----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for dice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dice rolling simulation ----------------------- dice, [ NDice(integer) NRolls(integer) NSides(integer) ] options ------- NDice() number of dice rolled (default=2) NRolls() number of rolls of the dice (default=10) NSides() number of sides on each die (default=6) Note dice clears the data currently in memory. Description ----------- dice simulates the rolling of dice. You can vary the number of rolls, the number of dice (default=2), and the number of sides on the dice (default=6). Examples -------- . dice, nrolls(300) . dice, nr(300) ndice(3) . dice, nr(300) nd(3) nsides(10) . dice, nr(300) nd(3) ns(10) Author ------ Statistical Consulting Group Institute for Digital Research and Education, UCLA idrestat@ucla.edu