SAS Textbook Examples
An Introduction to Categorical Analysis by Alan
Chapter 7 – Building and Applying Logit and Log-linear Models
We will try to use both SAS proc catmod and proc genmod for the results in this chapter.
Inputting the drug data set, table 6.3, p. 152.
data drug; input R G A C M count; label R='Race' G='Gender' A='alcohol' C='smoke' M='marijuana'; cards; 1 1 1 1 1 405 1 1 1 1 0 268 1 1 1 0 1 13 1 1 1 0 0 218 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 17 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 117 1 0 1 1 1 453 1 0 1 1 0 228 1 0 1 0 1 28 1 0 1 0 0 201 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 17 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 133 0 1 1 1 1 23 0 1 1 1 0 23 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 19 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 1 1 1 30 0 0 1 1 0 19 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 18 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 ; run;
The catmod proc will drop any observations where the count is zero. In order to solve this problem we create a new count variable where we add a very small amount (in this case .0005) to all the counts. This will not change any of the Maximum Likelihood estimates, it will simply ensure that all the observations are used in the calculations.
data drugmore; set drug; count1= count+.0005; run;
Table 7.2, p. 179.
ods listing close; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin g|r a c m g r ; ods output anova=temp1; run; quit; data temp1; set temp1; model = 'RG_A_C_M'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin g|r|a|c|m @2; ods output anova=temp2; run; quit; data temp2; set temp2; model = 'homogeneous'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin g|r|a|c|m @3; ods output anova=temp3; run; quit; data temp3; set temp3; model = 'three-way'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|a g|c g|m a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp4; run; quit; data temp4; set temp4; model = 'homogeneous - AC'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|a g|c g|m a|c c|m; ods output anova=temp5; run; quit; data temp5; set temp5; model = 'homogeneous - AM'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|a g|c g|m a|c a|m ; ods output anova=temp6; run; quit; data temp6; set temp6; model = 'homogeneous - CM'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|c g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp7; run; quit; data temp7; set temp7; model = 'homogeneous - AG'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|c r|m g|a g|c g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp8; run; quit; data temp8; set temp8; model = 'homogeneous - AR'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|a g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp9; run; quit; data temp9; set temp9; model = 'homogeneous - CG'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|m g|a g|c g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp10; run; quit; data temp10; set temp10; model = 'homogeneous - CR'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c r|m g|a g|c a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp11; run; quit; data temp11; set temp11; model = 'homogeneous - GM'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|c g|a g|c g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp12; run; quit; data temp12; set temp12; model = 'homogeneous - MR'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a r|m g|a g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp13; run; quit; data temp13; set temp13; model = 'RG_RA_RM_GA_GM_AC_AM_CM'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin r|g r|a g|a g|m a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp14; run; quit; data temp14; set temp14; model = 'RG_RA_GA_GM_AC_AM_CM'; run; proc catmod data=drugmore; weight count1; model R*G*A*C*M= _response_ ; loglin g|r r|a g|a a|c a|m c|m; ods output anova=temp15; run; quit; data temp15; set temp15; model = 'RG_RA_RM_GA_AC_AM_CM'; run; ods output close; ods listing; data combo; set temp1 temp2 temp3 temp4 temp5 temp6 temp7 TEMP8 TEMP9 TEMP10 TEMP11 temp12 temp13 temp14 temp15; rename chisq=G2; rename probchisq=P_value; run; proc print data=combo noobs; where source='Likelihood Ratio'; var model G2 df P_value; run;
Model G2 DF P_value |
Inputting Survey data, table 7.3, p. 181.
data sex; input premar birth count @@; assoc = premar*birth; cards; 1 4 38 1 3 60 1 2 68 1 1 81 2 4 14 2 3 29 2 2 26 2 1 24 3 4 42 3 3 74 3 2 41 3 1 18 4 4 157 4 3 161 4 2 57 4 1 36 ; run;
Table 7.3, p. 181.
proc format; value premar 1='Always wrong' 2='Usually Wrong' 3='Sometimes Wrong' 4='Never wrong'; value birth 1='Strongly Disagree' 2='Disagree' 3='Agree' 4='Strongly Agree'; run; proc genmod data=sex; format premar premar. birth birth.; class premar birth; model count = premar birth / dist=poi link=log ; output out=temp p=predict reslik=adjres; run; proc print data = temp; format premar premar. birth birth.; var premar birth count predict adjres; run;
Obs premar birth count predict adjres |
The Likelihood Ratio statistic in the output is the goodness-of-fit test statistic, G^2, for the independence model in the middle of p. 181.
proc catmod data=sex; weight count; model premar*birth= _response_/ noiter noprofile noparm noresponse; loglin premar birth; run; quit;
The CATMOD Procedure Response premar*birth Response Levels 16 Weight Variable count Populations 1 Data Set SEX Total Frequency 926 Frequency Missing 0 Observations 16 Maximum Likelihood Analysis Maximum likelihood computations converged. Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Variance |
Linear-by-linear association in the Survey data.
