Page 235 Table 10.1 Means and standard deviations for depression data set.
data depress; set "c:\cama4\depress"; sex1 = sex - 1; run;
NOTE: The output from the proc corr used for the next table includes the information in this table.
Page 235 Table 10.2 Correlation matrix for depression data set.
proc corr data = depress; var cesd health sex1 age educat income; run;
The CORR Procedure 6 Variables: CESD HEALTH sex1 AGE EDUCAT INCOME Simple Statistics Variable N Mean Std Dev Sum Minimum Maximum CESD 294 8.88435 8.82365 2612 0 47.00000 HEALTH 294 1.77211 0.83795 521.00000 1.00000 4.00000 sex1 294 0.62245 0.48560 183.00000 0 1.00000 AGE 294 44.41497 18.08544 13058 18.00000 89.00000 EDUCAT 294 3.47959 1.31073 1023 1.00000 7.00000 INCOME 294 20.57483 15.29012 6049 2.00000 65.00000 Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 294 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 CESD HEALTH sex1 AGE EDUCAT INCOME CESD 1.00000 0.21199 0.12359 -0.16414 -0.10142 -0.15804 0.0003 0.0342 0.0048 0.0825 0.0066 HEALTH 0.21199 1.00000 0.09817 0.30421 -0.26994 -0.18340 0.0003 0.0929 <.0001 <.0001 0.0016 sex1 0.12359 0.09817 1.00000 0.04355 -0.10598 -0.18028 0.0342 0.0929 0.4569 0.0696 0.0019 AGE -0.16414 0.30421 0.04355 1.00000 -0.20841 -0.19169 0.0048 <.0001 0.4569 0.0003 0.0010 EDUCAT -0.10142 -0.26994 -0.10598 -0.20841 1.00000 0.42897 0.0825 <.0001 0.0696 0.0003 <.0001 INCOME -0.15804 -0.18340 -0.18028 -0.19169 0.42897 1.00000 0.0066 0.0016 0.0019 0.0010 <.0001
Page 237 Table 10.3 Canonical correlation coefficients for first correlation (depression data set).
proc cancorr data = depress out=can; var cesd health; with sex age educat income; run;
The CANCORR Procedure Canonical Correlation Analysis Raw Canonical Coefficients for the VAR Variables V1 V2 CESD -0.055489054 0.1018303601 HEALTH 1.1717792764 0.3437096752 Raw Canonical Coefficients for the WITH Variables W1 W2 SEX 0.0512337805 0.8164422692 AGE 0.0481483703 -0.024468017 EDUCAT -0.292121349 -0.341960344 INCOME 0.0053689321 -0.036287 The CANCORR Procedure Canonical Correlation Analysis Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the VAR Variables V1 V2 CESD -0.4896 0.8985 HEALTH 0.9819 0.2880 Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the WITH Variables W1 W2 SEX 0.0249 0.3965 AGE 0.8708 -0.4425 EDUCAT -0.3829 -0.4482 INCOME 0.0821 -0.5548
Page 238 Table 10.4 Computation of correlation between U(1) and V(1).
These computations are based on the previous two tables.
Page 239 The second canonical correlations give at the top of the page.
NOTE: This output is part of the output given by the code above.
The CANCORR Procedure Canonical Correlation Analysis Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the VAR Variables V1 V2 CESD -0.4896 0.8985 HEALTH 0.9819 0.2880 Standardized Canonical Coefficients for the WITH Variables W1 W2 SEX 0.0249 0.3965 AGE 0.8708 -0.4425 EDUCAT -0.3829 -0.4482 INCOME 0.0821 -0.5548
Page 241 Figure 10.1 Plot of 294 pairs of the canonical variables U(1) and V(1) for the depression data set (canonical correlation = 0.405).
NOTE: We were unable to reproduce this graph.
Page 242 Table 10.5 Correlations between canonical variables and corresponding variables (depression data set).
NOTE: This output is part of that produced by the proc cancorr above.
Correlations Between the VAR Variables and Their Canonical Variables V1 V2 CESD -0.2815 0.9596 HEALTH 0.8781 0.4785 Correlations Between the WITH Variables and Their Canonical Variables W1 W2 SEX 0.0886 0.5247 AGE 0.9359 -0.2255 EDUCAT -0.5318 -0.6360 INCOME -0.2536 -0.7338