You can download the dataset for this chapter by clicking here:
Descriptive statistics for the all variables. The variable read is the average reading score for each school, size is the cohort size for each school, intended_classsize is the average intended class size for each school, and observed_classize is the average of actual class sizes for each school. Note: this output does not appear in the text.
proc means data=angrist; vars read size intended_classize observed_classize; run; The MEANS Procedure Variable Label N Mean Std Dev read verbal score (class average) 2019 74.3791713 7.6784598 size size of september enrollment cohort 2019 77.7419515 38.8107308 intended_classize maimonides rule 2019 30.9559353 6.1079239 observed_classize spring class size 2019 29.9351164 6.5458852 Variable Label Minimum Maximum read verbal score (class average) 34.7999992 93.8600006 size size of september enrollment cohort 8.0000000 226.0000000 intended_classize maimonides rule 8.0000000 40.0000000 observed_classize spring class size 8.0000000 44.0000000
A boxplot showing the distribution of read by size. (Not shown in text.)
proc sgplot data=angrist; vbox read / category=size; where size>=36 AND size<=46; run;![]()
Table 9.1 on page 168.
proc sql ; select size, mean(intended_classize) as mean_intended, mean(observed_classize) as mean_observed, mean(read) as mean_read, std(read) as sd_read from angrist where size>=36 AND size<=46 group by size; quit; size of september enrollment mean_ mean_ cohort intended observed mean_read sd_read 36 36 27.44444 67.30445 12.36389 37 37 26.22222 68.94066 8.497514 38 38 33.1 67.854 14.03826 39 39 31.2 68.87 12.07238 40 40 29.88889 67.92847 7.865053 41 20.5 22.67857 73.6767 8.766867 42 21 23.4 67.5956 9.302938 43 21.5 22.125 77.17644 7.466089 44 22 24.41176 72.1616 7.712399 45 22.5 22.73684 76.91684 8.708218 46 23 22.55 70.30814 9.783913
Difference analysis discussed on page 172.
data angrist; set angrist; if size<=40 then small=0; if size>40 then small=1; run; proc ttest data=angrist; class small; var read; where size=40 | size = 41; run; The TTEST Procedure Variable: read (verbal score (class average)) small N Mean Std Dev Std Err Minimum Maximum 0 9 67.9285 7.8651 2.6217 52.7700 77.2900 1 28 73.6767 8.7669 1.6568 55.3200 89.2700 Diff (1-2) -5.7482 8.5691 3.2835 small Method Mean 95% CL Mean Std Dev 95% CL Std Dev 0 67.9285 61.8829 73.9741 7.8651 5.3125 15.0676 1 73.6767 70.2773 77.0761 8.7669 6.9313 11.9329 Diff (1-2) Pooled -5.7482 -12.4141 0.9176 8.5691 6.9502 11.1779 Diff (1-2) Satterthwaite -5.7482 -12.3601 0.8637 Method Variances DF t Value Pr > |t| Pooled Equal 35 -1.75 0.0888 Satterthwaite Unequal 14.959 -1.85 0.0836 Equality of Variances Method Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F Folded F 27 8 1.24 0.7921
Difference of difference analysis, discussed starting on page 173. (Output not shown in text.)
data angrist2; set angrist; where size>=38 & size<=41; if size=38 then group=1; if size=39 then group=2; if size=40 then group=3; if size=41 then group=4; run; proc sort data=angrist2; by group; run; proc means data=angrist2 mean var; class group; var read; run; The MEANS Procedure Analysis Variable : read verbal score (class average) N group Obs Mean Variance 1 10 67.8540001 197.0727013 2 10 68.8699997 145.7422671 3 9 67.9284655 61.8590551 4 28 73.6766950 76.8579504 proc sgplot data=angrist2; vbox read / category=group; run;* "larger" distinguishes the group with the larger enrollment in any pair; * "first" distinguishes the groups that participate in the first diff; data angrist2; set angrist2; if group=1 | group=3 then larger=0; if group=2 | group=4 then larger=1; if group=1 | group=2 then first=0; if group=3 | group=4 then first=1; run; proc glm data=angrist2; model read = first larger first*larger; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 57 Number of Observations Used 57 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 429.340264 143.113421 1.34 0.2709 Error 53 5655.371816 106.705129 Corrected Total 56 6084.712080 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.070560 14.56868 10.32982 70.90427 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F first 1 199.1352089 199.1352089 1.87 0.1777 larger 1 165.6365436 165.6365436 1.55 0.2183 first*larger 1 64.5685115 64.5685115 0.61 0.4401 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F first 1 0.02626627 0.02626627 0.00 0.9875 larger 1 5.16127597 5.16127597 0.05 0.8268 first*larger 1 64.56851148 64.56851148 0.61 0.4401 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 67.85400009 3.26657510 20.77 <.0001 first 0.07446543 4.74622358 0.02 0.9875 larger 1.01599960 4.61963480 0.22 0.8268 first*larger 4.73222988 6.08342408 0.78 0.4401
Figure 9.1 on page 176. The dataset has changed so you will need to open the original dataset again.
