If you can still run SAS programs, then your copy of SAS has not yet expired. In that case, updating your setinit is as simple running the setinit program using your copy of SAS.
You probably received your setinit in an email message. Before you run it, let’s double check that it is the right setinit for your version of SAS and for your type of computer.
- Double check the release to make sure that it corresponds to the SAS version that you are running (e.g., RELEASE=’8.00′; would mean that this setinit is for SAS Version 8, but would not work with version 6.12 or with version 8.1).
- Double check the osname to make sure it corresponds to your operating system (e.g., OSNAME=’WIN_NTE’ would be for Windows, and OSNAME=’MAC’ would be for the Macintosh).
Now, let’s apply your setinit. If you look at the setinit you can see that it is a SAS program just like any SAS program, and you run it just like you would run any SAS program. For example, you can copy the setinit from your email, and paste it into the program editor and then submit the program (e.g., by pressing the F3 key). After you run it, check the SAS log to see if it ran successfully. If it was successful, you would see a message at the end of the log like
NOTE: Siteinfo data have been updated. NOTE: Secondary setinit data have been updated.
or just…
NOTE: Siteinfo data have been updated.
If you look earlier in the log, you would also see that the expiration dates have been updated, e.g., the log below indicates that SAS is now set to expire June 30, 2001 (another indication that the setinit has been successfully applied).
Expiration: 30JUN2001. Grace Period: 62 days (ending 31AUG2001). Warning Period: 31 days (ending 01OCT2001). System birthday: 23NOV1992. Operating System: WIN_NTE . Product expiration dates: ---Base Product 30JUN2001 ---SAS/STAT 30JUN2001 <etc. etc. etc.>
If there is a problem, check for these common errors:
- Did you chop off the beginning of the setinit (e.g., the proc setinit) or the end of it (e.g., the save; run;).
- Is this the right setinit for your computer and operating system?
- When does this setinit expire (did you accidentally use an old expired setinit)?
- Did you edit your setinit using Microsoft word (and forget to save it as text only)?
- If you typed in the setinit, are there any typos?
If there still is a problem, you can contact Software Central (email SoftwareCentral@ats.ucla.edu or call (310) 206-4780, or visit them in 4933 Math Sciences) or contact ATS Statistical Consulting.