If you had 2 SAS data files, say "file1" and "file2", you could combine them using a program like…
data both; set file1 file2 ; run;
If, however, you had 200 SAS data files, say "file1" "file2" … "file200" then this would be alot of typing doing the "set" statement for 200 files. Instead, you can make a SAS macro as shown below. This macro just combines "file1" and "file2", but can be extended to read multiple files.
data file1; input a; cards; 1 2 3 ; run;data file2; input a; cards; 4 5 6 ; run;
%macro combine;
data big; set %do i = 1 %to 2; file&i %end; ; run;
proc print data=big; run;