----------------- help for hilo -----------------Display Highest and Lowest Values ---------------------------------
hilo var1 [ varlist if, Show(#) High Low Missing]
Description -----------
hilo displays the highest and lowest values of variable var1 along with selected other variables. You can include if as part of the command and the highest and lowest observations that meet the if criteria are shown.
Options -------
You can use the show(#) to select how many observations are shown, the default is 10.
You can use the High option to show just the highest values. You can use the Low option to show just the lowest values. You can use the Missing option to include missing values in the display. Otherwise, missing values are excluded by default.
Examples --------
. hilo resid id hat . hilo resid id hat, show(20) . hilo resid id hat, h
Author ------
Michael N. Mitchell Statistical Computing and Consulting UCLA, Academic Technology Services mnmatucla.edu
This program was based on the largest and smallest programs written by Phil Ender.