1. Reading dates in data
This module will show how to read date variables, use date functions, and use date display formats in SAS. You are assumed to be familiar with data steps for reading data into SAS, and assignment statements for computing new variables. If any of the concepts are completely new, you may want to look at For more information below for directions to other learning modules. The data file used in the first example is presented next.
John 1 Jan 1960 Mary 11 Jul 1955 Kate 12 Nov 1962 Mark 8 Jun 1959
The program below reads the data and creates a temporary data file called dates. Note that the dates are read in the data step, and the format date11. is used to read the date.
DATA dates; INPUT name $ 1-4 @6 bday date11.; CARDS; John 1 Jan 1960 Mary 11 Jul 1955 Kate 12 Nov 1962 Mark 8 Jun 1959 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; RUN;
The output of the proc print is presented below. Compare the dates in the data to the values of bday. Note that for John the date is 1 Jan 1960 and the value for bday is 0. This is because dates are stored internally in SAS as the number of days from Jan 1,1960. Since Mary was born before 1960 the value of bday for her is negative (-1635).
OBS NAME BDAY 1 John 0 2 Mary -1635 3 Kate 1046 4 Mark -207
In order to see the dates in a way that we understand you would have to format the output. We use the date9. format to see dates in the form ddmmmyyyy. This is specified on a format statement.
PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
Here is the output produced by the proc print statement above.
OBS NAME BDAY 1 John 01JAN1960 2 Mary 11JUL1955 3 Kate 12NOV1962 4 Mark 08JUN1959
Let’s look at the following data. At first glance it
looks like the dates are so different that they couldn’t be read. They do have two things
in common:
1) they all have numeric months,
2) they all are ordered month, day, and then year.John 1 1 1960 Mary 07/11/1955 Joan 07-11-1955 Kate 11.12.1962 Mark 06081959
These dates can be read with the same format, mmddyy11. An example of the use of that format in a data step follows.
DATA dates; INPUT name $ 1-4 @6 bday mmddyy11.; CARDS; John 1 1 1960 Mary 07/11/1955 Joan 07-11-1955 Kate 11.12.1962 Mark 06081959 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
The results of the above proc print show that all of the dates are read correctly.
OBS NAME BDAY 1 John 01JAN1960 2 Mary 11JUL1955 3 Joan 11JUL1955 4 Kate 12NOV1962 5 Mark 08JUN1959
There is a wide variety of formats available for use in reading dates into SAS. The following is a sample of some of those formats.
Informat Description Range Width Sample -------- ----------- ----- ------- ------ JULIANw. Julian date 5-32 5 65001 YYDDD DDMMYYw. date values 6-32 6 14/8/1963 MONYYw. month and year 5-32 5 JUN64 YYMMDDw. date values 6-32 8 65/4/29 YYQw. year and quarter 4-32 4 65Q1
Consider the following data in which the order is month, year and day.
7 1948 11 1 1960 1 10 1970 15 12 1971 10
You may read these data with each portion of the date in a separate variable as in the data step that follows.
DATA dates; INPUT month 1-2 year 4-7 day 9-10; bday=MDY(month,day,year); CARDS; 7 1948 11 1 1960 1 10 1970 15 12 1971 10 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
Notice the function mdy(month,day,year) in the data step. This function is used to create a date value from the individual components. The result of the proc print follows.
OBS MONTH YEAR DAY BDAY 1 7 1948 11 11JUL1948 2 1 1960 1 01JAN1960 3 10 1970 15 15OCT1970 4 12 1971 10 10DEC1971
2. Two digit dates
Consider the following data, which are the same as above except that only two digits are used to signify the year, and year appears last.
7 11 18 7 11 48 1 1 60 10 15 70 12 10 71
Reading the data is the same as we just did.
DATA dates; INPUT month day year ; bday=MDY(month,day,year); CARDS; 7 11 18 7 11 48 1 1 60 10 15 70 12 10 71 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
The results of the proc print are shown below.
