help smecriticalvalue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title smecriticalvalue -- Computes critical values for tests of simple main effects and related tests. Syntax smecriticalvalue, number(#) df1(#) df2(#) dfmodel(#) [alpha(#)] options description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required number(#) Number of test performed df1(#) Numerator df for each test df2(#) Denominator df for each test dfmodel(#) Total df for full model Optional alpha(#) Alpha level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description smecriticalvalue computes critical values for tests of simple main effects and related tests. Examples Consider a 3x4 factorial design with 5 obs per cell; the total df for the 3x4 model is 11; you run 4 tests of simple main effects, each with 2 and 48 df. . smecriticalvalue, num(4) df1(2) df2(48) dfm(11) Reference (1995) Kirk, R.E. Experimental design: Procedures for the behavioral sciences (3rd ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Author Philip B. Ender UCLA Statistical Consulting Group