proc sql; create table angrist3 as select *, mean(read) as mread from angrist group by size; quit; data angrist3; set angrist3; if size=41 then mread41=mread; if size>=36 & size<=40 then mread3640 = mread; run; proc sgplot data=angrist3 noautolegend; series y=mread3640 x=size; scatter y=mread41 x=size ; reg y=mread3640 x=size ; where size>=36 & size<=41; yaxis label='Average Reading Achievement'; xaxis label='Size of Enrollment Cohort'; run;![]()
Table 9.3 on page 180.
data angrist; set angrist; small=0 ; if size>=41 then small=1; csize = size-41; run; proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=36 & size<=41; run; quit; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 75 Number of Observations Used 75 The SAS System 11:04 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 122 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 530.144127 265.072063 2.55 0.0848 Error 72 7473.058357 103.792477 Corrected Total 74 8003.202483 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.066241 14.50505 10.18786 70.23666 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 360.4818362 360.4818362 3.47 0.0665 small 1 169.6622905 169.6622905 1.63 0.2052 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 1.3983446 1.3983446 0.01 0.9079 small 1 169.6622905 169.6622905 1.63 0.2052 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.55656883 3.51152647 19.52 <.0001 csize 0.12397588 1.06810272 0.12 0.9079 small 5.12012617 4.00470877 1.28 0.2052 1044 quit;
Boxplot of read by school size, for classes size 36-46. (Not shown in text.)
proc sgplot data=angrist; vbox read / category=size; where size>=36 & size<=46; run;![]()
Table 9.4 on page 183.
proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=36 & size<=46; run; quit; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 180 Number of Observations Used 180 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 794.77415 397.38708 4.25 0.0158 Error 177 16564.03364 93.58211 Corrected Total 179 17358.80779 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.045785 13.49391 9.673785 71.69002 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 619.5174098 619.5174098 6.62 0.0109 small 1 175.2567410 175.2567410 1.87 0.1729 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 14.3411041 14.3411041 0.15 0.6959 small 1 175.2567410 175.2567410 1.87 0.1729 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.69568689 1.91775834 35.82 <.0001 csize 0.17067980 0.43600075 0.39 0.6959 small 3.84715660 2.81124643 1.37 0.1729
Syntax to produce the coefficients from small and csize shown in Table 9.5 on page 184.
proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=36 & size<=41; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 75 Number of Observations Used 75 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 530.144127 265.072063 2.55 0.0848 Error 72 7473.058357 103.792477 Corrected Total 74 8003.202483 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.066241 14.50505 10.18786 70.23666 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 360.4818362 360.4818362 3.47 0.0665 small 1 169.6622905 169.6622905 1.63 0.2052 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 1.3983446 1.3983446 0.01 0.9079 small 1 169.6622905 169.6622905 1.63 0.2052 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.55656883 3.51152647 19.52 <.0001 csize 0.12397588 1.06810272 0.12 0.9079 small 5.12012617 4.00470877 1.28 0.2052 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=36 & size<=46; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 180 Number of Observations Used 180 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 794.77415 397.38708 4.25 0.0158 Error 177 16564.03364 93.58211 Corrected Total 179 17358.80779 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.045785 13.49391 9.673785 71.69002 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 619.5174098 619.5174098 6.62 0.0109 small 1 175.2567410 175.2567410 1.87 0.1729 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 14.3411041 14.3411041 0.15 0.6959 small 1 175.2567410 175.2567410 1.87 0.1729 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.69568689 1.91775834 35.82 <.0001 csize 0.17067980 0.43600075 0.39 0.6959 small 3.84715660 2.81124643 1.37 0.1729 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=35 & size<=47; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 221 Number of Observations Used 221 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 766.65527 383.32764 4.24 0.0156 Error 218 19694.93698 90.34375 Corrected Total 220 20461.59226 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.037468 13.23299 9.504933 71.82755 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 521.8926837 521.8926837 5.78 0.0171 small 1 244.7625898 244.7625898 2.71 0.1012 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 0.2672968 0.2672968 0.00 0.9567 small 1 244.7625898 244.7625898 2.71 0.1012 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.76637004 1.67352147 41.09 <.0001 csize 0.01707451 0.31390657 0.05 0.9567 small 4.12172842 2.50412442 1.65 0.1012 