If you have a machine without internet access, here is how you
can install the IDRE Stata Programs. This version of the programs were last
updated in April, 2014. If you have a fresher version, email to request a
fresher version of these files.
This requires a fully up-to-date Stata version 8 to work properly; these ado-files will work with all later versions of Stata.
- Download the file https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/atsado2014.zip
- Save this file on a CD or other device
- Copy the file to the computer without internet access. Say you place the file on c:\idreado .
- Unzip https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/atsado2014.zip to a directory. The path of this directory must not contain any spaces. We recommend that you unzip it into c:\idreado .
- Start Stata
- Within Stata, type cd c:\idreado changing c:\idreado to the directory you chose.
- Within Stata, type do copyidrelocal This should install all of the IDRE Stata programs.