***** FIRST EXAMPLE ****** ;
filename in ("c:mydatawinners1.txt","c:mydatawinners2.txt"); data mydata; infile in ; input a b c d; run;* use proc print to verify that all the data files were read; proc print data=mydata; var year; run;
***** SECOND EXAMPLE ****** ; * this example makes a variable "filenum" which contains the number for the ; * file the data came from. ;
filename in ("c:mydatawinners1.txt","c:mydatawinners2.txt"); data test; infile in eov=newfile; input a b c d;retain filenum 1; if newfile then do; newfile=0; filenum+1; end; run;
* use proc print to verify that all the data files were read; proc print data=mydata; var year; run;