This page presents examples of user written graphics programs. You can obtain these programs by typing, search command_name, into the Stata command line and following the instructions. This page is…
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Search Results for: stata
How can I graph two (or more) groups using different symbols? | Stata FAQ
Suppose we are using the high school and beyond data file (hsb2) which has test scores for 200 students, 91 males and 109 females. We could make a graph…
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How do I save a Stata graph as an EPS file? | Stata FAQ
The graph export command can be used in Stata to save a graph as an Encapsulated Postscript file for use in applications like LaTeX. Here is a simple example. use…
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How do I use version 7 graph commands in later versions of Stata? | Stata FAQ
Say that we use the hsb2 data file for the examples shown here. use, clear and say that you wanted to see the scatterplot and regression line between write…
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How can I graph data with dates? | Stata FAQ
This FAQ shows examples of graphing data where the x axis represents dates. For these examples, we will use the sp500 data file that comes with Stata and we can use…
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Linear growth models: mixed vs sem | Stata FAQ
Growth models are a very popular type of analysis. Many growth models can be run either with mixed or sem and yield the same results. This page will provide several…
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How can I sample from a dataset with frequency weights? | Stata FAQ
If you are working with a dataset that contains frequency weights, you may wish to sample from your dataset according to these weights. Example 1: Using expand and sample In…
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How can I translate a file into a Postscript file? | Stata FAQ
Sometimes you might want to convert a file into a postscript file. For example, you might want to convert the Stata help file on regress command into a postscript file…
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How can I fit a random intercept or mixed effects model with heteroskedastic errors in Stata? | Stata FAQ
It is common to fit a model where a variable (or variables) has an effect on the expected mean. You may also want to fit a model where a variable…
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How can I combine a histogram and a boxplot in Stata? | Stata FAQ
UCLA ATS has written a command called histbox that will produce this type of graph. To get this program just type the following into the Stata command box and follow…
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