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Descriptive statistics and cross-tabulations for key variables. (Not shown in text.)
proc surveymeans data=dynarski; cluster hhid; var coll; weight wt88; run; The SURVEYMEANS Procedure Data Summary Number of Clusters 3123 Number of Observations 3986 Sum of Weights 1302933368 Statistics Std Error Variable Label N Mean of Mean coll Full-time college by age 23 3986 0.494350 0.010515 Statistics Variable 95% CL for Mean coll 0.47373264 0.51496809 proc freq data=dynarski; table fatherdec*yearsr; run; The FREQ Procedure Table of fatherdec by yearsr fatherdec(Father deceased by age 18) yearsr(Year in which a senior) Frequency Percent Row Pct Col Pct 79 80 81 82 83 Total Father not decea 892 986 867 828 222 3795 sed 22.38 24.74 21.75 20.77 5.57 95.21 23.50 25.98 22.85 21.82 5.85 95.61 95.73 94.34 95.28 94.47 Father deceased 41 44 52 41 13 191 1.03 1.10 1.30 1.03 0.33 4.79 21.47 23.04 27.23 21.47 6.81 4.39 4.27 5.66 4.72 5.53 Total 933 1030 919 869 235 3986 23.41 25.84 23.06 21.80 5.90 100.00
(a) Direct Estimate shown in Table 8.1 on page 143. The means of coll are shown in the rows labeled _subpop_3 and _subpop_4. This output also replicates part of the table of variable means and differences from the Dynarski article referenced in the chapter (not shown in the text).
proc sort data=dynarski; by fatherdec offer; run; proc surveymeans data=dynarski; domain fatherdec*offer; cluster hhid; var coll; weight wt88; run; The SURVEYMEANS Procedure Data Summary Number of Clusters 3123 Number of Observations 3986 Sum of Weights 1302933368 Statistics Std Error Variable Label N Mean of Mean coll Full-time college by age 23 3986 0.494350 0.010515 Statistics Variable 95% CL for Mean coll 0.47373264 0.51496809 Domain Analysis: Father deceased by age 18*Senior in year SSSB support available Senior in year SSSB Father deceased support by age 18 available Variable Label N Mean Father not deceased 0 coll Full-time college by age 23 1050 0.475694 1 coll Full-time college by age 23 2745 0.501702 Father deceased 0 coll Full-time college by age 23 54 0.352218 1 coll Full-time college by age 23 137 0.560456 Domain Analysis: Father deceased by age 18*Senior in year SSSB support available Senior in year SSSB Father deceased support Std Error by age 18 available Variable of Mean 95% CL for Mean Father not deceased 0 coll 0.018865 0.43870461 0.51268248 1 coll 0.012174 0.47783269 0.52557057 Father deceased 0 coll 0.081245 0.19291968 0.51151598 1 coll 0.052744 0.45703939 0.66387184
(b) Linear-Probability Model (OLS) Estimate shown in Table 8.1 on page 143.
proc surveyreg data=dynarski; model coll = offer; cluster hhid; weight wt88; where fatherdec=1; run; The SURVEYREG Procedure Regression Analysis for Dependent Variable coll Data Summary Number of Observations 191 Sum of Weights 51656801 Weighted Mean of coll 0.49986 Weighted Sum of coll 25821369 Design Summary Number of Clusters 172 Fit Statistics R-square 0.03578 Root MSE 0.4936 Denominator DF 171 Tests of Model Effects Effect Num DF F Value Pr > F Model 1 4.93 0.0277 Intercept 1 18.59 <.0001 offer 1 4.93 0.0277 NOTE: The denominator degrees of freedom for the F tests is 171. Estimated Regression Coefficients Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 0.35221783 0.08168396 4.31 <.0001 offer 0.20823778 0.09375011 2.22 0.0277
Figure 8.1 on page 155. Note that some of the output from the following section of code is not shown.
data dynarski; set dynarski; if offer=1 then post = 0; if offer=0 then post = 1; run; proc sort data=dynarski; by fatherdec post; run; proc surveymeans data=dynarski; by fatherdec post; cluster hhid; var coll; weight wt88; ods output statistics = table81; run; proc print data=table81; run; proc format; value post 0="pre-1981" 1="post-1981"; run; proc sgplot data=table81; by fatherdec; series x=post y=mean ; yaxis min=.3 max=.6; xaxis tickvalueformat=post. values=(0 1); run;![]()
Table 8.2 on page 157, labeled "(First Diff)". (Note this replicates the last regression model.)
proc surveyreg data=dynarski; model coll = offer; cluster hhid; weight wt88; where fatherdec = 1 ; run; The SURVEYREG Procedure Regression Analysis for Dependent Variable coll Data Summary Number of Observations 191 Sum of Weights 51656801 Weighted Mean of coll 0.49986 Weighted Sum of coll 25821369 Design Summary Number of Clusters 172 Fit Statistics R-square 0.03578 Root MSE 0.4936 Denominator DF 171 Tests of Model Effects Effect Num DF F Value Pr > F Model 1 4.93 0.0277 Intercept 1 18.59 <.0001 offer 1 4.93 0.0277 NOTE: The denominator degrees of freedom for the F tests is 171. Estimated Regression Coefficients Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 0.35221783 0.08168396 4.31 <.0001 offer 0.20823778 0.09375011 2.22 0.0277
Table 8.2 on page 157, labeled "(Second Diff)".
proc surveyreg data=dynarski; model coll = offer; cluster hhid; weight wt88; where fatherdec = 0; run; The SURVEYREG Procedure Regression Analysis for Dependent Variable coll Data Summary Number of Observations 3795 Sum of Weights 1251276567 Weighted Mean of coll 0.49412 Weighted Sum of coll 618284217 Design Summary Number of Clusters 2984 Fit Statistics R-square 0.000559 Root MSE 0.5000 Denominator DF 2983 Tests of Model Effects Effect Num DF F Value Pr > F Model 1 1.50 0.2215 Intercept 1 635.66 <.0001 offer 1 1.50 0.2215 NOTE: The denominator degrees of freedom for the F tests is 2983. Estimated Regression Coefficients Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 0.47569354 0.01886756 25.21 <.0001 offer 0.02600809 0.02126729 1.22 0.2215
Table 8.4 on page 161.
proc surveyreg data=dynarski; model coll = offer fatherdec offer*fatherdec; cluster hhid; weight wt88; estimate offer 1 offer*fatherdec 1 ; run; The SURVEYREG Procedure Regression Analysis for Dependent Variable coll Data Summary Number of Observations 3986 Sum of Weights 1302933368 Weighted Mean of coll 0.49435 Weighted Sum of coll 644105586 Design Summary Number of Clusters 3123 Fit Statistics R-square 0.001961 Root MSE 0.4997 Denominator DF 3122 Tests of Model Effects Effect Num DF F Value Pr > F Model 3 2.19 0.0875 Intercept 1 635.36 <.0001 offer 1 1.49 0.2216 fatherdec 1 2.19 0.1391 offer*fatherdec 1 3.61 0.0574 NOTE: The denominator degrees of freedom for the F tests is 3122. Estimated Regression Coefficients Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 0.4756935 0.01887204 25.21 <.0001 offer 0.0260081 0.02127234 1.22 0.2216 fatherdec -0.1234757 0.08345651 -1.48 0.1391 offer*fatherdec 0.1822297 0.09587712 1.90 0.0574 The SURVEYREG Procedure Regression Analysis for Dependent Variable coll Estimate Standard Label Estimate Error DF t Value Pr > |t| Row 1 0.2082 0.09328 3122 2.23 0.0257