This page shows how to obtain the results from Chatterjee, Hadi & Price’s Chapter 6 using SAS.
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Use data in file p157.
data p157; input t N_t; cards; 1 355 2 211 3 197 4 166 5 142 6 106 7 104 8 60 9 56 10 38 11 36 12 32 13 21 14 19 15 15 ; run;
Table 6.2, page 157.
proc print data=p157; run; Obs t N_t 1 1 355 2 2 211 3 3 197 4 4 166 5 5 142 6 6 106 7 7 104 8 8 60 9 9 56 10 10 38 11 11 36 12 12 32 13 13 21 14 14 19 15 15 15
Figure 6.5, page 159.
filename outgraph 'e:temp'; goptions gsfname=outgraph dev=gif373; symbol c=black v=circle h=0.8; proc gplot data=p157; plot n_t*t; run;![]()
Table 6.3, page 159.
proc reg data=p157; model n_t = t; output out=p157a rstudent = rstd; run; The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: N_t Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F Model 1 106080 106080 60.62 <.0001 Error 13 22749 1749.95201 Corrected Total 14 128830 Root MSE 41.83243 R-Square 0.8234 Dependent Mean 103.86667 Adj R-Sq 0.8098 Coeff Var 40.27512 Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 1 259.58095 22.72999 11.42 <.0001 t 1 -19.46429 2.49997 -7.79 <.0001
Figure 6.6, page 159.
axis1 label=(a=90); symbol c=black v=circle h=0.8; proc gplot data=p157a; plot rstd*t / vaxis=axis1; label rstd='Studentized Residuals'; run;The rest of this chapter is incomplete.