Get help about a macro from a web server
The %net_help macro will download a help file for a macro over the internet and display the help file in your log window. You
supply the location (url) of where the help file is located and the name of the macro, and
%net_help goes to get that help file and shows it in your log window. By contrast, the
%local_help macro shows the help file for a macro that you have already downloaded onto your computer, so this is easier to use to get help for macros you have already downloaded.
%net_help( package_name [, url ] )
- The package_name is the name of the package that you want to get help for, and this parameter is required.
- The url is the location that contains the package that you want to see the help file for, and can be optional. The url will default to the most recently used url with any of the %net_ commands for the current SAS session, so you can omit the url to default to the most recently used url.
To see the help file for test from you can type
%net_help( test , )
To see the help file for srs from, after having issued the above command and defaulting to the same url, you can type
%net_help( srs )
Also See
Also see the help for %local_help.