For textbook examples, we will follow the convention. That is to indent the general text and to leave the software code and output un-indented.
- Time signature. Don’t forget to put modify this commend line : <!– timestamp 11/27/07 — pbe –> to reflect the correct date and initials.
- Title: Don’t forget to modify the title line in html code.
- Comment line on version (only need to change the template)
- Groups of example(s) are separated by a horizontal line separator (<hr>). You might need to decide what examples go together as a group.
- If there is potentially an issue with the version of the software, please state it at the beginning of the page.
- Super long tables might be truncated so the output won’t look too cluttered.
- As of December 17, 2007, SPSS 15 does not allow copy and paste graphs correctly to FrontPage. So the temporary solution will be to use SnagIt.
get file='C:Dataasa2whas100.sav'. km foltime /status=folstatus(1) /print table mean /plot survival.
<Additional output omitted>