------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for showmarkers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Show graph markers varying marker options
showmarkers, over(overoption) [marker_options sheme(scheme)]
The over() option is required and is one of msymbol, msize, mcolor, mfcolor, mlcolor, mlwidth, mlpattern. This shows the symbols varying the option that you have selected. In addition, you can specify any of the following marker options (listed below) or the scheme via the scheme() option.
The marker_options are
marker_options description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- msymbol(symbolstyle) shape of marker mcolor(colorstyle) color of marker, inside and out msize(markersizestyle) size of marker
mfcolor(colorstyle) inside or "fill" color
mlpattern(linepatternstyle) whether line is solid, dashed, ... mlwidth(linewidthstyle) thickness of line mlcolor(colorstyle) color of line ----------------------------------------------------------------------
showmarkers allows you to create a graph varying attributes of the markers, for example choosing over(msymbol) would show you the different possible symbols, or over(mcolor) would show the different possible colors. Each symbol is shown with a label next to it showing the value which produced that symbol.
. showmarkers , over(msymbol) . showmarkers , over(msize) . showmarkers , over(mcolor) . showmarkers , over(mfcolor) . showmarkers , over(mlcolor) mfcolor(gray) msize(large) mlwidth(medthick) . showmarkers , over(mlwidth) mfcolor(gray) msize(large) mlcolor(navy) . showmarkers , over(mlpattern) . showmarkers , over(msymbol) scheme(s1mono) . showmarkers , over(msymbol) msize(large) scheme(s1mono)
If you have comments or suggestions, please email Michael Mitchell at mnm@ucla.edu .
Statistical Consulting Group Institute for Digital Research and Education, UCLA idrestat@ucla.edu