-------------------- help for simpower --------------------ANOVA Power Simulation ----------------------
Usage #1
In this usage, you supply the number of groups, the sample sizes of the groups, the means and the standard deviations.
. simpower , groups(#) n(# #..) mu(# #..) s(# #..) [ reps(#) seed(#) ]
Examples --------
The following example performs 1000 ANOVA simulations with 2 groups, both groups having an N=10 and sd=3. . simpower, groups(2) n(10 10) mu(10 15) s(3 3)
This example performs 1000 simulations with 3 groups having Ns of 10 10 and 20 and standard deviations of 3 6 and 3. . simpower, groups(3) n(10 10 20) mu(10 15 12) s(3 6 3)
Usage #2
. simpower depvar indvar [, reps(#) ]
With this usage, simanova computes a one way anova of depvar by indvar. It uses the sample sizes, means and standard deviations to peform the power simulation.
Examples --------
. use https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/notes/hsb2 . simanova science prog . simanova science prog, reps(5000)
Acknowledgement --------------- Adapted from simanova by Michael N. Mitchell
Author ------ Philip B. Ender UCLA Department of Education UCLA Academic Technology Services enderatucla.edu