Table 10.1, Page 265. Regression results of fitting model (10.2) to the Import Data (1949-1959).
get file 'd:p233.sav'. select if (year <= 59). exe.
The analysis requires the dependent variable be converted into its standardized value. This is done using the descriptive command using the save option.
descriptives variable = import /save.
[output omitted]
regression /dependent = zimport /method enter = doprod stock consum.
Table 10.2, page 265. Regression results of fitting model (10.5) to the
Import Data (1949-1959).
Analysis requires calculation of principal component scores. SPSS does not
calculate PC scores, rather it uses factor scores. There is a direct linear
relationship between the
two scores and the standardized regression coefficients are equivalent.
factor variables = doprod stock consum /criteria factors(3) iterate(25) /extraction pc /rotation norate /save reg( 3, fs).
regression /dependent = zimport /method enter = fs1 fs2 fs3.
Table 10.4, page 270. A response variable U and a set of principal components of four predictor variables.
get file 'd:p270.sav'. list.
u c1 c2 c3 c4 .95 1.47 1.90 -.53 .04 -.75 2.14 .24 -.29 -.03 -2.32 -1.13 .18 -.01 -.09 -.82 .66 1.58 .18 -.03 .47 -.36 .48 -.74 .02 -.30 -.97 .17 .09 -.01 .21 -.93 -2.13 -.17 .01 .56 2.23 -.69 .46 .02 -1.12 .35 -1.43 -.03 -.05 .50 -1.66 1.83 .85 .02 .78 1.64 -1.29 .49 .03 .92 -1.69 -.39 -.02 .04 .92 -1.75 -.44 -.28 .04 Number of cases read: 13 Number of cases listed: 13
Table 10.5, page 270. Regression results using all four PCs of Hald’s data.
NOTE: The value for the regression coefficients and t-test for c4 are slightly off.
regression /dependent = u /method enter = c1 c2 c3 c4.
Table 10.6, page 270. Regression results using the first three PCs of Hald’s data.
regression /dependent = u /method enter = c1 c2 c3.
Figure 10.1, page 271. Scatter plots of U versus each of the PCs of the Hald’s data.
graph /scatterplot = c1 with u.
graph /scatterplot = c2 with u.
graph /scatterplot = c3 with u.
graph /scatterplot = c4 with u.