Figure 2.1, page 31.
goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black h=1; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Days') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 1200 by 200) label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none; proc gplot data = bigmice; plot weight*day / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2; run;
Figure 2.2, page 32.
proc sort data = bigmice; by day; run; goptions reset = all; proc boxplot data = bigmice; plot weight*day / haxis=(0 to 20 by 5) vaxis = (0 to 1200 by 200) hminor=0 vminor=0; label weight = 'Weight'; label day = 'Day'; run;
Figure 2.3, page 34.
proc sort data = bigmice; by day id; run; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Days') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 1200 by 200) label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = bigmice; plot weight*day=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend; run; quit;
Figure 2.6, page 41.
proc sql; create table summary as select day, mean(weight) as mean_wght, std(weight) as sd_wght from bigmice group by day; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Days') minor=none; axis2 label = (a=90 'mean (mg)') order=(0 to 1000 by 200) minor = none;
proc gplot data = summary; plot mean_wght*day / haxis=axis1 vaxis = axis2 name = 'f2_6a'; run; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Days') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 140 by 20) label = (a=90 'mean (mg)') minor = none; proc gplot data = summary; plot sd_wght*day / haxis=axis1 vaxis = axis2 name = 'f2_6b'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_6a 2:f2_6b; run; quit;
Figure 2.7, page 42.
proc sort data = pain; by day trial; run; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 100; axis1 order =(1 2 3 4) label=(a=0 'Trial') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 250 by 50) label = (a=90 'Tolerance (sec)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = pain; plot paintol*trial=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_7a'; run; quit; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 100; axis1 order =(1 2 3 4) label=(a=0 'Trial') minor=none; axis2 label = (a=90 'Tolerance (sec)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = pain; plot l2paintol*trial=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_7b'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_7a 2:f2_7b; run; quit;
Figure 2.9, page 45.
proc sql; create table pain0 as select *, max(paintol) as max_pain, count(paintol) as count_paintol from pain group by id having max(paintol) ne 240 and count(paintol) eq 4; quit; proc sql; create table pain1 as select id, mean(paintol) as mean_pain, std(paintol) as std_pain, mean(l2paintol) as mean_l2pain, std(l2paintol) as std_l2pain from pain0 group by id; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black interpol = r; axis1 order =(0 to 100 by 20) label=(a=0 'Mean') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 80 by 20) label=(a=90 'Sd') minor = none; proc gplot data = pain1; plot std_pain*mean_pain / haxis=axis1 vaxis = axis2 name = 'f2_9a'; run; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=circle color=black interpol = r; axis1 order =(3 to 7 by 1) label=(a=0 'Mean') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 2 by .5) label=(a=90 'Sd') minor = none; proc gplot data = pain1; plot std_l2pain*mean_l2pain / haxis=axis1 vaxis = axis2 name = 'f2_9b'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_9a 2:f2_9b; run; quit;
Figure 2.10, page 46.
proc sort data = pain; by cs id trial; run; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 100; axis1 order =(1 2 3 4) label=(a=0 'Trial') minor=none; axis2 label = (a=90 'Tolerance (sec)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = pain; by cs; plot l2paintol*trial=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_10_'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_10_ 2:f2_10_1; run; quit;
Table 2.1, page 48.
Note that there is no variable valley.
proc sql; create table ozone as select fullname, site, mean(long) as long, mean(lat) as lat, mean(alt) as altitude from newozone1 group by site, fullname; quit; proc print data = ozone noobs; run; fullname site long lat altitude ANAHEIM ANAH 117.919 33.821 41 AZUSA AZUS 117.923 34.136 189 BURBANK BURK 118.308 34.183 168 LOS-ANGELES-NORTH-MAIN CELA 118.225 34.067 87 CLAREMONT-COLLEGE CLAR 117.704 34.102 364 FONTANA-ARROW-HIGHWAY FONT 117.505 34.099 381 HAWTHORNE HAWT 118.369 33.923 21 LA-HABRA LAHB 117.951 33.926 82 NORTH-LONG-BEACH LGBH 118.189 33.824 7 LYNWOOD LYNN 118.210 33.929 27 PASADENA-WILSON PASA 118.127 34.134 250 PICO-RIVERA PICO 118.058 34.015 69 POMONA POMA 117.751 34.067 270 RESEDA RESE 118.533 34.199 226 RIVERSIDE-RUBIDOUX RIVR 117.417 34.000 214 SIMI-VALLEY SIMI 118.685 34.278 310 SAN-BERNARDINO SNBO 117.273 34.107 317 UPLAND-ARB UPLA 117.628 34.104 369 WHITTIER WHIT 118.025 33.924 58 WEST-LOS-ANGELES-VA-HOSPITAL WSLA 118.455 34.051 91
Figure 2.11, page 49.
