Sometimes, a string variable can have many words in it and extra spaces between the words. The easiest way to get rid of the extra spaces is to use SAS function compbl. Here is an example.
data test; length address1 $40. address2 $60.; input address1 $ 1-20 address2 $ 21-80; datalines; 1234 Washington St DC 12345 1234 Irving St Charlotte NC 12345 45 Wall street New York NY 90454 ; run; data test2; set test; address_compbl = compbl(address1)||compbl(address2); run; proc print data = test2; run;Obs address1 address2 1 1234 Washington St DC 12345 2 1234 Irving St Charlotte NC 12345 3 45 Wall street New York NY 90454 Obs address_compbl 1 1234 Washington St DC 12345 2 1234 Irving St Charlotte NC 12345 3 45 Wall street New York NY 90454