Inputting the data shown on page 241.
data ch6fig05; input x1 x2 y; label x1='targtpop' x2='dispoinc'; cards; 68.5 16.7 174.4 45.2 16.8 164.4 91.3 18.2 244.2 47.8 16.3 154.6 46.9 17.3 181.6 66.1 18.2 207.5 49.5 15.9 152.8 52.0 17.2 163.2 48.9 16.6 145.4 38.4 16.0 137.2 87.9 18.3 241.9 72.8 17.1 191.1 88.4 17.4 232.0 42.9 15.8 145.3 52.5 17.8 161.1 85.7 18.4 209.7 41.3 16.5 146.4 51.7 16.3 144.0 89.6 18.1 232.6 82.7 19.1 224.1 52.3 16.0 166.5 ; run;
Creating the x1x2 variable to be used in Fig. 6.7
data ch6fig05a; set ch6fig05; x1x2 = x1*x2; run;
Fig. 6.4a, p. 237.
Scatterplot matrix.
Note: Invoking a macro for the scatter matrix.
%include "c:neter/sas/examples/alsm/"; %scatter(data = ch6fig05a, var = y x1 x2);
Fig. 6.4b, p. 237.
Correlation matrix.
proc corr data = ch6fig05a; run;
The CORR Procedure4 Variables: x1 x2 y x1x2
Simple Statistics
Variable N Mean Std Dev Sum Minimum Maximum Label
x1 21 62.01905 18.62033 1302 38.40000 91.30000 targtpop x2 21 17.14286 0.97035 360.00000 15.80000 19.10000 dispoinc y 21 181.90476 36.19130 3820 137.20000 244.20000 x1x2 21 1077 373.86333 22609 614.40000 1662
Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 21 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0
x1 x2 y x1x2
x1 1.00000 0.78130 0.94455 0.99442 targtpop <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
x2 0.78130 1.00000 0.83580 0.83951 dispoinc <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
y 0.94455 0.83580 1.00000 0.95558 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
x1x2 0.99442 0.83951 0.95558 1.00000 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001
Fig. 6.5a and b, p. 241.
Note that output statement is used to create outfig05 with fitted and residual values.
proc reg data = ch6fig05a; var x1x2; model y = x1 x2/ i; output out=outfig05 p = fitted r = residual; run; quit;
The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: yX’X Inverse, Parameter Estimates, and SSE
Variable Label Intercept x1 x2 y
Intercept Intercept 29.728923483 0.0721834719 -1.992553186 -68.85707315 x1 targtpop 0.0721834719 0.0003701761 -0.005549917 1.4545595828 x2 dispoinc -1.992553186 -0.005549917 0.1363106368 9.3655003765 y -68.85707315 1.4545595828 9.3655003765 2180.9274114
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 2 24015 12008 99.10 <.0001 Error 18 2180.92741 121.16263 Corrected Total 20 26196
Root MSE 11.00739 R-Square 0.9167 Dependent Mean 181.90476 Adj R-Sq 0.9075 Coeff Var 6.05118
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard Variable Label DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept Intercept 1 -68.85707 60.01695 -1.15 0.2663 x1 targtpop 1 1.45456 0.21178 6.87 <.0001 x2 dispoinc 1 9.36550 4.06396 2.30 0.0333
Show all variables, including fitted and residual as shown in Fig. 6.5b, p. 24
proc print data = outfig05; var y x1 x2 fitted residual; run;
Obs y x1 x2 fitted residual1 174.4 68.5 16.7 187.184 -12.7841 2 164.4 45.2 16.8 154.229 10.1706 3 244.2 91.3 18.2 234.396 9.8037 4 154.6 47.8 16.3 153.329 1.2715 5 181.6 46.9 17.3 161.385 20.2151 6 207.5 66.1 18.2 197.741 9.7586 7 152.8 49.5 15.9 152.055 0.7449 8 163.2 52.0 17.2 167.867 -4.6666 9 145.4 48.9 16.6 157.738 -12.3382 10 137.2 38.4 16.0 136.846 0.3540 11 241.9 87.9 18.3 230.387 11.5126 12 191.1 72.8 17.1 197.185 -6.0849 13 232.0 88.4 17.4 222.686 9.3143 14 145.3 42.9 15.8 141.518 3.7816 15 161.1 52.5 17.8 174.213 -13.1132 16 209.7 85.7 18.4 228.124 -18.4239 17 146.4 41.3 16.5 145.747 0.6530 18 144.0 51.7 16.3 159.001 -15.0013 19 232.6 89.6 18.1 230.987 1.6130 20 224.1 82.7 19.1 230.316 -6.2161 21 166.5 52.3 16.0 157.064 9.4356
Note: To recreate the 3-D plots in Fig. 6.6 use interactive data analysis in SAS,
visit our web page .
