Welcome to the IDRE Missing Data in R!
This seminar assumes you have both R and RStudio installed.
Before beginning the seminar, please open RStudio (or R) and run the following code:
#install.packages(“mice”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“VIM”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“dplyr”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“tidyverse”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“lattice”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“sjPlot”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“MASS”, dependencies = TRUE)
#install.packages(“lavaan”, dependencies = TRUE)
Missing Data in R: Left-click the link to open the presentation directly. To download the presentation with all images (so you can look at it offline), open the presentation (by left-clicking), then right-click in the presentation, select “Save As”, and then make sure you save as type “Webpage, Complete” (Note: this will download the webpage and a folder of images and style files).
Use any web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) to view the seminar. Once it is open, use the following keys to alter the display:
- use arrow keys, mouse click, or space-bar to advance slides
- a toggles between slide-show view and handout view (view all slides at once)
- k to disable advancing slides with mouse-click (if you need to copy-paste code, for example)
- s and b to make the font bigger and smaller
- F11 to go to full-screen and back
You can access the r code for the seminar from here:
And the data can be downloaded from this link: hsb2_mar