Note that the x-axis in the text is reversed.
goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=none pointlabel=("#site") color=black; axis1 order =(117 to 119 by .4) label=(a=0 'Longitude') minor=none; axis2 order =(33.8 to 34.3 by .1) label = (a=90 'Lattitude') minor=none ; proc gplot data = ozone; plot lat*long / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend; run; quit;
Figure 2.12, page 50.
proc sort data = newozone1; by day site; run; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 20; axis1 order =(6 to 18 by 2) label=(a=0 'Hour') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 30 by 5) label = (a=90 'Ozone') minor=none ; proc gplot data = newozone1; by day; plot ozone*hour=site / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_12_'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h3 nofs; treplay 1:f2_12_ 2:f2_12_1 3:f2_12_2; run; quit;
Figure 2.13, page 51.
Note that a 5×4 graph was made instead of a 4×5 graph as in the text.
proc greplay igout = work.gseg nofs; delete _all_; run; data ozone1; set newozone1; run; proc sql; create table ozone2 as select site, max(ozone) as max_ozone from newozone1 group by site order by max_ozone desc, site desc; quit; data ozone2; set ozone2; order = _N_; run; data fmt_dataset; retain fmtname "site"; set ozone2 ; start = order; label = site; run; proc format cntlin = fmt_dataset fmtlib; select site; run; proc sql; create table ozone3 as select * from ozone2, ozone1 where order by ozone2.order, ozone2.max_ozone,,, ozone1.hour; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 20; axis1 order =(6 to 18 by 2) label=(a=0 'Hour') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 30 by 5) label = (a=90 'Ozone') minor=none ; proc gplot data = ozone3; by order; format order site.; plot ozone*hour=day / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_13_'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h4 nofs ; treplay 4:f2_13_ 3:f2_13_1 2:f2_13_2 1:f2_13_3 ; treplay 4:f2_13_4 3:f2_13_5 2:f2_13_6 1:f2_13_7; treplay 4:f2_13_8 3:f2_13_9 2:f2_13_10 1:f2_13_11; treplay 4:f2_13_12 3:f2_13_13 2:f2_13_14 1:f2_13_15; treplay 4:f2_13_16 3:f2_13_17 2:f2_13_18 1:f2_13_19; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v3 nofs; treplay 1:template 2: templat1 3:templat2; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v3 nofs; treplay 1:templat3 2:templat4; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v2 nofs; treplay 1:templat5 2:templat6; run; quit;
Figure 2.14, page 52.
proc greplay igout = work.gseg nofs; delete _all_; run; quit; goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 20; axis1 order =(6 to 18 by 2) label=(a=0 'Hour') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 30 by 10) label = (a=90 'Ozone') minor=none ; proc gplot data = ozone3; by order day; where order le 6; format order site.; plot ozone*hour=day / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_14_'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template=h3 nofs ; treplay 1:f2_14_ 2:f2_14_1 3:f2_14_2; treplay 1:f2_14_3 2:f2_14_4 3:f2_14_5; treplay 1:f2_14_6 2:f2_14_7 3:f2_14_8; treplay 1:f2_14_9 2:f2_14_10 3:f2_14_11; treplay 1:f2_14_12 2:f2_14_13 3:f2_14_14; treplay 1:f2_14_15 2:f2_14_16 3:f2_14_17; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v3 nofs; treplay 1:template 2: templat1 3:templat2; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v3 nofs; treplay 1:templat3 2:templat4 3:templat5; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = v2 nofs; treplay 1:templat6 2:templat7; run; quit;
Figure 2.15, page 53.
goptions reset = all; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(1 to 8 by 1) label=(a=0 'Weight (lb)') minor=none; axis2 order =(140 to 280 by 20) label = (a=90 'Week') minor=none ; proc gplot data = weight1; plot weight*week=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend; run; quit;
Figure 2.16, page 54.
goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(1 to 8 by 1) label=(a=0 'Weight (lb)') minor=none; axis2 order =(140 to 220 by 20) label = (a=90 'Week') minor=none ; proc gplot data = weight1; where weight le 220; plot weight*week=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_16l'; run; quit; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(1 to 8 by 1) label=(a=0 'Week') minor=none; axis2 order =(200 to 280 by 20) label = (a=90 'Weight (lb)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = weight1; where weight ge 200; plot weight*week=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend name = 'f2_16r'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_16l 2:f2_16r; run; quit;
Figure 2.17, page 56.
proc sql; create table resid_weight as select *, weight - mean(weight) as resid from weight1 group by id; quit; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(1 to 8 by 1) label=(a=0 'Week') minor=none; axis2 order =(-15 to 15 by 5) label = (a=90 'Weight (lb)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = resid_weight; plot resid*week=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend ; run; quit;
Figure 2.18, page 57.
proc sql; create table resid_bigmice as select *, weight - mean(weight) as tresid from bigmice group by day; quit; goptions reset = all ; symbol1 value=none color=black interpol = join repeat = 38; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Day') minor=none; axis2 order =(-300 to 300 by 100) label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none ; proc gplot data = resid_bigmice; plot tresid*day=id / haxis = axis1 vaxis = axis2 nolegend ; run; quit;
Table 2.2, page 58.