Fig. 6.7, p. 246, showing 4 different diagnostic plots.
proc gplot data = outfig05; plot residual*fitted; run;
proc gplot data = outfig05; plot residual*x1; run;
proc gplot data = outfig05; plot residual*x2; run;
proc gplot data = outfig05; plot residual*x1x2; run;
Fig 6.8a-Fig 6.8d, page 247 could have been obtained all in one proc gplot command as shown below.
proc gplot data = outfig05; plot residual*fitted; plot residual*x1; plot residual*x2; plot residual*x1x2; run;
Fig 6.8a, page 247.
data outfig08; set outfig05; absresid = abs(residual); run; proc gplot data=outfig08; plot absresid*fitted; run;
Fig. 6.8b, p. 247, normal probability plot.
Note: The labels on the X-axis differs from the book.
proc univariate data = outfig05 noprint ; qqplot residual / normal; run;
Estimation of Mean Response and Prediction Limits for New Observations, p. 249-251. Adding an extra line of data in order to predict.
data ch6fig05h; input x1 x2 y; cards; 68.5 16.7 174.4 45.2 16.8 164.4 91.3 18.2 244.2 47.8 16.3 154.6 46.9 17.3 181.6 66.1 18.2 207.5 49.5 15.9 152.8 52.0 17.2 163.2 48.9 16.6 145.4 38.4 16.0 137.2 87.9 18.3 241.9 72.8 17.1 191.1 88.4 17.4 232.0 42.9 15.8 145.3 52.5 17.8 161.1 85.7 18.4 209.7 41.3 16.5 146.4 51.7 16.3 144.0 89.6 18.1 232.6 82.7 19.1 224.1 52.3 16.0 166.5 65.4 17.6 . 53.1 17.7 . ; run;
Getting the predicted value and the CI’s for E[Yh] and Yh(new), p. 249-251. Upper and Lower CLMean is for E[Yh] and Upper and Lower CL is for Yh(new).
