Contour Plot of a matrix of values ----------------------------------contour varlist , saving(string) ltitle(string) btitle(string) title(string) box(#,#,#,#) contour(#,...,#) pen(#,...,#) text ticks(#) legend
Description -----------
A contour is drawn around a matrix of values. In order to achieve the matrix of values variables are coded x1, x2, x3, x4. At present this command will not work with any other variables and will attempt to plot the values in order. So if x3 is missing then errors will occur.
The default contours are 25,50 and 75 percentiles of the whole data block. Otherwise they can be specified by the contour() option.
Options -------
saving(filename) this will save the resulting graph in filename.gph. If the file already exists it is DELETED and the new graph will be saved.
contour() specifies which contours to be drawn. Each number represents the contour line. All numbers must be separated by a comma.
pen() used in conjunction with contour it specifies the colour the lines are drawn. Thus the first number gives the colour of the contour line at the first number of contour. On its own it does nothing.
b|l title are titles for x y and top portions of graph. The default is the variable name in brackets followed by follow up or timein depending on the axes.
box is the bounding box parameters.
ticks has a number and x and y axes are labelled every # columns and rows. The default is every 5 units. As ticks becomes smaller the text will overlap and look unsightly. Two ticks are drawn per row/column indicating where each row/column starts and finishes.
text gives the option that the variable numbers are plotted in the graph. For extremely large datasets text will overlap and be unreadable but for smaller graphs the picture will be more clear.
legend is a very rudamentary option that displays the values of the contours drawn. It is useful in so much that it gives an indication of which contours maybe more appropriate. The legend values are written in the bottom right corner in the corresponding colour of the contour.
Examples --------
contour x*, legend
Also see --------
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