proc sort data = pain; by id trial; run; proc transpose data = pain out = wide_pain prefix = l2pain ; by id; id trial; var l2paintol; run; proc corr data = wide_pain noprob nosimple; var l2pain1-l2pain4; run; The CORR Procedure 4 Variables: l2pain1 l2pain2 l2pain3 l2pain4 Pearson Correlation Coefficients Number of Observations l2pain1 l2pain2 l2pain3 l2pain4 l2pain1 1.00000 0.72601 0.83634 0.60431 63 62 58 60 l2pain2 0.72601 1.00000 0.71765 0.66188 62 63 58 61 l2pain3 0.83634 0.71765 1.00000 0.76424 58 58 58 58 l2pain4 0.60431 0.66188 0.76424 1.00000 60 61 58 61
Table 2.3, page 59.
proc sort data = smallmice; by id day; run; proc transpose data = smallmice out = wide_smallmice prefix = weight ; by id; id day; var weight; run; proc corr data = wide_smallmice noprob nosimple; var weight2--weight20; run; The CORR Procedure 7 Variables: weight2 weight5 weight8 weight11 weight14 weight17 weight20 Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 14 weight2 weight5 weight8 weight11 weight14 weight17 weight20 weight2 1.00000 0.92362 0.56648 0.36127 0.23102 0.23132 0.38449 weight5 0.92362 1.00000 0.77280 0.53562 0.44996 0.40932 0.54734 weight8 0.56648 0.77280 1.00000 0.86387 0.80079 0.75786 0.80914 weight11 0.36127 0.53562 0.86387 1.00000 0.92785 0.91622 0.86744 weight14 0.23102 0.44996 0.80079 0.92785 1.00000 0.95541 0.88877
Table 2.4, page 60.
proc sort data = newozone1; by site day hour; run; proc transpose data = newozone1 out = wide_ozone prefix = ozone ; by site day; id hour; var ozone; run; proc corr data = wide_ozone noprob nosimple; var ozone7 ozone8--ozone18; run; [...output omitted...] proc corr data = wide_ozone noprob nosimple cov; var ozone7 ozone8--ozone18; run; [...output omitted...]
Figure 2.19, page 62.
ods html; ods graphics on; proc corr data = wide_pain noprint plots = matrix; var l2pain1-l2pain4; run; ods graphics off; ods html close;
Figure 2.20, page 64.
ods html; ods graphics on; proc corr data = wide_smallmice noprint plots = matrix (nmaxvar = 0); var weight2--weight20; run; ods graphics off; ods html close;
Figure 2.23, page 68.
proc greplay igout = work.gseg nofs; delete _all_; run; quit; goptions reset = all ; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Day') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 1200 by 200) label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none ; symbol1 interpol=std2mjt v=none color=red r=1; proc gplot data=bigmice; plot weight*day / haxis = axis1 vaxis=axis2 name = 'f2_23a'; run; quit; goptions reset = all ; axis1 order =(0 to 20 by 5) label=(a=0 'Day') minor=none; axis2 order =(0 to 1200 by 200) label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none ; symbol1 interpol=std2jt v=none color=red r=1; proc gplot data=bigmice; plot weight*day / haxis = axis1 vaxis=axis2 name = 'f2_23b'; run; quit; proc greplay igout = work.gseg tc=sashelp.templt template = h2 nofs; treplay 1:f2_23a 2:f2_23b; run; quit;
Figure 2.24, page 69.
Plot A only.
data pain_offset; set pain; if cs = "distracter" then trial = trial + .01; run; goptions reset = all ; axis1 label=(a=0 'Trial') minor=none; axis2 label = (a=90 'Weight (mg)') minor=none ; symbol1 interpol=std2mjt v=none color=red r=1; symbol2 interpol=std2mjt v=none color=blue r=1; proc gplot data=pain_offset; plot l2paintol*trial = cs / haxis = axis1 vaxis=axis2 ; run; quit;
Table 2.7, page 70.
proc freq data = cognitive; where ravens ne . ; table round; run;
The FREQ Procedure Cumulative Cumulative ROUND Frequency Percent Frequency Percent 1 543 21.44 543 21.44 2 510 20.13 1053 41.57 3 509 20.09 1562 61.67 4 497 19.62 2059 81.29 5 474 18.71 2533 100.00
Table 2.8, page 70.
proc sql; create table cog as select id, sum((ravens ne .)) as observed_raven from cognitive group by id; quit; proc freq data = cog; table observed_raven; run; The FREQ Procedure Cumulative Cumulative observed_raven Frequency Percent Frequency Percent 1 8 1.48 8 1.48 2 21 3.89 29 5.37 3 16 2.96 45 8.33 4 40 7.41 85 15.74 5 455 84.26 540 100.00
Figure 2.25, page 71.
proc univariate data = cognitive noprint; histogram relmonth / midpoints=-2.75 to 24.75 by .5; run;
Figure 2.26, page 72.
goptions reset = all ; axis1 label=(a=0 'Months from baseline') order = (-5 to 25 by 5) minor=none; axis2 label = (a=90 'Subject Id'); symbol1 value=square color=red; proc gplot data=cognitive; where id le 80; plot id*relmonth / haxis = axis1 vaxis=axis2 href = 0 3; run; quit;