For textbook examples, we will follow the convention. That is to indent the general text and to leave the software code and output un-indented.
- Time signature. Don’t forget to put modify this commend line : <!– timestamp 11/27/07 — pbe –> to reflect the correct date and initials.
- Title: Don’t forget to modify the title line in html code.
- Groups of example(s) are separated by a horizontal line separator (<hr>). You might need to decide what examples go together as a group.
- If there is potentially an issue with the version of the software, please state it at the beginning of the page.
- Data sets should be all in the work directory to avoid specifying path name or libname.
- In SAS, remember to use the following options.
OPTIONS NOCENTER NODATE LINESIZE=80 MISSING=. FORMCHAR = '|----|+|---+=|-/<>*';- The size of the graphs is an issue in general. Let’s use the following set up for all the graphs. Include this piece of code with all the procedures that produce graphs.
goptions ftext = swiss htitle = 5 htext = 3 gunit = pct cback = white hsize = 5in vsize = 4in; filename outgraph 'd:tempmygraph.gif'; goptions gsfname = outgraph dev = gif570;
proc lifetest data = whas100 plots=(s); time time*folstatus(0); run;
The LIFETEST Procedure Product-Limit Survival Estimates Survival Standard Number Number time Survival Failure Error Failed Left 0.00000 1.0000 0 0 0 100 0.01643 . . . 1 99 0.01643 0.9800 0.0200 0.0140 2 98 0.03833 0.9700 0.0300 0.0171 3 97 (output omitted)