help histbox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title histbox -- Histogram with boxplot Syntax histbox varname [if] [in] [fweight] [, mean bin(#) start(#) width(#) xtitle(title_string) * ] options description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main mean add a plus-sign for the mean in the boxplot bin(#) number of bins in histogram start(#) lower limit of first bin width(#) width of histogram bins xtitle() title for the x-axis * other histogram options {opt} Does not allow the by option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description histbox draws a boxplot below a histogram. Note: The wiskers of the boxplot extend to the min and max values without showing outliers which is unlike a "true" boxplot. Examples . histbox write . histbox write, mean start(30) width(5) . histbox write, xtitle(writing test score) Author Phil Ender Statistical Consulting Group UCLA Academic Technology Services