------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for stk_readodf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read a series of output data files (odf) created by the Simulation Tool Kit
See Simulation Tool Kit for more information about the Simulation Tool Kit.
This program reads Output Data Files created by running an Estimation Program on a series of Simulated Data Files. After running this command, the file in memory contains the variables across all simulation codes for the Output Data File specified.
stk_readodf , estprog( ) fname( ) ext( )
estprog() This is the Estimation Program used from Stage 2. fname() This is the name of the Output Data File used in Stage 2. ext() This is the extension of the output data file from Stage 2.
. stk_readodf , estcmd(sas_procreg) fname(ods1) ext(xpt)
This assumes in Stage 2 the estimation program "sas_procreg" was executed, creating a series of files named "ods1.xpt". This reads the files across all of the simulation codes.
Author ------
Michael N. Mitchell Statistical Consulting Group UCLA Academic Technology Services mnmatucla.edu