proc reg data = ch6fig05h ; model y = x1 x2 / r cli clm; ods output OutputStatistics=temp; run; quit;
The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: yAnalysis of Variance
Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 2 24015 12008 99.10 <.0001 Error 18 2180.92741 121.16263 Corrected Total 20 26196
Root MSE 11.00739 R-Square 0.9167 Dependent Mean 181.90476 Adj R-Sq 0.9075 Coeff Var 6.05118
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 -68.85707 60.01695 -1.15 0.2663 x1 1 1.45456 0.21178 6.87 <.0001 x2 1 9.36550 4.06396 2.30 0.0333
The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: y
Output Statistics
Dep Var Predicted Std Error Obs y Value Mean Predict 95% CL Mean 95% CL Predict Residual
1 174.4000 187.1841 3.8409 179.1146 195.2536 162.6910 211.6772 -12.7841 2 164.4000 154.2294 3.5558 146.7591 161.6998 129.9271 178.5317 10.1706 3 244.2000 234.3963 4.5882 224.7569 244.0358 209.3421 259.4506 9.8037 4 154.6000 153.3285 3.2331 146.5361 160.1210 129.2260 177.4311 1.2715 5 181.6000 161.3849 4.4300 152.0778 170.6921 136.4566 186.3132 20.2151 6 207.5000 197.7414 4.3786 188.5424 206.9404 172.8533 222.6295 9.7586 7 152.8000 152.0551 4.1696 143.2952 160.8150 127.3259 176.7843 0.7449 8 163.2000 167.8666 3.3310 160.8684 174.8649 143.7053 192.0280 -4.6666 9 145.4000 157.7382 2.9628 151.5136 163.9628 133.7895 181.6869 -12.3382 10 137.2000 136.8460 4.0074 128.4268 145.2653 112.2354 161.4566 0.3540 11 241.9000 230.3874 4.2012 221.5610 239.2137 205.6346 255.1402 11.5126 12 191.1000 197.1849 3.4109 190.0188 204.3510 172.9744 221.3954 -6.0849 13 232.0000 222.6857 5.3808 211.3810 233.9904 196.9448 248.4266 9.3143 14 145.3000 141.5184 4.1735 132.7502 150.2866 116.7863 166.2506 3.7816 15 161.1000 174.2132 5.0377 163.6294 184.7971 148.7807 199.6458 -13.1132 16 209.7000 228.1239 4.1214 219.4652 236.7826 203.4304 252.8174 -18.4239 17 146.4000 145.7470 3.7331 137.9041 153.5899 121.3276 170.1664 0.6530 18 144.0000 159.0013 3.2529 152.1672 165.8354 134.8870 183.1157 -15.0013 19 232.6000 230.9870 4.4176 221.7059 240.2681 206.0684 255.9056 1.6130 20 224.1000 230.3161 5.8120 218.1054 242.5267 204.1647 256.4675 -6.2161 21 166.5000 157.0644 4.0792 148.4944 165.6344 132.4018 181.7270 9.4356 22 . 191.1039 2.7668 185.2911 196.9168 167.2589 214.9490 . 23 . 174.1494 4.5986 164.4881 183.8107 149.0867 199.2121 .
Output Statistics
Std Error Student Cook’s Obs Residual Residual -2-1 0 1 2 D
1 10.316 -1.239 | **| | 0.071 2 10.417 0.976 | |* | 0.037 3 10.006 0.980 | |* | 0.067 4 10.522 0.121 | | | 0.000 5 10.077 2.006 | |**** | 0.259 6 10.099 0.966 | |* | 0.059 7 10.187 0.0731 | | | 0.000 8 10.491 -0.445 | | | 0.007 9 10.601 -1.164 | **| | 0.035 10 10.252 0.0345 | | | 0.000 11 10.174 1.132 | |** | 0.073 12 10.466 -0.581 | *| | 0.012 13 9.603 0.970 | |* | 0.098 14 10.186 0.371 | | | 0.008 15 9.787 -1.340 | **| | 0.159 16 10.207 -1.805 | ***| | 0.177
The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: y
Output Statistics
Std Error Student Cook’s Obs Residual Residual -2-1 0 1 2 D
17 10.355 0.0631 | | | 0.000 18 10.516 -1.427 | **| | 0.065 19 10.082 0.160 | | | 0.002 20 9.348 -0.665 | *| | 0.057 21 10.224 0.923 | |* | 0.045 22 . . . 23 . . .
Sum of Residuals 0 Sum of Squared Residuals 2180.92741 Predicted Residual SS (PRESS) 3002.92331
We use Where Observation >= 22 to show just the last two observation
proc print data = temp; where Observation >= 22; run;
StdErr Predicted Mean Lower Upper Obs Model Dependent Observation DepVar Value Predict CLMean CLMean22 MODEL1 y 22 . 191.1039 2.7668 185.2911 196.9168 23 MODEL1 y 23 . 174.1494 4.5986 164.4881 183.8107
StdErr Student Obs LowerCL UpperCL Residual Residual Residual Picture CooksD
22 167.2589 214.9490 . . . . 23 149.0867 199.2121 . . . .