OBS MONTH DAY YEAR BDAY 1 7 11 18 11JUL1918 2 7 11 48 11JUL1948 3 1 1 60 01JAN1960 4 10 15 70 15OCT1970 5 12 10 71 10DEC1971
Two digit years work here because SAS assumes a cutoff (yearcutoff) before which value two digit years are interpreted as the year 2000 and above and after which they are interpreted as 1999 and below. The default yearcutoff differs for different versions of SAS:
SAS 6.12 and before (YEARCUTOFF=1900) SAS 7 and 8 (YEARCUTOFF=1920)
The options statement in the program that follows changes the yearcutoff value to 1920. This causes in two digit years lower than 20 to be read as after the year 2000. Running the same program then will yield different results when this option is set.
OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1920; DATA dates; INPUT month day year ; bday=MDY(month,day,year); CARDS; 7 11 18 7 11 48 1 1 60 10 15 70 12 10 71 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
The results of the proc print are shown below. The first observation is now read as occurring in 2018 instead of 1918.
OBS MONTH DAY YEAR BDAY 1 7 11 18 11JUL2018 2 7 11 48 11JUL1948 3 1 1 60 01JAN1960 4 10 15 70 15OCT1970 5 12 10 71 10DEC1971
3. Computations with elapsed dates
SAS date variables make computations involving dates very convenient. For example, to calculate everyone’s age on January 1, 2000 use the following conversion in the data step.
age2000=(mdy(1,1,2000)-bday)/365.25 ;
The program with this calculation in context follows.
OPTIONS YEARCUTOFF=1900; /* sets the cutoff back to the default */ DATA dates; INPUT name $ 1-4 @6 bday mmddyy11.; age2000 = (MDY(1,1,2000)-bday)/365.25 ; CARDS; John 1 1 1960 Mary 07/11/1955 Joan 07-11-1955 Kate 11.12.1962 Mark 06081959 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
The results of the proc print are shown below. The variable AGE2000 now contains the age in years as of January 1, 2000.
OBS NAME BDAY AGE2000 1 John 01JAN1960 40.0000 2 Mary 11JUL1955 44.4764 3 Joan 11JUL1955 44.4764 4 Kate 12NOV1962 37.1362 5 Mark 08JUN1959 40.5667
4. Other useful date functions
There are a number of useful functions for use with date variables. The following is a list of some of those functions.
Function Description Sample -------- --------------------- ----------------- month() Extracts Month m=MONTH(bday); day() Extracts Day d=DAY(bday) ; year() Extracts Year y=YEAR(bday); weekday() Extracts Day of Week wk_d=WEEKDAY(bday); qtr() Extracts Quarter q=QTR(bday);
The following program demonstrates the use of these functions.
DATA dates; INPUT name $ 1-4 @6 bday mmddyy11.; m=MONTH(bday); d=DAY(bday) ; y=YEAR(bday); wk_d=WEEKDAY(bday); q=QTR(bday); CARDS; John 1 1 1960 Mary 07/11/1955 Joan 07-11-1955 Kate 11.12.1962 Mark 06081959 ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; VAR bday m d y; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN; PROC PRINT DATA=dates; VAR bday wk_d q; FORMAT bday date9. ; RUN;
The proc print results are shown below. The new variables contain the month, day, year, day of the week and quarter.
OBS BDAY M D Y 1 01JAN1960 1 1 1960 2 11JUL1955 7 11 1955 3 11JUL1955 7 11 1955 4 12NOV1962 11 12 1962 5 08JUN1959 6 8 1959 OBS BDAY WK_D Q 1 01JAN1960 6 1 2 11JUL1955 2 3 3 11JUL1955 2 3 4 12NOV1962 2 4 5 08JUN1959 2 2
5. Summary
- Dates are read with date formats, most commonly date9. and mmddyy11.
- Date functions can be used to create date values from their components (mdy(m,d,y)), and to extract the components from a date value (month(),day(), etc.).
- The yearcutoff option may be used if you have to read two digit years.
6. Problems to look out for
- Dates are mixed within a field such that no single date format can read them. Solution: Read the field as a character field, test the string, and use the input function and appropriate format to read the value into the date variable.
- There is no format capable of reading the date. Solution: read the date as components and use a function to produce a date value.
- Sometimes the default for yearcutoff is
not the default for the version of the package mentioned above. Solution:
to determine the current setting for yearcutoff simply run a program
This will result in output containing the current value of yearcutoff.
7. For more information
- For information on reading data into SAS, see the SAS Learning Module Inputting raw data into SAS.
- For more information about options see the SAS Learning Module Common SAS Options.