The ML estimate of the association parameter ,beta , and its standard error are the estimate and standard error of assoc in the table labeled Analysis of Parameter Estimates which is followed by the Wald test and 95% Wald confidence interval, middle of p. 183.
proc genmod data=sex; format premar premar. birth birth.; class premar birth; model count = premar birth assoc/ dist=poi link=log ; output out=temp p=predict ; run;
The GENMOD Procedure Data Set WORK.SEX Distribution Poisson Link Function Log Dependent Variable count Observations Used 16 Class Level Information premar 4 Always wrong Never wrong Sometimes Wrong Usually Wrong birth 4 Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Deviance 8 11.5337 1.4417 Scaled Deviance 8 11.5337 1.4417 Pearson Chi-Square 8 11.5085 1.4386 Scaled Pearson X2 8 11.5085 1.4386 Log Likelihood 3041.7446 Analysis Of Parameter Estimates Intercept 1 2.4609 0.1323 2.2015 2.7202 345.91 <.0001 premar Always wrong 1 1.6460 0.1347 1.3819 1.9100 149.24 <.0001 premar Never wrong 1 -0.1077 0.1988 -0.4974 0.2820 0.29 0.5880 premar Sometimes Wrong 1 -0.1241 0.1481 -0.4143 0.1661 0.70 0.4021 premar Usually Wrong 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . birth Agree 1 -0.7245 0.1620 -1.0420 -0.4070 20.00 <.0001 birth Disagree 1 -0.4641 0.1195 -0.6984 -0.2298 15.08 0.0001 birth Strongly Agree 1 -1.8797 0.2491 -2.3679 -1.3914 56.94 <.0001 birth Strongly Disagre 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . assoc 1 0.2858 0.0282 0.2305 0.3412 102.46 <.0001 Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. |
Table 7.4, p. 184.
proc print data = temp; format premar premar. birth birth.; var premar birth count predict; run;
Obs premar birth count predict |
Inputting Job Satisfaction data, table 7.5, p. 186.
data cmh; input gender $ income satisf count @@; cards; F 3 1 1 F 3 3 3 F 3 4 11 F 3 5 2 F 10 1 2 F 10 3 3 F 10 4 17 F 10 5 3 F 20 1 0 F 20 3 1 F 20 4 8 F 20 5 5 F 35 1 0 F 35 3 2 F 35 4 4 F 35 5 2 M 3 1 1 M 3 3 1 M 3 4 2 M 3 5 1 M 10 1 0 M 10 3 3 M 10 4 5 M 10 5 1 M 20 1 0 M 20 3 0 M 20 4 7 M 20 5 3 M 35 1 0 M 35 3 1 M 35 4 9 M 35 5 6 ; run;
Proc catmod will drop any observations where the count equals zero. To fix this problem we simply create a new count variable where we add a very small amount (in this case .00001) to all the counts. This will not change any of the Maximum Likelihood estimates, it will simply ensure that all the observations are used in the calculations.
data cmh1; set cmh; count1 = count + .00001; run;
The Likelihood Ratio statistic in the output is the G^2 statistic for the model (GI, GS), Section 7.3.2, p. 186.
proc catmod data=cmh1; weight count1; model gender*income*satisf= _response_ /noiter noprofile noparm noresponse; loglin gender|income gender|satisf ; ods output anova=temp1; run; quit; data _null_; set temp1; if source = 'Likelihood Ratio' then call symput('chisq1', chisq); if source = 'Likelihood Ratio' then call symput('df1', df); run; %put chisq=&chisq1 and df=&df1; /* this will make the two number appear in the log file. */
The CATMOD Procedure Data Summary Response gender*income*satisf Response Levels 32 Weight Variable count1 Populations 1 Data Set CMH1 Total Frequency 104 Frequency Missing 0 Observations 32 Maximum Likelihood Analysis Maximum likelihood computations converged. Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Variance |
The Likelihood Ratio statistic in the output is the G^2 statistic for the model (GI, GS, IS), Section 7.3.2, p. 186.
