Post-hoc pairwise comparisons are commonly performed after significant effects when there are three or more levels of a factor. Stata has three built-in pairwise methods (sidak, bonferroni and scheffe) in the oneway command. Although these options are easy to use, many researchers consider the methods to be too conservative for pairwise comparisons, especially when the are many levels. The Sidak method is the least conservative of the three followed, in order, by Bonferroni and Scheffe.
We will demonstrate the pairwise options in oneway on a dataset looking at write by group which is a four-level predictor.
tabstat write, by(group) stat(n mean sd) Summary for variables: write by categories of: group group | N mean sd ---------+------------------------------ 1 | 24 46.45833 8.272422 2 | 11 58 7.899367 3 | 20 48.2 9.322299 4 | 145 54.05517 9.172558 ---------+------------------------------ Total | 200 52.775 9.478586 ---------------------------------------- oneway write group, sidak bonferroni scheffe Analysis of Variance Source SS df MS F Prob > F ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Between groups 1914.15805 3 638.052682 7.83 0.0001 Within groups 15964.717 196 81.4526375 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 17878.875 199 89.843593 Bartlett's test for equal variances: chi2(3) = 0.7555 Prob>chi2 = 0.860 Comparison of writing score by group (Sidak) Row Mean-| Col Mean | 1 2 3 ---------+--------------------------------- 2 | 11.5417 | 0.003 | 3 | 1.74167 -9.8 | 0.988 0.025 | 4 | 7.59684 -3.94483 5.85517 | 0.001 0.658 0.042 Comparison of writing score by group (Bonferroni) Row Mean-| Col Mean | 1 2 3 ---------+--------------------------------- 2 | 11.5417 | 0.003 | 3 | 1.74167 -9.8 | 1.000 0.026 | 4 | 7.59684 -3.94483 5.85517 | 0.001 0.983 0.043 Comparison of writing score by group (Scheffe) Row Mean-| Col Mean | 1 2 3 ---------+--------------------------------- 2 | 11.5417 | 0.007 | 3 | 1.74167 -9.8 | 0.939 0.042 | 4 | 7.59684 -3.94483 5.85517 | 0.003 0.583 0.063
Comparisons 1 versus 2, 1 versus 4 and 2 versus 3 were significant at the 0.05 level or better for all methods while 3 versus 4 was significant for Sidak and Bonferroni but not Scheffe.
Many researchers prefer pairwise comparisons based upon the Studentized Range distribution. The ATS Stat Group has developed three programs for the Tukey HSD, the Tukey-Kramer and the Fisher-Hayter methods. To obtain these programs use the search command (search tukeyhsd, search tkcomp or search fhcomp). Please note that these programs need the qsturng and sturng by John R. Gleason which can be found in STB-47/sg101.
The three methods will yield the same test statistic when the cell sizes are equal but will differ when cell sizes are unequal. Computationally, the Tukey-Kramer and the Fisher-Hayter are the same but they use different critical values of the Studentized Range distribution. The Tukey-Kramer or the Fisher-Hayter are usually preferred when the cell sizes are unequal.
Tukey-Kramer uses degrees of freedom of k and dferror where k is the number of levels and dferror is the degrees of freedom associated with the MSerror in the anova, to obtain the critical value of the Studentized Range statistic. Fisher-Hayter, on the other hand, uses degrees of freedom k-1 and dferror.
anova write group Number of obs = 200 R-squared = 0.1071 Root MSE = 9.02511 Adj R-squared = 0.0934 Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F -----------+---------------------------------------------------- Model | 1914.15805 3 638.052682 7.83 0.0001 | group | 1914.15805 3 638.052682 7.83 0.0001 | Residual | 15964.717 196 81.4526375 -----------+---------------------------------------------------- Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 tukeyhsd group Tukey HSD pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 196) = 3.6647117 uses harmonic mean sample size = 21.111 mean grp vs grp group means dif HSB-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 5.8759* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.8867 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 3.8676* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 4.9892* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 2.0083 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 2.9809 tkcomp group Tukey-Krammer pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 196) = 3.6647117 mean grp vs grp group means dif TK-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 4.9671* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.9014 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 5.4018* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 4.0909* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 1.9766 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 3.8464* fhcomp group Fisher-Hayter pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 3, 196) = 3.3399493 mean grp vs grp group means dif FH-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 4.9671* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.9014 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 5.4018* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 4.0909* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 1.9766 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 3.8464*
Groups 1 versus 2, 1 versus 4 and 2 versus 3 were significant using Tukey’s HSD while both Tukey-Kramer and Fisher-Hayter also find 3 versus 4 significant at the 0.05 level.
The three ATS Stat programs will also work with factorial designs as shown below.
anova write female group group*female Number of obs = 200 R-squared = 0.1706 Root MSE = 8.78819 Adj R-squared = 0.1404 Source | Partial SS df MS F Prob > F -------------+---------------------------------------------------- Model | 3050.29061 7 435.755802 5.64 0.0000 | female | 249.988577 1 249.988577 3.24 0.0736 group | 1674.93766 3 558.312554 7.23 0.0001 group*female | 51.0895327 3 17.0298442 0.22 0.8821 | Residual | 14828.5844 192 77.2322104 -------------+---------------------------------------------------- Total | 17878.875 199 89.843593 tukeyhsd group Tukey HSD pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 192) = 3.665369 uses harmonic mean sample size = 21.111 mean grp vs grp group means dif HSB-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 6.0343* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.9106 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 3.9718* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 5.1237* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 2.0625 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 3.0612 tkcomp group Tukey-Krammer pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 4, 192) = 3.665369 mean grp vs grp group means dif TK-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 5.1010* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.9257 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 5.5475* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 4.2012* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 2.0298 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 3.9501* fhcomp group Fisher-Hayter pairwise comparisons for variable group studentized range critical value(.05, 3, 192) = 3.3404824 mean grp vs grp group means dif FH-test ------------------------------------------------------- 1 vs 2 46.4583 58.0000 11.5417 5.1010* 1 vs 3 46.4583 48.2000 1.7417 0.9257 1 vs 4 46.4583 54.0552 7.5968 5.5475* 2 vs 3 58.0000 48.2000 9.8000 4.2012* 2 vs 4 58.0000 54.0552 3.9448 2.0298 3 vs 4 48.2000 54.0552 5.8552 3.9501*
Kirk, Roger E. (1998) Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences, Third Edition. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing. ISBN 0-534-25092-0