91 331 ## ## $CIs ## , , ue91 ## ## 0.5 ## (lower 128.0000000 ## upper) 752.4732291
See also
- The R survey package homepage
- Lumley, T. Complex Surveys: A Guide to Analysis Using R (Wiley Series in Survey Methodology)
- Damico, A. Step-by-step instructions to analyze major public-use survey data sets with the R language