Note: We have created two macro variables in order to use a Chi-squared test to compare the two models.
Note2: In the previous data step we created a new count variable in order to get rid of cells with zero entries. However, if the amount added to all the counts was too small proc catmod might have problems with collinearity when calculating the degrees of freedom for the G^2 statistic. Our suggestion is to try adding various amounts to all the counts starting with .1 then .01 then .001 and so on until the degrees of freedom start to drop. The point is that in order to get the best approximation for the G^2 statistic you want to add the smallest possible amount without losing degrees of freedom due to collinearity.
Note3: To obtain the correct degrees of freedom you can either calculate the number by hand as shown in the book or you can run a proc genmod and get the df from the Goodness of fit table in the output.
data cmh2; set cmh1; count2=count+.001; run; proc catmod data=cmh2; weight count2; model gender*income*satisf= _response_ /noiter noprofile noparm noresponse; loglin gender|income gender|satisf income|satisf; ods output anova=temp2; run; quit; data _null_; set temp2; if source = 'Likelihood Ratio' then call symput('chisq2', chisq); if source = 'Likelihood Ratio' then call symput('df2', df); run; %put chisq=&chisq2 and df=&df2; /* this will make the numbers appear in the log file */
The CATMOD Procedure Data Summary Response gender*income*satisf Response Levels 32 Weight Variable count2 Populations 1 Data Set CMH2 Total Frequency 104.032 Frequency Missing 0 Observations 32 Maximum Likelihood Analysis Maximum likelihood computations converged. Maximum Likelihood Analysis of Variance |
The following is the code for the proc genmod to get the df in the Goodness of fit table in the output. This is a nice way to check the df because proc genmod can handle zero cells without any problems.
proc genmod data=cmh; class gender income satisf; model count = gender*income gender*satisf income*satisf gender income satisf/d=p; run;
Using a Chi-squared test to compare the two models, (GI, GS, IS) to (GI, GS), section 7.3.2, p. 186.
data chitest; chi_diff= &chisq1-&chisq2; df_diff= &df1-&df2; p_value = 1-cdf('CHISQ', (&chisq1-&chisq2), (&df1-&df2) ); run; proc print data = chitest; run;
Obs chi_diff df_diff p_value 1 12.3000 9 0.19692 |
Generating the scores {1, 2, 3, 4} for income and satisfaction as well as creating the association variable, p. 187.
data score; set cmh1; if income=3 then score1 = 1; if income=10 then score1= 2; if income=20 then score1=3; if income=35 then score1=4; score2 = 1; if satisf ne 1 then score2 = satisf - 1; assoc = score1*score2; run;
The estimate and standard error for assoc in the output is the ML estimate and ASE for beta-hat followed by the Wald test and 95% Wald confidence interval, p. 188.
proc genmod data=score; class income gender satisf; model count=income gender satisf assoc / dist=p; run;
The GENMOD Procedure Data Set WORK.SCORE Distribution Poisson Link Function Log Dependent Variable count Observations Used 32 Class Level Information income 4 3 10 20 35 gender 2 F M satisf 4 1 3 4 5 Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Deviance 23 25.1215 1.0922 Scaled Deviance 23 25.1215 1.0922 Pearson Chi-Square 23 22.7298 0.9883 Scaled Pearson X2 23 22.7298 0.9883 Log Likelihood 63.8134 Analysis Of Parameter Estimates Intercept 1 -5.1408 2.2573 -9.5651 -0.7166 5.19 0.0228 income 3 1 3.4908 1.3815 0.7831 6.1985 6.38 0.0115 income 10 1 2.8073 0.9872 0.8724 4.7422 8.09 0.0045 income 20 1 1.2626 0.5749 0.1359 2.3894 4.82 0.0281 income 35 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . gender F 1 0.4700 0.2016 0.0750 0.8650 5.44 0.0197 gender M 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . satisf 1 1 0.9502 1.0904 -1.1870 3.0874 0.76 0.3835 satisf 3 1 1.4575 0.8084 -0.1270 3.0420 3.25 0.0714 satisf 4 1 2.0689 0.4918 1.1051 3.0327 17.70 <.0001 satisf 5 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . assoc 1 0.3951 0.1482 0.1046 0.6856 7.10 0.0077 Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. |
Using the scores {3, 10, 20, 35} for income and {1, 3, 4, 5} for satisfaction to create an association variable, bottom of p. 188.
