This example is taken from Levy and Lemeshow’s Sampling of Populations. page 53 simple random sampling
NOTE: The n on the proc surveymeans statement indicates that there are 773 primary sampling units (PSUs). Because this is simple random sampling, the elements and the PSUs are the same thing. Hence, 773 is the population total from which the sample was drawn. This example uses the momsag data set.
proc surveymeans data = momsag n = 773 mean sum std; weight weight1; var momsag; run;The SURVEYMEANS Procedure- Data Summary Number of Observations 25 Sum of Weights 773.000002 Statistics Std Error Variable Mean of Mean Sum Std Dev ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOMSAG 0.920000 0.054475 711.160002 42.108894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This example is taken from Lehtonen and Pahkinen’s Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys.
page 29 Table 2.4 Estimates from a simple random sample drawn without replacement (n = 8); the Province’91 population.
data page29; input id cluster ue91 lab91; fpc = 32; wt = 4; strata = 1; datalines; 1 1 4123 33786 2 4 760 5919 3 5 721 4930 4 15 142 675 5 18 187 1448 6 26 331 2543 7 30 127 1084 8 31 219 1330 ; run;
The code below gets the total and the standard error of the total for the variable ue91 and lab91 as shown in the first line of the table. You can calculate the ratio by hand using the information in the output. We know of no way to get the median from proc surveymeans.
proc surveymeans data = page29 mean sum std cv r = .25; var ue91 lab91; weight wt; strata strata; cluster cluster; run;The SURVEYMEANS Procedure Data Summary Number of Strata 1 Number of Clusters 8 Number of Observations 8 Sum of Weights 32 Statistics Std Error Coeff of Variable Mean of Mean Variation Sum Std Dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ue91 826.250000 415.070586 0.502355 26440 13282 lab91 6464.375000 3430.088578 0.530614 206860 109763 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------