Confidence interval simulation, enhanced ----------------------------------------cidemo2 samplesize , [ level( ) samples( ) cap ]
Description -----------
cidemo2 draws 100 random samples of size samplesize from a normal distribution.
By default 100 samples are drawn and a 95% confidence interval is computed for each of the 100 means. The results are displayed in an error bar graph.
Options --------
level( ) - the confidence level, default = 95% samples( ) - the number of samples to display, default = 100 cap - if cap is specified, put caps at top and bottom of interval This looks poor with 100 samples, but looks good with 50 samples.
You can create an animation showing how the confidence level impacts the size of the confidence interval by including more than one confidence levels in the level( ) option. For example, level(80 81 to 99) shows 20 consecutive graphs with confidence of 80%, 81%, 82% to 99%.
Examples --------
. cidemo2 25 . cidemo2 25, level(90) . cidemo2 25, samples(50) . cidemo2 25, samples(50) cap . cidemo2 25, level(99 98 to 90)
Author ------
Statistical Consulting Group Institute for Digital Research and Education, UCLA