data cmh1; set cmh1; assoc1 = income*satisf; run; proc genmod data=cmh1; class income gender satisf; model count=income gender satisf assoc1/ dist=p; run;
The GENMOD Procedure Data Set WORK.CMH1 Distribution Poisson Link Function Log Dependent Variable count Observations Used 32 Class Level Information income 4 3 10 20 35 gender 2 F M satisf 4 1 3 4 5 Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Deviance 23 25.0580 1.0895 Scaled Deviance 23 25.0580 1.0895 Pearson Chi-Square 23 22.5617 0.9809 Scaled Pearson X2 23 22.5617 0.9809 Log Likelihood 63.8452 Analysis Of Parameter Estimates Intercept 1 -4.7644 2.1925 -9.0617 -0.4672 4.72 0.0298 income 3 1 4.3179 1.7581 0.8720 7.7637 6.03 0.0141 income 10 1 3.8514 1.4213 1.0658 6.6370 7.34 0.0067 income 20 1 2.1447 0.9113 0.3585 3.9309 5.54 0.0186 income 35 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . gender F 1 0.4700 0.2016 0.0750 0.8650 5.44 0.0197 gender M 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . satisf 1 1 0.0622 0.8079 -1.5214 1.6457 0.01 0.9387 satisf 3 1 0.6328 0.5553 -0.4556 1.7213 1.30 0.2545 satisf 4 1 1.6466 0.3673 0.9267 2.3665 20.10 <.0001 satisf 5 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . assoc1 1 0.0341 0.0132 0.0082 0.0601 6.64 0.0100 Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. |
Means by gender and by levels of income using the scores {1, 2, 3, 4} for job satisfaction, p. 189.
proc sort data=score out=sorted; by gender income; run; proc means data=sorted; freq count; class gender income; var score2; run;
The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : score2 |
Table 7.6, p. 190.
proc freq data=cmh; weight count; tables gender*income*satisf / nocol norow nopercent cmh; run;
The FREQ Procedure income satisf Table 2 of income by satisf Controlling for gender=M income satisf The FREQ Procedure Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Statistics (Based on Table Scores) |
Inputting Clinical Trial data, table 7.7, p. 193.
data trial; input center treat response count; cards; 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 9 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 12 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 10 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 7 3 0 1 0 3 0 0 5 4 1 1 6 4 1 0 3 4 0 1 2 4 0 0 6 5 1 1 5 5 1 0 9 5 0 1 2 5 0 0 12 ; run;
Allowing zero cell entries. We could not recreate the error mentioned in the book. This is perhaps due to improvements in SAS and its abilities in handling troublesome data. Even though the parameter estimate for center 5 is zero and the parameter estimates for center 1 and 3 are very close to -26 the standard errors are very small (<0.5).
proc genmod data=trial; class center treat response; model count= center treat response center*response / dist=p; run;
The GENMOD Procedure Data Set WORK.TRIAL Distribution Poisson Link Function Log Dependent Variable count Observations Used 20 Class Level Information center 5 1 2 3 4 5 treat 2 0 1 response 2 0 1 Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit Deviance 9 7.8904 0.8767 Scaled Deviance 9 7.8904 0.8767 Pearson Chi-Square 9 7.3331 0.8148 Scaled Pearson X2 9 7.3331 0.8148 Log Likelihood 89.6010 Analysis Of Parameter Estimates Intercept 1 1.2738 0.3912 0.5070 2.0406 10.60 0.0011 center 1 1 -25.2805 0.3450 -25.9567 -24.6042 5368.46 <.0001 center 2 1 -1.9459 1.0690 -4.0412 0.1494 3.31 0.0687 center 3 1 -25.4639 0.3619 -26.1732 -24.7547 4951.51 <.0001 center 4 1 0.1335 0.5175 -0.8808 1.1479 0.07 0.7964 center 5 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . treat 0 1 -0.0426 0.2063 -0.4470 0.3618 0.04 0.8366 treat 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . response 0 1 1.0986 0.4364 0.2432 1.9540 6.34 0.0118 response 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . center*response 1 0 0 24.8750 0.0000 24.8750 24.8750 . . center*response 1 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . center*response 2 0 1 1.9924 1.1117 -0.1865 4.1714 3.21 0.0731 center*response 2 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . The GENMOD Procedure center*response 3 0 0 24.9043 0.0000 24.9043 24.9043 . . center*response 3 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . center*response 4 0 1 -0.9808 0.6531 -2.2610 0.2993 2.26 0.1332 center*response 4 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . center*response 5 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . center*response 5 1 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 . . Scale 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed. |