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=34 & size<=48; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 259 Number of Observations Used 259 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 827.84469 413.92234 4.76 0.0093 Error 256 22239.42185 86.87274 Corrected Total 258 23067.26654 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.035888 12.96111 9.320555 71.91172 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 564.9314706 564.9314706 6.50 0.0114 small 1 262.9132181 262.9132181 3.03 0.0831 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 0.0046601 0.0046601 0.00 0.9942 small 1 262.9132181 262.9132181 3.03 0.0831 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 68.98157843 1.51761499 45.45 <.0001 csize 0.00182198 0.24876314 0.01 0.9942 small 4.01178643 2.30607463 1.74 0.0831 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=33 & size<=49; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 288 Number of Observations Used 288 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 727.97326 363.98663 4.36 0.0136 Error 285 23778.04705 83.43174 Corrected Total 287 24506.02031 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.029706 12.65253 9.134098 72.19189 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 486.5361321 486.5361321 5.83 0.0164 small 1 241.4371313 241.4371313 2.89 0.0900 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 0.3105589 0.3105589 0.00 0.9514 small 1 241.4371313 241.4371313 2.89 0.0900 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 69.54771739 1.40848952 49.38 <.0001 csize -0.01282446 0.21020003 -0.06 0.9514 small 3.67186597 2.15849203 1.70 0.0900 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=32 & size<=50; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 315 Number of Observations Used 315 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 662.42455 331.21227 4.08 0.0178 Error 312 25337.79969 81.21090 Corrected Total 314 26000.22424 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.025478 12.41907 9.011709 72.56346 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 490.8500261 490.8500261 6.04 0.0145 small 1 171.5745236 171.5745236 2.11 0.1471 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 1.9174557 1.9174557 0.02 0.8780 small 1 171.5745236 171.5745236 2.11 0.1471 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 70.37797062 1.32498335 53.12 <.0001 csize 0.02785393 0.18127211 0.15 0.8780 small 2.96634260 2.04080759 1.45 0.1471 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=31 & size<=51; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 352 Number of Observations Used 352 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 760.14017 380.07008 4.58 0.0109 Error 349 28979.74327 83.03651 Corrected Total 351 29739.88343 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.025560 12.55109 9.112437 72.60273 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 571.6505728 571.6505728 6.88 0.0091 small 1 188.4895936 188.4895936 2.27 0.1328 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 4.4935683 4.4935683 0.05 0.8162 small 1 188.4895936 188.4895936 2.27 0.1328 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 70.38685823 1.25279621 56.18 <.0001 csize 0.03592477 0.15443043 0.23 0.8162 small 2.92719390 1.94286379 1.51 0.1328 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=30 & size<=52; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 385 Number of Observations Used 385 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 632.40608 316.20304 3.91 0.0209 Error 382 30914.61803 80.92832 Corrected Total 384 31547.02411 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.020046 12.38679 8.996017 72.62590 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 362.7692594 362.7692594 4.48 0.0349 small 1 269.6368231 269.6368231 3.33 0.0687 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 8.8270914 8.8270914 0.11 0.7414 small 1 269.6368231 269.6368231 3.33 0.0687 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 70.28562412 1.18328290 59.40 <.0001 csize -0.04415984 0.13371156 -0.33 0.7414 small 3.36202761 1.84188256 1.83 0.0687 proc glm data=angrist; model read = csize small; where size>=29 & size<=53; run; The GLM Procedure Number of Observations Read 423 Number of Observations Used 423 The GLM Procedure Dependent Variable: read verbal score (class average) Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 2 523.19971 261.59986 3.10 0.0459 Error 420 35406.02649 84.30006 Corrected Total 422 35929.22620 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE read Mean 0.014562 12.64227 9.181507 72.62545 Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 116.4220236 116.4220236 1.38 0.2406 small 1 406.7776872 406.7776872 4.83 0.0286 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F csize 1 115.0706088 115.0706088 1.37 0.2433 small 1 406.7776872 406.7776872 4.83 0.0286 Standard Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| Intercept 70.11879928 1.15121736 60.91 <.0001 csize -0.13916580 0.11911440 -1.17 0.2433 small 3.95314634 1.79960951 2.20 0.0286