Here are some tips on transferring SAS files from Unix to Windows.
SAS version 8 data files
To move a SAS version 8 data file (which has an extension of .sas7bdat) you can simply FTP the file in BINARY mode from the Unix Machine to your Windows Machine and it is ready to use.
SAS version 6 data files
To move a SAS version 6 data file (which has an extension of .ssd01) you have two options.
1. You can FTP the file in BINARY mode from the Unix machine to your Windows machine and then use Stat/Transfer to convert the file from a Unix SAS version 6 data file (.ssd01) to a Windows SAS version 8 data file (.sas7bdat).
2. You can use Stat/Transfer on the Cluster to convert the file from a Unix SAS version 6 data file (.ssd01) to a Windows SAS Version 8 Data file (.sas7bdat), e.g., st test.ssd01 test.sas7bdat. If you have multiple files to convert, then you can use Stat/Transfer like this /local2/apps/st6.0.04/st610 "*.ssd01" "*.sas7bdat".
Exception! If you have stored the file using the compress=yes option within SAS, then you need to first make a copy of the file using a data step on the Cluster, then you can perform Steps 1 or 2.
SAS format libraries
SAS Format Libraries need to be converted into CPORT files (using proc cport) on the Cluster, and then FTP’d in BINARY mode to your windows machine, and then read using proc cimport. Here is an example.
1. Create a program on the cluster to use proc cport to read the format library from the current directory and save it as "format.cport".
libname in "."; proc cport catalog=in.formats file="formats.cport"; run;
2. FTP the file formats.cport to your windows machine, say you save it as c:mydataformats.cport
3. Read the cport file like this. Remember, you can only have one format library per directory.
libname out "c:mydata"; proc cimport file="c:mydataformats.cport" library=out; run;