------------------ help for emeans ------------------Arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and quadratic means ---------------------------------------------------
emeans [varlist] [if exp] [in range] [, add(#) only level(#) ]
aweights and fweights are allowed; see help weights@.
Description -----------
emeans extends the means command to include the quadratic mean.
emeans reports the arithmetic, geometric, harmonic and quadratic means, along with their respective confidence intervals, for each variable in varlist or for all the variables in the data if varlist is not specified. If you simply want arithmetic means and corresponding confidence intervals, see help ci@.
Options -------
add(#) adds the value # to each variable in varlist before computing the means and confidence intervals. This is useful when analyzing variables with nonpositive values.
only modifies the action of the add() option. If specified, the add() option only adds # to variables with at least one nonpositive value.
level(#) specifies the confidence level, in percent, for confidence intervals; see help level@.
Example -------
. emeans . emeans age income
Also see --------
Manual: [R] means On-line: help for ci@, summarize