help regeffectsize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title regeffectsize -- Compute effect size for each variable in a regression model. Syntax regeffectsize [, help ] options description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help Display help for eta^2 and partial eta^2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description regeffectsize computes effect size for each variable in model after regress command. Output includes eta2 and partial eta2. Remarks Eta squared can be interpreted as proportion of the total variance that is attributed to an effect. Partial eta squared can be interpreted as the proportion of effect + error variance that is attributable to the effect. The formulas for partial eta and eta squared differ in that the denominator includes the SSeffect plus the SSerror rather than the SStotal. Examples . use, clear . xi: regress write female read i.prog . regeffectsize . regeffectsize, help Author Philip B. Ender UCLA Statistical Consulting Group